Heart grabbing contract: BOSS stay safe

Chapter 992 [End] Love her in this life, until death

Chapter 992 [End] Love her in this life, until death
As soon as he walked out of the room, Chen Chen rushed forward, "Mummy, you are so beautiful today, so beautiful, so beautiful that it breaks your heart, woo woo... Will Mommy not love Chenchen when she marries Daddy? After marrying Mommy, will you only love Mommy, oh, Mommy, why don't you marry me?"

Jie Yiyi glanced at Yan Yifeng, smiled helplessly, and stroked Chenchen's little head, "How could Chenchen have such an idea?"

"You are Mommy and Daddy's precious son, who do we love if we don't love you? Be good, the person Mommy loves the most in this world is Chenchen."

Chenchen looked happy when he heard it, and looked at Yan Yifeng excitedly, "Where is Daddy?"

Yan Yifeng's eyes darkened, this little guy knew how to please his mommy in this way, and holding Jie Yiyi's hand tightly, Yan Yifeng said coldly, "I only love your mommy, as for you... occasionally!"

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Daddy, I won't sell Mommy to you."

Jie Yiyi held Yan Yifeng's hand, and walked up to the palace auditorium under the eyes of everyone.

The pastor looked at the loving couple who were about to become a couple, and couldn't help but smile with relief on his face.

Standing in front of the cross, he held a notebook, and solemnly and forcefully read the oath, "Miss Jie, are you willing to marry this man in front of you, no matter whether he is poor, sick or disabled, love him, be loyal to him, and stand by him for the rest of your life?" Each other, never leave?"

Hearing the pastor's question, Jie Yiyi trembled first, then raised her eyes slightly, looked at Yan Yifeng, under the soft light, the eyelashes of her eyes were gently flapping, as beautiful as wings, and recalled all kinds of things in her mind. The bits and pieces of each other who have been together have gone through all kinds of hardships to get together, why is she not willing, she nodded vigorously, "I am willing!"

The pastor nodded in satisfaction, turned his face to Yan Yifeng, and asked the same question, "Mr. Yan, are you willing to marry this woman in front of you? No matter she is poor, sick or disabled, you will love her, be loyal to her, and stay with each other for the rest of your life. Do not give up?"

Jie Yiyi looked at him, eyes full of anticipation, Yan Yifeng gave her a gentle smile, and then answered seriously, "I am willing to love her in this life, until death!"

The pastor smiled. "Bride and groom exchange rings."

"The groom can kiss the bride."

With the rings exchanged with each other, the two interlocked their fingers, looked at each other and smiled, Yan Yifeng bowed his head and kissed her lips.

"Wow..." There was a burst of warm applause from the audience.

Chenchen wiped his tears with his small hand, "It's great, finally I don't have to worry about Mommy's unhappy life anymore. With the devil protecting Mommy, Mommy will be very happy and happy. Let's bless her together."

Zhizi hugged Chenchen, "Woooo, so getting married is such a happy thing, it made me want to get married too, woooo, I'm so envious of Sister Yiyi."

Chen Chen wiped away her tears, "Don't hug me if you want to get married, I'm not your marriage partner, you should tell Uncle Bai Liang!"

Zhizi glared at Chenchen, "Little P kid, don't talk nonsense."

Uncle Bai Liang, Uncle Bai Liang, who the hell knows how many women he has played with?
She doesn't want such an unclean man, hum.

Xu Jiaojiao held her boyfriend's arm, "I'm getting married in the United States next month, do you consider coming?"

Zhizi shot her cold eyes, "Xu Jiaojiao, are you trying to annoy me on purpose? Huh?"

Xu Jiaojiao touched her boyfriend's mouth and kissed, "Didn't you always say that you are very charming? Why, you don't have a boyfriend yet?"

Zhi Zi glanced at Jie Boliang with a flushed face, and put her hands on her hips, "This girl has a picky eye, and most people don't like her."

Xu Jiaojiao glanced at Jie Bailiang who was sitting next to Gardenia, who was in a daze, and smiled, "Oh, so it's unrequited love for a flower!"

"Unrequited love for your sister, Xu Jiaojiao, I'm going to get your boyfriend drunk at night, and then explode his wild chrysanthemum."

"Tsk tsk tsk... Zhizi, there are so many people here, how dare you yell here? So what, Bai Liang? Discipline Zhizi well."

Jie Boliang was absent-minded all the time, looking at the shadows of Jie Yiyi and Yan Yifeng, he smiled helplessly, what is the matter with the sourness in his heart?Didn't you say yes, if she is happy, you will be happy?

(End of this chapter)

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