Chapter 1102
"It turns out that the people of Tianmen are also afraid of death, and they will be afraid, afraid!"

With a mocking look on his face, Nehman suddenly waved his jade hand and threw the Heavenly Gate Envoy far away.It landed on the ground and rowed a few meters away before stopping.

"Nehamman, what on earth do you mean, what do you want to do?"

The envoy of the Gate of Heaven resisted the hot suffocation in his chest and the severe pain in his neck, got up, pointed at Nehman and shouted: "Do you really want to rebel?"

"Rebellion, Donghu is my country, and I am the king of this country. Tell me, whose rebellion am I?"

"Tianmen, a group of shady things, it's best not to push me into a hurry, otherwise I will kill Changbai Mountain immediately, even if the country is destroyed by fighting, I will never die with you Tianmen!"

Nehman clenched his silver teeth and said coldly.

"Nehaman, I advise you to be cautious. There are some things that you cannot say. Don't forget, the lives of more than 600 members of your royal family are still under the knife of my Tianmen."

"If you dare to talk nonsense again, in the next moment, these [-] people will die as soon as I wave my hand. Among them, your own brother on the throne of Donghu!"

Seeing that Nehaman was getting more and more arrogant and presumptuous, the Tianmen Envoy suddenly yelled.


Nehman only felt a burst of explosion in his mind, and there was a burst of roar in an instant.

In an instant, all his aura completely dissipated.

Her weaknesses are all in Tianmen's hands, and she and Ben are powerless to resist.

And even if Tianmen doesn't have his weakness, as long as Tianmen doesn't agree, she will be known as the uncrowned king of Donghu.

In fact, here, she has no rights at all.Most of those so-called rights were temporarily given to her by Tianmen.

What others give, if you can give it, you can take it back.

"Hehehe, Tianmen, okay, this is Tianmen!"

Nihaman laughed, she slowly sat back on the step, and said coldly: "Tell me, what do you want this time?"

Seeing this, the Tianmen envoy stopped talking about the crime, but said coldly: "There is an order from above. After this big defeat, the Great Wall of Qin will defend again. If you want to fight in again, it will be as difficult as climbing to the sky."

"Fortunately, in the Northwest Great Wall, the Huns are still fighting. After careful consideration, the higher-ups have decided to let you send troops immediately, use the Xiongnu, enter the Northwest Great Wall, pass the Yanmen Pass, and start the war again!"

"This battle is related to the overall situation of Tianmen, so don't slack off, send troops quickly!"

Watching the Tianmen envoy's lips and teeth touch lightly, he said to send troops and sent troops.It seems that sending troops is as simple as opening and closing eyes, and there is no difficulty at all.

"Do you know what every dispatch of troops represents? Donghu is poor, and there is not such a strong national power to support it!"

"The so-called soldiers and horses have not moved, food and grass go first. This time our army was defeated, and the loss of national power caused by it has exhausted the national treasury. Sending troops again will waste the people and waste money. At that time, even if we win, my Donghu will be exhausted!"

"You Tianmen never care about these things. You just need to touch your upper and lower lips lightly, and you can do whatever you want. The fate of people in this world is not in your eyes at all!"

Nihaman looked sad, Tianmen's unreasonable, so she really didn't know how to face it.

"My Tianmen wants the whole world, and I don't care about the gains and losses of a city, a place, or even a country. So, what happens to this country is your business. The only thing you can do is to obey."

"Otherwise, if you are obedient, I don't know if this Donghu can survive. But if you dare to resist, I can tell you clearly that Donghu can't survive!"

The Heaven Gate Messenger sneered, he didn't care about Nehman's powerlessness at all.

His heart seemed to be made of iron and stone.It seemed that even his blood was cold!
"You are really a bunch of cold-blooded animals!"

Nehman said coldly with a tragic heart.

"Okay, don't talk about this, prepare to send troops. You don't have many opportunities, so don't let the higher-ups down!"

The Tianmen envoy was too lazy to talk nonsense, reminded again, and then turned and left.

Nehman stood behind and watched silently, clenched his fists, his finger bones turned white, he gritted his teeth, and his eyes were tearing apart.

After a long time, she just slowly relaxed, but the sad smile appeared on her face again.

"Stop, no command from the Grand Marshal, no trespassing!"

At this moment, a majestic scolding sound sounded from the gate of the palace outside Qingluan Palace, alarming Nehaman.

Nehman sat on the attic, turned his head to look, and saw a young man blocked by two palace guards there.


The young man said he was a young man, but he was actually in his twenties. Seeing this, he immediately flew into a rage, roared heart-piercingly, and roared: "The widow is the king of this Donghu. Is it impossible for a widow to go? If you dare to stop, you will be killed without mercy!"

The two guards sneered when they heard the words, they didn't pay attention to the man's so-called killing without mercy.

That man is none other than King Donghu Khan.

It's a pity that the so-called Donghu Khan has no authority at all in Donghu.He can't even control his own life and death, let alone control the life and death of others.

In the entire Donghu, few people took him seriously, including these palace guards.

Nehman watched this scene indifferently, with even more sadness on his face.

Others said that King Donghu Khan was a crowned minister, and she, Nehman, was the real uncrowned king.

But in fact, whether it is a crowned minister or an uncrowned king, they are all pawns in the hands of others.

What's more, the Donghu Khan King at this moment is not even a pawn, but only a hostage, a hostage who controls her Nehman.

In the eyes of everyone in Donghu, she, Nihaman, is an out-and-out hero, a traitor.

In name, he is the god of war of Donghu, but in fact he holds the power of Donghu, and he doesn't take Donghu Khan seriously.

But in fact, only she knew that what she did would ultimately save the life of King Khan.

Without her, King Khan would have died long ago and would never have had a chance to sit on the throne.Because of his existence, even if he is a crowned minister, King Donghu Khan can barely do it, at least not to die.

In fact, she protected King Donghu Khan more than anyone else.Seeing her own younger brother being bullied by a group of guards now, how can she not be angered?
The two guards were sneering, and were about to say something sarcastic, but Nehman spoke at this moment, and said coldly, "Let him in!"

At the gate of the courtyard, the expressions of the two guards changed when they heard the words, they hurriedly turned around, clasped their hands in response, and let King Donghu Khan come in.

Obviously, in the eyes of these two guards, Donghu Khan's identity is far inferior to that of Nehaman.

In their eyes, the so-called King Khan is nothing, nothing compared to Nehman's easy words.

(End of this chapter)

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