Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 963 [End] You will know the truth

Chapter 963 [End] You will know the truth
The nurse was stunned, what happened to this family?
Forget it, let me mind my own business, take back the detector, and leave the ward with the patient's report book in hand.

"Humph..." Chenchen snorted coldly, who do you think you are?Dare to teach my mommy a lesson?Do you want to die?
Looking back, the devil's expression was really a little strange.

But Chenchen still firmly believed that he was pretending, and kicked his leg with his little foot, "Hey, devil, the people who helped you are gone, you still don't plan to return to your original form? Do you want me to give you an Oscar?" ah?"

"Well, why don't you become an actor, and I'll give you a club at that time... Hehe, give me your autograph, so I can put it on the Internet for auction or something..."

Saying that, Chenchen still didn't forget to poke his chest.

And Yan Yifeng still lowered his eyes expressionlessly, and remained motionless.

Chenchen frowned, this guy is too disgusting, he should be exposed, so stop acting, keep his face sullen like this, feeling aggrieved like the whole world is bullying him.

"Hey, devil, you should say something." Chenchen pushed him, but unexpectedly, with a slight push with his little hand, he fell down on the bed~.

Seeing him coming down, Chenchen panicked and yelled loudly, "Ah, Mom, the devil is acting in his true colors, he didn't pretend, he fell down, Mommy, call the doctor quickly."

Jie Yiyi, who was still counting how many pills she had to take, immediately turned around when she heard Chenchen's words, and when she looked back, her eyeballs and heart were about to shatter on the ground.

He fainted.



"Quick, help..."

She was so panicked that her voice became hoarse.

At this time, Bo An just came in and saw Yan Yifeng fainted, and immediately called the doctor, and Yan Yifeng was sent to the emergency room.

Jie Yiyi couldn't care that she didn't wear shoes, so she hugged Chen Chen and chased him out.

Seeing Yan Yifeng being pushed in, Jie Yiyi's heart stabbed fiercely.

So he...

I really have stomach problems.

Bo An told her that he has been like this for the past three years! !

At the beginning, I was not sure about the treatment. Every time I had a stomachache, I endured it. Sometimes I survived it, and sometimes I couldn’t survive it and fainted.

Bo An also told her that in the past few years, he has not lived as well as she imagined. He has lived a very hard life and is very lonely...

I hope she won't hurt him again!
Bo An's words made Jie Yiyi start to worry.

She didn't realize until now that in the parking lot that time, in fact, he didn't lie to him, it was a real stomachache, but...he kept pretending...making her mistakenly think that he was acting.

Why should he?

Bo An told her that Mr. Yan did this, but he didn't want him to know that he was in a mess.

Miss Jie, in the past three years, I know that I have had a hard time, but you still have young master Chenchen by your side, and Mr. Yan is alone.

Jie Yiyi asked, in the past three years, has there been no other woman by his side?
Bai An replied, no!
What about Xu Jiaojiao?
Bo An glanced at the emergency room, bowed his head and remained silent for a while, before replying, "One day, Miss Jie, you will know the truth."

When Bo An said this, Jie Yiyi felt that things were not as she imagined.

Although Xu Jiaojiao and Yan Yifeng have been going in and out of each other, but he has never admitted in front of the media that he is her woman.

But, if Xu Jiaojiao is not his woman, then why, that time in the parking lot, Xu Jiaojiao would say, that kind of words, Yan Shao only loves me?
(End of this chapter)

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