Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 958 [Finally married] Sue you for intentional temptation

Chapter 958 [Finally married] Sue you for intentional temptation

It's cute, stupid cute.

Jie Yiyi glared at Yan Yifeng, then lowered her head and began to chew bit by bit.

After eating, Yan Yifeng filled another bowl and continued to feed Chenchen and Jie Yiyi.

Chenchen ate with relish, not at all like a sick baby.

After almost eating, Jie Yiyi realized that Yan Yifeng had been feeding her without caring about herself, so she asked with some concern, "Aren't you going to eat?"

Without giving Yan Yifeng a chance to speak, Chenchen took over, "He's not sick, what does he eat?"

Ever since father and son met, Yan Yifeng had the urge to strangle him nine times out of ten times.

Jie Yiyi nodded and agreed with Chenchen's statement, "That's right, if it wasn't for him letting her out tonight, and she wouldn't have sex with him, maybe it wouldn't be so serious, and Chenchen wouldn't eat indiscriminately, causing Food poisoning."

The ward fell silent. After eating the porridge and taking the medicine, it was already three o'clock in the morning.

Chenchen narrowed his eyes and yawned, "Mum, I'm so sleepy"

After tossing and tossing for so long, Jie Yiyi couldn't bear it any longer.

Holding Chenchen into her arms, "Sleep if you're sleepy, if you're uncomfortable, remember to tell Mommy."

Chen Chen put her little feet on Jie Yiyi's waist, "Well... Mommy doesn't sleep, so Chen Chen doesn't want to sleep. Chen Chen wants Mommy to tell Chenchen a story."

"What story to tell?"

"I want to listen to Aunt Qiong Yao's version."

"- -" I told him the book "The President's Precious Pure Wife" last time, and I was addicted to it.

"Written by Aunt Qiong Yao? Then tell me, let's return the pearl."

"Oh, Mommy, that old TV series is broadcast every summer vacation, and I'm almost bored to death watching it."

"But Auntie Qiong Yao wrote it, Mommy knows that one."

Chenchen played with Jie Yiyi's hair, "That's not a story, Mommy will sing me a song."

"- -" Tell her to do whatever she wants, but don't sing, the tone deafness will irritate the eardrums.

"Mommy can't sing."

"Oh, Mommy is singing." Chenchen acted like a baby.

Yan Yifeng was still taking a shower in the bathroom, so she didn't want to sing for him to hear.

"No singing, Mummy is sleepy and needs to sleep."

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo a song."

Chenchen turned around and ignored Jie Yiyi.

At this time, Yan Yifeng came out of the bathroom wrapped in a bath towel and bare-chested.

No matter if it's a man or a woman, as long as they just got out of the shower, they can be reduced to a sexy stunner, not to mention, Yan Shao is at the level of a monster...

This man has a good figure. It is impossible to say that if he does not become a model, he is simply too sorry for the audience of the world.

Chenchen was puzzled, logically speaking, since he turned away for so long, Mommy should come over to coax him, why hasn't there been any movement yet?
It's weird, I secretly glanced back, Aima, it's going to be a bunker...

It turns out that the devil used a beauty trick to attract Mommy's attention. This trick is ruthless and insane enough.

Seeing this scene, Chenchen threw himself on Jie Yiyi without even thinking about it, and covered her eyes with his plump little hands, "Mommy, don't look, be careful of needle eyes."

Needle eye?
Yan Shao has such a good figure, isn't everyone able to look at it casually, okay?

Come on Jie Sichen, I can only say that you are jealous of me.

Ignoring Chenchen's words, Yan Yifeng threw down the towel in his hand, walked towards the bed~, lifted the quilt and got on the bed.

Seeing him coming up, Chenchen was shocked, and his eyes widened, "Well, the bed is already small enough, why are you squeezing in? Also, if you don't put on your clothes, I can sue you for deliberately seducing!"

(End of this chapter)

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