Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1100 The Purest Woman

Chapter 1100 The Purest Woman

"Hiss, if you don't tell the queen, you don't know, but if you say it, it's really the case!"

"Queen, tell me, why do I like this? I actually like other people's women. Is it true that I like to plunder by nature?"

"Hey, it's also my fault that the queen didn't remind me earlier, if this matter is reported to Daqin, those ministers will have to impeach me desperately!"

"Snatching a wife and daughter, if this matter gets out, I'm afraid I'll be ashamed and thrown home. It's a pity that the decree has been issued now. As the saying goes, the king has no jokes, how can the order be changed overnight? This really puts me in a dilemma!"

Ying Shou took a deep breath, couldn't help but blamed Nan Yan.

"Hey, His Majesty the Emperor pushed it so cleanly, I blame the concubine for not reminding His Majesty the Emperor!"

"Oh, if the concubine hadn't discovered His Majesty's will today, it would have been a wedding night, and the concubine would not have known that there was an extra sister out of thin air!"

"Now the concubine knows, Your Majesty told the concubine, how should I remind the concubine? Could the concubine be able to predict and know that His Majesty is going to rob someone's wife?"

Nan Yan couldn't help but rolled her eyes.

Before that, she really didn't know that Ying Shou was going to welcome Loulan Saintess as his concubine. She didn't know about it until she saw Ying Shou's decree.

At that time, she was a little confused.If you are jealous, just like she said, if you are jealous at every turn, the emperor has so many women, you will be sour.

The point is that the woman the emperor wants this time is different.That's Nehman's woman, not to mention that Nehman is a generalissimo.

Moreover, if she is the Generalissimo of the enemy country, even if the Loulan Saintess is just the daughter-in-law of an ordinary family, the emperor should not snatch her.

To put it bluntly, even marrying a widow is much better than the reputation of stealing a wife and daughter.

Now, the emperor actually snatched other people's wives and daughters, and if the news spread, he would have to be scolded to death. How could she be willing to be a queen?
Whether it's for the sake of the emperor's face or Da Qin's face, she can't agree.

But the problem is back again, the emperor's decree has been issued, and it can never be changed overnight, right?
"What the queen said is also true, but now I am caught in a dilemma, how about the queen take a look at it?"

"I can't change the order overnight, and I can't bear the infamy. Why don't I let someone secretly deal with the Loulan saint girl, so that everything will be fine!"

The corners of Ying Shou's mouth twitched slightly, and he couldn't help but tease.

"His Majesty warns and acts with caution!"

As soon as Ying Shou's words came out, Nan Yan couldn't help scolding him lightly, saying: "It's clear that His Majesty can't control his own things, why should something happen, and others should pay for His Majesty with their lives?"

"Besides, why do we women have to suffer such innocent disasters? If we really did it today, it would be that holy woman, and the concubine would be glad. But His Majesty put himself in the shoes of the emperor, if it was the Loulan saint who was the concubine today Girl, how can Your Majesty bear it?"

While speaking, Nan Yan couldn't help showing anger.

She really didn't expect that the emperor would say such cruel words. Is this the wise and powerful emperor she is familiar with?
"Okay, my queen, don't be angry, just kidding!"

"Really, I can't help being funny at all!"

Ying Shou was taken aback by Nan Yan's sudden anger, and when he realized it, he couldn't help but look helpless.

He just realized that he was joking, but he ignored Nan Yan's kind nature.

This is a kind woman in her own right. She usually takes saving people as her duty. How can she harm other people's lives at every turn?
What's more, today's incident, it's no wonder that Loulan Saintess, what she said, in the eyes of her kind-hearted nature, is simply a bastard.

A bad joke made Ying Shou very helpless.

"Your Majesty, this joke is not funny at all! You should think about it now, how to deal with the funeral!"

Nan Yan snorted angrily, dissatisfied.

"Okay, okay, think about how to deal with the funeral, okay?"

Ying Shou looked helpless and said, "Come here, I'll tell you a secret!"

Nan Yan looked at Yingshou with disdain, hesitated for a moment, felt that Yingshou really seemed to have something secret to say, so she couldn't help but lean in.

After listening to Ying Shou's so-called secret, she suddenly widened her eyes and exclaimed, "What, Nehaman, the war god of Donghu, is actually a woman?"

"The Saintess of Loulan, according to the rules, can't she marry?"

"This...what's the matter?"

This news was indeed a bit too shocking for Nan Yan.

Not just Nan Yan, but anyone else, who doesn't know the truth, will find it difficult to accept it immediately.

Donghu God of War, what a majestic existence, is actually a woman?

You know, she is an invincible existence on the battlefield, known as the God of War, how could she be a woman?
If she is really a woman, why should she marry?
Also, the Saintess of Loulan is not allowed to marry according to the rules, so why did she marry Nehaman?Even if Nihaman is a woman, it's not a violation of the rules, it's just taking advantage of her marriage status.But Ying Shou is not a woman, so what if she married Ying Shou?

From Nan Yan's point of view, all of this cannot be explained at all.

"Hehe, how is it, it's incredible, isn't it?"

"Queen, let me tell you this, this Donghu God of War Nehman is indeed a woman, if you don't believe me, this Nehman just came back two days ago, there is a chance for you to see it!"

"As for the Saintess of Loulan, please tell me, this person who is not allowed to marry according to the rules is now going to marry me. Tell me, how much charm I have to conquer such a woman!"

"It is said that the Holy Maiden of Loulan is the purest woman in the world, she is truly beautiful and blessed!"

The corners of Ying Shou's mouth were slightly raised, and he couldn't help smiling. At the end, he couldn't help laughing.

Nan Yan's face was darkened, and she couldn't help but give Ying Shou a blank look.

Although she still doesn't understand many things, she can somewhat accept Ying Shou's words.

"Hmph, His Majesty the Emperor is indeed blessed. Men are like this. They spend their lives either for money or power, or for women."

"The purest woman in the world, no one else can do it, so His Majesty dares to do it, hmph!"

Nan Yan couldn't help but snorted coldly twice, she still seemed a little angry.

It's just that the anger at the moment is somewhat jealous.

This jealousy, seen in Ying Shou's eyes, made the smile on Ying Shou's face even stronger.

"Okay, Your Majesty's clothes have been arranged, you can find a place to sit and wait for the beauty to come to your door!"

Seeing Ying Shou's smug smile, Nan Yan was inexplicably upset, snorted again, pushed Ying Shou and said.

(End of this chapter)

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