Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 879 [3 Years Later] The Boss Comes Alright 32

Chapter 879 [Three Years Later] The Boss Comes Alright 32
Damn, does this count as talking?Before she went to the bathroom, didn't she say that she admired this design style, and if nothing happened, he had already signed, and she was ready to collect the money, but in just ten minutes, he changed his face?Saying that there is a problem with the draft she designed and needs to be revised again, isn't this an obvious lie?
Could it be because of the phone call just now?
Even so, Jie Yiyi held back her anger, and said in a good voice, "Didn't Mr. Wang just say that he likes this design style very much? Besides, you have read it many times just now and said that there is no problem with the manuscript. Fuck, isn’t this blatantly fooling me? And this manuscript has been designed for a long time, and it has been revised back and forth for several weeks..."

   Jie Yiyi originally thought that if he said this, Wang Kaijun would wave his hands and say, since it's troublesome, forget it and not change it, but he didn't expect that people didn't take the whole manuscript seriously at all, and he handed it back to Jie Yiyi, "Miss Jie, as long as we haven't signed the draft, and both parties haven't signed, I have the right to propose a revision of the draft. As a designer, don't you even understand this?"

Just now I thought, this Wang Kaijun is very good, at least he doesn’t have the airs of a big boss, but after going to the bathroom, his world view has been completely subverted, well, you are God, I will bear it!
Holding back her anger again, Jie Yiyi smiled and asked, "Then Mr. Wang, tell me, how do you need to modify it?"

Wang Kaijun glanced around, as if he had received some instructions, then tidied up his briefcase, got up and said, "I haven't figured it out yet, I'll call you when I think it over, first, 88"

After finishing speaking, before Jie Yiyi could say the next sentence, the person had already left.


Jie Yiyi watched Wang Kaijun's fat back leave, wishing to pour the juice over, and then say sorry, my hands are slippery!
What is it called? I haven't figured it out yet. I'll call you when I figure it out.This is not deliberately making things difficult, what is it?
To be honest, Jie Yiyi suddenly regretted that she didn't bring Chenchen. If Chenchen came, at least she could refute him a few more times. Children are ignorant, and they can't care about what they say, but she is different... If she argues with him head-on, then don't even think about 2W5, and Chenchen's seven-day trip to Hawaii will be ruined.

Besides, what he said is correct, before the draft is signed, the client has the right to propose amendments, and the amendments must be made until the client is satisfied.

After silently greeting the eighteenth ancestor of Wang Kaijun, Jie Yiyi took a sip of the drink, suppressed the flames, then packed up the discarded manuscripts and went to the front desk to pay.

The checkout lady at the front desk told her that because the waitress had spilled wine on her clothes and caused trouble for her meal, in order to express her apology, the meal would not be charged.

Jie Yiyi was dumbfounded when she heard this, there is such a good thing in this world, if a little red wine is splashed, this meal is free?If I had known it earlier, she would have ordered more expensive food and packed it back for Xiao Chenchen to eat.

However, a bit of bitterness flashed in Jie Yiyi's heart, she wondered if it was a comfort to her, if it wasn't because the waitress spilled red wine on her and she went to the bathroom, Wang Kaijun wouldn't change her mind, she wouldn't have to be revised again torment.

   After entering the elevator, Jieyi leaned against the elevator wall and pressed a floor to get down. The door was about to close, but at this moment, the door... suddenly opened. However, a tall man stepped into the room. After getting out of the elevator, Jie Yiyi raised her eyes, and he happened to raise her eyes too. When the eyes of the two collided, Jie Yiyi felt her breathing stopped. She thought it was her hallucination, and pinched the flesh with her nails on the arm straddling the bag. Remind herself with pain, but reality tells her that this is not a dream or fantasy, it is real, she was in the elevator and bumped into... Yan Yifeng.

(End of this chapter)

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