Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 937 [Love's Bullying] Shelter her from the wind and rain

Chapter 937 [Love's Bullying] Shelter her from the wind and rain

"Since it's a pervert, why did you hold on to the pervert's hand just now? Huh?" Yan Yifeng asked her with a handsome face and raised his eyebrows.

Jie Yiyi couldn't bear his appearance the most, she quickly lowered her head, untied her safety belt and left here.

Then Chenchen clamored to play bumper cars, pirate ships, and many other series of games.

Finally, the mother and son were too tired, and Chenchen asked Jie Yiyi to hug her. At that time, Jie Yiyi was too tired to have strength. Later, it was Yan Yifeng who walked around with Chenchen in his arms, and almost turned over everything in the amusement park.

Finally, when he came to the claw machine, Chenchen stuffed coins, but after holding it for half an hour, he didn't catch a single one.

Chenchen howled, saying that the machine was too bullying.

Yan Yifeng has always been mature and stable, staying with Chenchen today finally overturned Jie Yiyi's impression of him.

He even stuffed coins and grabbed the doll.

The father is always better than the son, Yan Yifeng hits every shot, and every time he inserts a coin, he can always pinch the doll out smoothly. After a while, Chenchen's hands are full.

He is so powerful, Chenchen was really jealous, when he was clamping the doll, he deliberately used his hands to line him up, but the doll who had just arrived at the entrance of the cave ran away.

With a dark face, Yan Yifeng turned his head to the side, and gave him a supercilious look, "Jieschen, being smart is an instinct, you can be jealous, but don't do stupid things, if you make trouble again, I will throw you in as a baby clip!"

"So, what you mean is that you just call me stupid, and I won't do it. I'm the smartest in school."

"You are the smartest?! Jie Sichen, are you kidding me again?"

"Hey, hey... what's funny, these are all facts, okay? If you don't believe me, you can ask my little friends."

The corner of Yan Yifeng's mouth twitched, "Then the people in your class are either idiots or mentally retarded."

Chenchen, who was drinking water, choked on a big mouthful, "It seems to be true."

When he said this, Jie Sichen realized something was wrong again, "Oh no, of course not."

Yan Yifeng snorted coldly, Chenchen's small mouth twisted, and his small hand clenched his fist and hit Yan Yifeng, "Do you dislike me?"


Chenchen raised his chin proudly, "Anyway, whether you dislike it or not, the blood is there, flowing back and forth."

"No matter how unintelligent you are, you were born!"

"If you insist on calling me stupid, it's just your own bad genes!"

Jie Yiyi, who had been standing behind them watching the quarrel between the father and son, coughed lightly, and interjected, "Chenchen is getting late, we should go back."

After leaving the gate of Disney, I realized that it was raining heavily.

When we came out in the afternoon, the weather was obviously good, and no one expected it to rain.

However, Yan Yifeng's car was parked in the parking lot opposite, and it took about 2 minutes to walk there...

"It's raining, what should I do Mummy?" Chenchen raised his head and asked.

Jie Yiyi held Chenchen's little hand tightly, "Wait a while, shall we go when the rain stops?"

"But Mommy, I'm so hungry."

"Wait a minute."

After finishing speaking, Jie Yiyi suddenly felt that there was a warm feeling behind her tightly wrapping herself, and she was about to look back, when a gentle voice came from her ear, "Let's go."

It was Yan Yifeng who took off his suit and put the suit on their heads, and his body was close to her back. It felt like being hugged tightly by someone. At that moment, Jie Yiyi looked a little dazed.

"It'll get you wet," she said.

(End of this chapter)

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