Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 841 [Abusive] There is a kind of love called blood flowing into a river 1

Chapter 841 [Abusive] There is a kind of love called blood flowing into a river 54
How did she answer back then?

She said that she wanted a son, but Yan Yifeng got angry.

Then she changed her words and said she wanted him, and he smiled.

Unexpectedly, this multiple-choice question really came to her.

She looked at the old man, while Yan Yifeng looked at her, she bit her lips tightly and did not speak.

The old man smiled, "Can't make a decision?"

"It doesn't matter if you can't make a decision, I can make up your mind for you! Leave Afeng, I told you from the beginning that your encounter with Afeng was a mistake, I let you keep his seed, this is already The greatest kindness to you, leaving him, the whole world will be better!"

A cold and dark look shot out, and a growling voice sounded in the hall, "Old man, if you just want to win the face of the second uncle, then I can give you the two points, and I will give you the two points for the second uncle. You won, I, Yan Yifeng, are indeed inferior to you, and I, Yan Yifeng, are indeed tender! I am willing to bow to you, where is my son? You send him to Yan’s house, and in the future, I will no longer disobey you, I will listen to you!! You say One I am not two, I will fight for your face! I will let you put on the fullest face in front of all relatives, okay?"

Yan Yifeng understood the old man's character.He couldn't tolerate others disobeying him, so confronting him at this time would only make him suffer more, so, for his son, for Jie Yiyi, he endured it!
But there was a chuckle from the old man, "Ah Feng, do you think it will work?"

This was perhaps the funniest and most disdainful joke he had ever heard.

He has never seen someone begging for help with such an attitude and tone!
Yan Yifeng stared at him, his eyes almost burst into flames, "So, should I call the police now?"

"You want our father and father to go to court, don't you? Do you want to see the headlines in the world tomorrow, saying, The mysterious family of Europe's wealth is invincibly rich. The top decision-maker of the CE consortium will strictly accept his son's lawsuit? The reason for the father-son lawsuit is that the dirty father hijacked his grandson as a kidnapper?"

"You still think that you are not famous enough, and you want to imitate yourself in this way on Weibo, don't you? Old man? Let me tell you, my patience is limited. I can let you kidnap like this illegally." I will stay in prison for the rest of my life and cannot come out!"

What Yan Yifeng said here is serious, but...

On the strict side, he laughed loudly, "Grandson? Afeng, why are you so naive as a child?"

"This child, no matter who he is, as long as I don't recognize his blood, he is not my grandson! You want to talk to me about the law? The European legal group is all my people. Do you think you have a lot of money to get along with me? I fight?"

"Old man, don't think too highly of yourself! If you let your own son join forces with outside families to deal with you, then your 61 years of life will be wasted!"

The old man said nothing.

Yan Yixi stood up from the ground and looked at his father disappointedly, "I don't understand, why do you treat elder brother and miss Jie like this, don't all parents in the world want their children to be happy and happy? Why do you have to stop Are they happy, are they happy?"

"Is it because you hate elder brother's mother for leaving you because of my mother's intervention, so you want to transfer that hatred to elder brother?"

"If that's the case, then father, you make me look down on you!"

If he had depended on each other for life and death like elder brother and miss Jie, would grandpa break them up?Maybe not.

PS: Dear readers, I am Rong Luoxiao, the author of "The Contract of Seizing the Heart: The President Will Come Alright", because I have something to go home, so I will ask for leave from tomorrow. The leave period may be about a week. Readers looking forward to updates Ladies and gentlemen, put this book aside temporarily, and I will continue to update it when I come back. Sorry for any inconvenience!Finally, thank you all for your continued attention and support.

(End of this chapter)

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