Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 920 [Love's Bullying] The Devil's Domineering Leakage

Chapter 920 [Love's Bullying] The Devil's Domineering Leakage

The voice is sweet, with a bit of coquettishness, her movements and eyes are very similar to the way she used to do things to please Yan Yifeng.

Seeing such a scene, someone's face was completely black, and the stomach that had just stopped the pain with medicine began to convulse again.

Damn woman! !

And Jie Boliang knew that there was someone behind him with a gun pointed at his head, if he dared to open his mouth, he would definitely be shot~!

He wants to surrender, but this scene at this moment is probably a good time that he will never meet in his whole life, even though, he knows, he is just using it to make Yan Yifeng angry, but to be honest, after taking this bite, he is really dead And no regrets.

Well, this is not the point, the point is that Xiao Chenchen next to him is holding his secret and preparing to attack his jj at the moment, he warns him that if he dares not cooperate, he will have no children and grandchildren immediately...


In order to save the next generation, he decided to eat it. Yan Yifeng always thought that Jie Boliang would not dare to eat what her woman fed her, but he didn't expect that boy to go against the sky. He not only ate it with his mouth open, but also used the spoon he had eaten soup , spooned the soup, and fed Jie Yiyi back.

The two loved each other so much that they envied the eyes of others.

The stomach is not pumping, it is bleeding.

Yan Yifeng resisted the urge to punch Jie Bailiang's face with his fist, and put his hand into Jie Yiyi's throat to make her spit it out.

He was tenacious and calmly passed by Jie Yiyi.

But no one knew that he regretted 1 times that he didn't do this just now.

Chenchen has been observing the devil's face, and feels that the heat seems to be not enough, he secretly laughed, and then clapped his little hands vigorously, applauding, "Oh yeah, since you are already together, then Papa, Mommy , give me a kiss, I will believe that you are really married!"

Jie Bailiang and Jie Yiyi both looked at Chen Chen whose smile was as bright as a lily.

In the bottom of her heart, Jie Yiyi raised Chen Chen's buttocks and slapped Chen Chen thousands of times, Jie Si Chen, are you enough?This scene, your mommy can't go on anymore, okay?

And what is Jie Bailiang's mentality?
He wants to try, what is the effect of this kiss?
Is Yan Shao still as calm as ever, or turned around, overturned the table, punched him to death, and then sued him to court, saying that he kissed his ex-girlfriend in front of him?
Yan Shao, did you hurt your foot, or something?Then you can walk out of the gate in three steps, why did you take ten steps?It hurts to realize~
This devil, the mental capacity is really strong enough.

Still haven't turned around yet.

Well, since this is the case, then I can only use Chenchen's trump card.

Before the demon walked out of the gate, Chenchen stood on the sofa and waved to the waiter, "Hey, what, come quickly and take a family portrait for us~."

"Okay, please wait a moment." The waiter's response came from over there.


The family portrait successfully angered Yan Yifeng.

He stopped.

He glanced back at the waiter who came over with the camera.

Glancing again, the three people who had already posed for a photoshoot.

Yan Yifeng's mood at the moment can only be described in one mood.


"Pa—" There was a loud noise in the restaurant.

When the waiter came to his senses, the camera had been smashed to pieces, and Jie Yiyi, who was being hugged and kissed by Chenchen, had already been carried out of the restaurant by Yan Yifeng.

Everyone in the restaurant is petrified~
Including Chenchen.

This was a little different from what he expected.

this devil...

Is there any leakage of domineering side?
It's so cool, it's worthy of being a father and son, and it really has his Jie Sichen demeanor.

(End of this chapter)

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