Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1063 War Theory

Chapter 1063 War Theory

When everyone was fully preparing for the battle, a trembling voice suddenly remembered, Wang Lin looked up suddenly, and saw Shusuntong coming staggeringly.


Wang Lin was startled, fearing that his uncle would stumble, he hurried up to meet him, and said, "Uncle, at the beginning of the war, how can you stay here without Lin'er by your side? Get down quickly, don't be affected by the chaos of the war." That's good!"

How could Uncle Sun Tong care so much?
He stepped forward and grabbed Wang Lin's intact shoulder, but looked at Wang Lin's shoulder with the arrow stuck in it, and burst into tears.

"Lin'er, it's God's blessing. I'm so relieved that you saved your life, so comforted!"

Shu Suntong wept, his voice hoarse and happy, and wept on the spot.


Wang Lin's heart trembled, and he couldn't help being moved.


Suddenly, Shusuntong sniffed his nose, wiped away his tears with his sleeve, stopped crying, and said, "Now is not the time for suffering, nor is it the time for joy, Lin'er, what should we do now? This city today, you see To hold or not to hold?"

While speaking, Shu Suntong returned to the theme again.

After all, the war is not over yet, no amount of nonsense is useless.As a courtier of the Great Qin Dynasty, he should put public affairs before private affairs, not private affairs before public affairs.

Wang Lin turned his head and looked at the [-] cavalry below, only to see that the [-] cavalry had stopped charging at this moment, and the momentum of the army collapsed in an instant, leaving nothing behind.

"Hey, this battle should be safe!"

A smile appeared on Wang Lin's pale face, and he was relieved.

"Marshal, what do you say?"

Gu Yun, who was following Shu Suntong, asked in astonishment.

Shu Suntong also looked at Wang Lin with doubts in his eyes.

On the side, Qu Lei, Hua Baizhong, Hua Tianjiao and other masters of the rivers and lakes also turned their heads and looked curiously, wanting to know why Wang Lin said this.

Wang Lin came to the edge of the city wall, pointed at the army below, and said, "A battle on the battlefield is all about a momentum. The momentum is something that goes all out, then declines, and exhausts three times!"

"The city wall is actually there to restrain this situation!"

"Like that Mount Tai, no matter how big the torrent is, it can't shake it in the slightest. The torrent passes by, and the momentum is overwhelming, destroying the world!"

"However, before Mount Tai, you can still only be blocked, and finally split into two, and go around Mount Tai. In this way, the momentum drops to the bottom in an instant, and naturally there is no such power at all!"

"Do you think that without water with enough momentum and impact, can he still be called a torrent? Can he still destroy the world?"

A word of words, people can not help but look sideways, can not help but think deeply.

Yes, think about it carefully, isn't the appearance of the [-] cavalry charging just now like a torrent?

But no matter how powerful the cavalry is, can they still break through the city wall with their flesh and blood?
Since the pretending can't be broken, what's the impact of hitting again?After all, it can only be forced to stop.

And the stopped cavalry, what is the power, what is the power?

"I, Great Qin, have gone through two unprecedented battles since His Majesty the Emperor went east, and lost both battles. However, the victory of the two battles can be said to be unprecedented!"

"The first is the defeat of the Northwest Great Wall. None of the 14 troops returned!"

"The second is the defeat of the Great Wall in Northeast China, with an army of [-], none survived!"

"However, in the Northwest War, more than 25 enemies were killed. In the Northeast War, [-] enemies were killed!"

"This is not to say that the cavalry is not powerful enough. On the contrary, the combat power of the cavalry is always stronger than that of any other arm. It just so happens that whether it is the Donghu or the Huns, they are all dominated by cavalry!"

"But even so, why can my Daqin annihilate the enemy several times as much as myself?"

"It's not for anything else, but because of the Northwest War, Generalissimo Wei Liaozi planned a strategy. Even if he confronted him head-on, he could still defuse the cavalry's impact force, surround the cavalry instead, and then make a strange move, and we will die together!"

"In the battle of the Northeast, with the help of the Great Wall, the Donghu cavalry were even more powerless. They could only abandon their special horses one after another and climb the city to fight. In this way, the cavalry has no power, and the battle is dominated. My Great Qin, how can they not lose their soldiers and lose their generals?"

"The same is true for today's battle. Facing the momentum of the cavalry just now, the [-] heroes of the world had no choice but to die. But the Donghu cavalry charged in a wave, after all, they did not completely enter the city. The second round of charging was even blocked, and now they are blocking Outside the city, they can't rush in even if they want to."

"In the future, as long as many masters of the rivers and lakes guard the top of the city and send arrows to interfere, even if those Donghu soldiers can climb the top of the city, they will only have a dead end. So today Jicheng is worry-free!"

"With the help of the city wall, not to mention a day, even a month or a year, it will consume [-] troops, so there is no need to worry about this battle!"

Wang Lin spoke again, boasting and boasting, which made people look sideways.

Everyone couldn't help but sigh in their hearts, so it was so.

Those people in the rivers and lakes couldn't help bowing their heads at this moment, all of them were ashamed to see others.

Before, they were self-righteous and didn't take anyone seriously, but now they realize that they and others are simply stupid.

This army fights like one body.

No matter how powerful they are, with their own strength, how can they resist the impact of a hundred thousand troops?

If you want to defeat this [-] army, unless they can also exert the same power and gather the strength of all people into one body.But obviously, they can't.

In this way, there is only one last way left, which is to break up the enemy army into pieces. If the [-] army is scattered, it is nothing in front of them.Even those elite disciples could kill more than a dozen with a wave of their hands.

In this way, is there any invincible power?

Before, they used their own weaknesses to attack the enemy's strengths, only to realize how stupid it was after suffering a loss.Now on the other hand, they use their own strengths to attack the enemy's weaknesses. This is the best way to fight.

With the help of the city wall, it would be difficult even if the enemy's momentum was not resolved.

"The little general is really a god-man, what he said made people suddenly understand!"

"That's right, listening to Jun's words is better than reading ten years of books, little general, I've been taught!"

"The battlefield has the rules of the battlefield, and the rivers and lakes have the rules of the rivers and lakes. They are really different!"

All the people in the rivers and lakes smiled wryly. At this moment, they could no longer feel any pride in facing Wang Lin.

"Lin'er, do you want to bandage it first?"

When everyone was staring at the battlefield and comprehending Wang Lin's words, Shu Suntong's eyes were fixed on Wang Lin's bloody arrow wound, and he couldn't help asking.

At this time, the blood had stained Wang Lin's clothes red, and he was afraid that if this continued, Wang Lin would lose too much blood.

"Uncle, don't worry, wait until you win this battle and then heal slowly. If the arrow is taken off now, the blood will flow profusely, and there is really no way to continue fighting!"

Wang Lin raised his hand and spoke righteously.

(End of this chapter)

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