Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 911 [Love's Bullying] I will be obedient

Chapter 911 [Love's Bullying] I will be obedient
Jie Yiyi wept silently.

Due to Jie Yiyi's insomnia last night, she slept until eight o'clock this morning, and Chen Chen was woken up by urinating, so she woke her up by the way.

In the past, the little guy was very dependent on her. If she didn't get up, he would never be able to afford it. However, remembering that his mother worked so late last night, after waking Jie Yiyi up, he quickly washed and dressed, and then poured Jie Yiyi milk, ready for breakfast.

After everything was ready, Jie Yiyi dawdled and got dressed and got out of bed, rubbed the panda's eyes, and asked, "Chenchen, what time is it?"

Chenchen handed the washing tools to Jie Yiyi, "08:30."

A frightened expression flashed in Jie Yiyi's mind, "Uh, it's past eight o'clock?"

Chenchen nodded.

Jie Yiyi shook off the washing tools, picked up Chen Chen and immediately walked out the door, Chen Chen wondered, "Mummy, what are you doing?"

"I'm sorry Chenchen, Mommy overslept today, don't be nervous, I will explain the reason to the teacher when I get to school later."

With that said, he hugged Chenchen into the car and prepared to start it.

Chenchen sighed helplessly, Mommy's IQ has dropped again recently?
After removing the seat belt that Jie Yiyi had just tied for him, Chenchen said, "Oh Mommy, it's summer vacation, and I don't have to go to class anymore from today..."

As soon as Chenchen came home yesterday, he wanted to mention this to his mother.But Mommy was so busy that her chest was pressed against her back, and she didn't have time to say a word to him. She said that she had met with a client, so he had to postpone the good news until tomorrow, which is today.

Summer vacation?

"When was it released?"

"Yesterday, look at how excited you are."

Chenchen opened the car door and climbed down, and then opened the car door for Jie Yiyi, a trace of excitement flashed across his face, "So Mommy, from today onwards, you won't be lonely anymore, Chenchen will accompany you to work..."


Yes, the summer vacation is here, Chenchen doesn't have to go to school, she can't let him stay at home alone, can she?
So I can only take him to the studio, but, the recent list is so troublesome, always running up and down, is she going to take Chenchen around?What if you run into a demon?
I couldn't help but sigh in my heart.

Chenchen saw Jie Yiyi's thoughts, "Mummy doesn't seem very happy to be with you."

A little disappointment flashed in the little guy's voice, and Jie Yiyi patted his head, "No, Mommy is just thinking, Chenchen is not as good as being in kindergarten with Mommy, so don't be too naughty."

Chenchen stuck out her tongue, "At school, I have always been a role model for my friends. Don't worry, Mommy, I will be obedient."

Uh... Well, when he said this, Chenchen admitted that he was disgusted.

After returning to the house, Jie Yiyi began to wash.

Chenchen has been closely following her, swaying in front of her.

Shaking until Jie Yiyi became dizzy, she couldn't help asking, "Chenchen, what's the matter with you?"

Chenchen scratched his head and smiled silly, "Mummy is really wise, I do have something to ask you."

"Go ahead."

"Um... last night, who did you go out to meet with? Chenchen is really worried about you if you don't come back so late. Chenchen originally wanted to wait for Mommy to come back to sleep together, but Chenchen was too sleepy to keep going. Just go to bed by yourself."

Jie Yiyi knew that Chenchen, that sensitive child, would ask her these things.

Therefore, she had already thought of a reason last night, "A customer, an ugly customer, always makes disgusting noises when eating, so Mommy can't stand it, so I asked you to cooperate with Mommy to play that scene." What's more, last night he played a big game and was beaten into a pig's head by the waiter of the restaurant. Mommy sent him to the hospital. On the way back, the car had a flat tire and he couldn't contact anyone, so he was delayed returning home. "

(End of this chapter)

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