Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 945 [Love's Bullying] What do you like best?

Chapter 945 [Love's Bullying] What do you like best?
Finally, the car stopped at a bar, Yan Yifeng said coldly 'get off' and walked in alone.

And Jie Yiyi was stunned for a few seconds, looking at this unfamiliar place, feeling a little panicked in her heart, hesitated for a while, and quickly followed.

Is this the place Yan Yifeng mentioned?
Why did he ask her to accompany him to the bar?Could it be that you are in a bad mood?

However, whether he was in a good mood seemed to have nothing to do with her.

Yan Yifeng may often come to this bar, because almost everyone here knows him.

When they saw him, they all bowed respectfully as if they were seeing a king, leading him and entertaining him.

In this bar, the music was played very loudly, and there were people dancing wildly on the dance floor. In my impression, it was the first time for Jie Yiyi to come to this kind of place.

She followed Yan Yifeng carefully, thinking that Yan Yifeng, who was tired of the bustle, would choose a box, but he didn't, and chose the bar instead.

The dark blue light slanted over, illuminating his fair and handsome face, making it look extraordinarily alluring, the edges and corners became more distinct, and even the lips became sexy...

"What would you like to drink?" he asked.

Jie Yiyi is still immersed in his monstrous world.

However, his opening also made Jie Yiyi look away from him. Jie Yiyi looked around, and there were a few pairs of squinting eyes staring at her. She sat on the stool a little uncomfortably, and stared Glancing at him, "This is the place you asked me to accompany you?"

Yan Yi Fengjun leaned closer to her, "Are you disappointed that I didn't take you to the hotel?"

She wasn't alone at the bar, there was also the bartender. When he said this suddenly, everyone turned their eyes to this side, and Jie Yiyi immediately wanted to slap her.

But with so many people watching, if she slaps him, she will definitely die. Chenchen is still waiting for her at home, so she doesn't want to do stupid things.


"I do not drink."

"But I want to drink!"

"You don't have a stomach..." Jie Yiyi was about to say that his stomach hurts, but when she thought about being tricked last time, she swallowed it back, "You don't need to report to me if you want to drink."

Yan Yifeng asked the bartender to make two glasses, he kept one for himself, and handed another to Jie Yiyi, "So, your task tonight is to drink with me."

Jie Yiyi made an X with both hands and said NO.

"It doesn't matter if you don't drink, you don't want to go home tonight!" Yan Yifeng put down the order.

It turned out that this was why he asked her out for dinner.

She Jie Yiyi is a fool.

OK, do you want a drink?Then I will drink with you.

Picking up the wine glass, just about to drink, Yan Yifeng smiled, and stretched out a hand to stop it, "Don't be so nervous, I'm just joking with you!"

Jie Yiyi stopped drinking, she looked up at him, "So you're teasing me?"

Yan Yifeng took a sip of his wine, and then replied seriously, "Of course not, I asked you out today, but I actually want to ask you something."


Yan Yifeng wants to ask her something?
"what's up?"

"what do you like the most?"

Jie Yiyi was overwhelmed by Yan Yifeng's question.

He asked her, what do you like most?
What does this mean?
Why did he suddenly ask like this?

A strange emotion flashed in Jie Yiyi's heart.

"Why do you ask about this?"

Jie Yiyi looked at him and asked with a trembling heart.

She thought that they had been separated for three years, and he had forgotten all her preferences. However, now she wanted to use alcohol to review it again, but his answer was like a bucket of cold water. It splashed down on the top of her head and went straight to the tip of her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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