Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 947 [Love's Bullying] Kissing me is more cost-effective

Chapter 947 [Love's Bullying] Kissing me is more cost-effective
Yan Yifeng's words brought back the memories of the night when she played sincerely with him three years ago. At that time, she was tortured badly, okay?
Yan Yifeng's sharp question made her throw her wine glass, and because of this, she scratched him with a knife.

If she plays the truth with him again, she will be a fool.

She still wants to save some strength to go home.

But in the bottom of her heart, sad emotions surged in wave after wave, and finally formed a huge rock, pressing on her chest, making her breathless. She really wanted, really wanted to vent her anger, and then put herself The unhappiness that has accumulated over the past three years has been completely forgotten, cleared, and smashed.

Is it because of drinking alcohol that I have this idea?
I guess it has nothing to do with that...

After finishing the rest of the third glass of wine, Jie Yiyi tried her best to open her eyes wide, looked at the man opposite and nodded, "Okay, but I won't tell you the truth today, I want to play a big adventure with you. "

To be honest, is it too exciting?
Moreover, there were many things she couldn't ask, so she could only take a big risk to take revenge on him.

big Adventure?
Yan Yifeng frowned, and the bartender asked for two dice, they shook them at the same time, and the one with the lower score will be punished.

it has started!

Seeing Yan Yifeng's victorious look, Jie Yiyi suddenly felt a little uneasy, she was thinking, would he be playing tricks?

first round.

The answer is revealed.

Yan Yifeng 5 o'clock, Jie Yiyi 2 o'clock.

Jie Yiyi lost, she will be punished.

Yan Yifeng glanced at Jie Yiyi's whole body, then smiled unpredictablely, "Start!"

Jie Yiyi held her breath, afraid that Yan Yifeng would ask her to do too much, she said beforehand, "Yan Yifeng, I warn you, don't go too far."

"Of course, I never bully weak women, learn to meow~"

Jie Yiyi breathed a sigh of relief.

With a meow, she, Jie Yiyi, could still handle it.

If she is asked to take off her clothes or something, she really can't stand it.

Looking around, seeing that no one was paying attention, Jie Yiyi opened her mouth and let out a "meow".

Although the voice is not very similar, to Yan Yifeng, it is like a cat's paw, scratching his heart, so itchy...

After meowing, Jie Yiyi yelled, "Continue" and started shaking the dice again.

She couldn't wait to see Yan Yifeng being punished.

And Yan Yifeng still had a relaxed expression on his face, his eyes seemed to say, anyway, you are doomed.

second round.

The answer is revealed.

Jie Yiyi five o'clock.Yan Yifeng is six o'clock.

Jie Yiyi was so angry that his lungs exploded.

With such a high number, she still lost to him, and she was only a little short.

"you lose!"

Jie Yiyi clenched her fists, and stared at Yan Yifeng with eyes that regarded Yan Yifeng as an enemy.

"Make five funny faces."


Well, in order to see how embarrassing Yan Yifeng was punished, she went all out.

Made five faces to Yan Yifeng, "@[email protected] (>﹏<)(╯3╰) (┬_┬)●▽●”

However, these five grimaces did not detract from Jie Yiyi's refreshing image, on the contrary, they made Yan Yifeng feel extremely cute.

Then, the third round.

Jie Yiyi lost again.

Jie Yiyi was dissatisfied with all kinds of things, Yan Yifeng lifted his lips, and said shamelessly, "Kiss me!"

Can Jie Yiyi kill her and quit this matter?

But how could Yan Yifeng let her go?

"It's not impossible for you to admit defeat and accept punishment, but you have to guarantee that you can finish the ten glasses of wine in front of you in one breath."

"Yan Yifeng, you..."

"Drink ten glasses of wine, you must be drunk, it's better to kiss me!"

(End of this chapter)

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