Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 877 [3 Years Later] The Boss Comes Alright 30

Chapter 877 [Three Years Later] The Boss Comes Alright 30
Even if it's really a grudge, you can only sigh silently in your heart, who made her unlucky?

The waiter who got up from Jie Yiyi, blushed, glanced at the cold gaze of the regional manager, and shivered, "Miss, why don't you come with me, I'll get you some clothes and put them on first." Come on, take off this dress, I will dry clean it for you as quickly as possible, and then..."

If possible, she would like to, but it's too troublesome.

With an embarrassed smile, "Forget it."

Wang Kaijun, the other party, saw that Jie Yiyi was dressed in such a beautiful dress, and he felt a little bit of sympathy. He gave the waiter at the side a hard look, "Are you new here? Why are you so clumsy?"

"I..." She's not new here.

Jie Yiyi took a deep breath, slowly suppressed her anger, and handed the pen to Wang Kaijun, "A small mistake, it's okay, Mr. Wang, sign the document first."

Wang Kaijun took the pen and wanted to sign, but seeing Jie Yiyi's embarrassed appearance, he hesitated again, "Don't worry, Miss Jie, go to the bathroom to clean up your clothes first. This suit is very suitable for you. It would be a big loss to be stained by red wine."

In fact, Jie Yiyi was thinking in her heart, Aima, you should hurry up and sign the contract. Let me go home and change clothes after the sign is completed. It's been a long time, and I haven't worn it a few times.

After struggling for a few seconds, she said, please wait for me, Mr. Wang, and then left the seat. Under the guidance of the waiter, she learned the exact location of the bathroom.

Walking in the long corridor, Jie Yiyi will always recall inexplicably, three... no, it was the night when Yu Shaofan got engaged, at that time, she was pulled into the room by Yu Shaofan, and Yan Yifeng went crazy looking for her. He found her, she said she was lost, he called her stupid, stupid, and later put on her shoes himself.

Yes, when turning the corner, she couldn't help but look back to see if that person existed.

If you don't, you'll be disappointed.

She shook her head, not knowing why she suddenly thought of this at this moment.

It is said that memory is a double-edged knife, which brings sadness while bringing smiles to people. She feels that is absolutely true.

At this moment, her heart was indeed aching.


She had been wandering, when a pleasant fragrance suddenly came to her nose, and then, there was pain in her head, she raised her head, but there was nothing in front of her eyes, she frowned, could it be that she was hallucinating?No, the person who bumped into her had already left, and when Jie Yiyi realized it, the man in formal suit had disappeared around the corner.

His breath remained, for some unknown reason, when Jie Yiyi smelled this breath, Jie Yiyi felt a blockage in her chest, it seemed familiar, but it was strange, but she didn't hate this breath, and even liked it a little bit, so much Some greedy want to keep that wonderful feeling in my heart.

A gust of cold wind blew and interrupted her thoughts. She looked at the person who had long since disappeared, and couldn't help flashing a person in her mind?It's him?
Impossible, as soon as he had an idea, Jie Yiyi shook his head fiercely. If it was really him, how could he let her go so easily when he bumped into her?But who would that person be?Why didn't you apologize for hitting someone?Jie Yiyi suddenly regretted why she wandered around...

(End of this chapter)

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