Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 933 [Love's bullying] This is called automatic chapter recovery

Chapter 933 [Love's bullying] This is called automatic reply

"To shut up!"

"I won't close it."

"Believe it or not, I threw you out?"

"Do not believe!"

Yan Yifeng braked the car violently, reaching out his hand to pick up Chenchen.

Chenchen hugged Jie Yiyi's neck tightly, and said pitifully, "Mommy, save me!"

Yan Yifeng glared at Chenchen, "It's no use begging your mommy."

Jie Yiyi patted Chenchen's little head, then glared at Yan Yifeng, "Childish ghost."

Since he was a child, it was the first time that Yan Yifeng was called a childish ghost, and he naturally would not agree, "He is the childish person!" He pointed at Chenchen.

Chenchen kissed Jie Yiyi's face, and admitted generously, "Yes, what's wrong with me being naive? 'Naive' should belong to children, but you are an adult, and you are no better than me as a child. More childish?"

Jie Yiyi nodded in agreement, "That's right."

Damn it, the mother and son teamed up to deal with him?
Yan Shao could be angry, "I'll teach my son a lesson..." Before he could say a word, he swallowed it back, stared ahead, and continued driving.

Chenchen looked out the window, and happened to see a Disneyland opposite, his eyes lit up, and he exclaimed excitedly, "Mommy, it's Disneyland."

Seeing Chenchen's expression of Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, a look of disgust flashed across his face.

Ignore it and keep driving.

Chenchen turned his head, looking at Jie Yiyi with begging eyes, "Mummy, Chenchen wants to go."

If it was the past, Jie Yiyi would definitely refuse, no, Mommy wants to give you money to go to Hawaii for vacation.

But this time is different, this time in front of Yan Yifeng.

Jie Yiyi didn't even think about it, she nodded and agreed, "Okay, Mommy will take you there."

Chenchen jumped up excitedly, "Oh yeah, long live Mommy, stop the car, we're going to the amusement park~"

Yan Yifeng originally wanted to take them to the beach, but the route was suddenly changed halfway, so he naturally disagreed, "What fun is there in an amusement park, childish.!"

Mommy wanted to take her to the amusement park, Chenchen was very happy, so he stopped bickering with him, "So you park the car for me, I'll go with Mommy, but you won't go with you, you have no right to comment"

Yan Yifeng's face suddenly darkened.

Jie Yiyi glanced at Yan Yifeng, and said lightly, "Stop the car."

"Jie Yiyi, where did all the traffic knowledge you learned go? Are people allowed to park on the main road? Hmm?"

Jie Yiyi smiled, "You ran a red light on the main road and almost got into a car accident. The traffic police covered you up and shirked responsibility for you, demanding compensation for you, and you almost knelt down for you. You have such a strong background, and you are afraid of violating traffic rules. Is it?"

Yan Yifeng continued to drive forward, but the route was following what Chenchen said, and the expression on his face couldn't be more natural, "Don't make me sound so inhumane, I'm a good citizen."

"Pfft..." Jie Yiyi almost spit out her lunch, good citizen, if you, Yan Yifeng, were a good citizen, all the good people in this world would be dead, okay?

Seeing Mommy smiling, Chenchen turned around and let out a sigh, "Devil, I didn't expect you to be so humorous."

Humor you bastard.

"Thank you for your appreciation."

"Hmph, you're really thick-skinned."

"Thank you for your appreciation."

"Yeah, are you starting to repeat again?"

"Thank you for your appreciation."

"Demon, have you given up healing for a long time?"

"Thank you for your appreciation."

"Hey, hey, you keep saying the same thing, aren't you tired?"

Seeing Chenchen's speechless expression, Jie Yiyi chuckled, "This is called automatic reply."

(End of this chapter)

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