Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 975 [End] Chenchen who was bought

Chapter 975 [End] Chenchen who was bought


Yan Yifeng glared at him, "Don't pretend to be pitiful!"

"I'll give you another five seconds to think about it. If you insist on sticking to your chastity, you'll even give me back the thing in your arms!"

Chenchen rolled over and rolled to the other side of the bed, "Devil, your words don't count, you clearly agreed, and you have a set in your hand, and you gave it to me for free."

"I mean, I will give it to you if you agree. You know, the set in your hand is worth millions, and there is only one in the world!!"

Another series of temptations.

Chenchen was about to cry.

One side is my favorite toy, and the other side is my favorite mommy.

Where should he go?

Ai... At this moment, he finally understood that Mommy chose him and abandoned the devil back then. It turned out that it was the same reason. He actually chose toys and betrayed Mommy.

Woohoo, Chenchen cried thousands of times in my heart, Mommy, please allow me to silently say sorry a hundred times in my heart, Chenchen didn't mean it.

After hiding the limited edition toy in his arms, Chenchen gritted his teeth, made up his mind, nodded and agreed, "Okay! Then I promise you, but... If Mommy gets angry with me, you have to be responsible for making her happy, otherwise, I don't do this deal."

"Okay, you don't need to worry about it."

"Okay, it's settled like this. Mommy is unhappy, so come and coax her."

Yes, I was about to unpack the limited edition to play with. At this time, Jie Yiyi opened the door and came in. It just so happened that she heard the latter sentence. Jie Yiyi looked at Chenchen and Yan Yifeng, suspicious, " Why is Mommy unhappy, you come to coax? What do you two want to collude with, to make me angry?"


Why did Mommy come back suddenly?
She must have heard what she said just now, right?
Chenchen hid the limited edition, "Uh, it's nothing, Mommy got it wrong, it's Mommy who is happy, and I coaxed it."

Chenchen changed the words.

But Jie Yiyi didn't believe it. Seeing him flustered, she knew that he must have a ghost, so she approached him, "That's not the original words, Jie Sichen, you'd better tell the truth!"

Chenchen is sad.

Although he has good acting skills, he is still easy to show his feet when facing his mother. Turning his eyes, Chenchen took out the toy, "Well, I just clamored for the devil to buy me a toy, and then I said It’s fine to buy dozens of yuan, but the devil insisted on giving me more than 1000. I said, if Mommy is unhappy, let the devil come to coax it, and it has nothing to do with me.”

Fearing that Jie Yiyi would continue to ask questions, Chenchen quickly threw himself into Jie Yiyi's arms, "Mummy, this toy has been my favorite for a long time, but I have no money to buy it, so I asked the devil to buy one for me, Mommy, don't be angry. If Mommy doesn't like it, I can return it to the devil."

Chenchen lied like this.Jie Yiyi believed it.

Glancing at the remote control car in Chenchen's hand, he thought to himself, it costs more than 1000 for this thing, which is really cheating.

There was a touch of distress in my heart, but it was fine soon, "It's okay, let's play, anyway, I don't need to pay, his family has too much money to burn, you can consider asking him for a toy worth more than 1 yuan tomorrow, I had the right not to see it."

Chenchen threw away the toy, hugged Jie Yiyi and jumped up happily, "Oh, long live Mommy!"

"I love you so much, Mommy." Chenchen kissed Jie Yiyi's face several times.

→_→ After so many years, I never thought that this woman would be so easy to be deceived, Jie Yiyi, I think you will like it!
(End of this chapter)

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