Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1116 Retiring Changbai

Chapter 1116 Returning to Changbai

"Qin Huang, you are giving this old man an order to chase away guests!"

"Could it be that in Emperor Qin's eyes, this Donghu land is already your Qin country's territory? Or, is it already in your pocket?"

Master Kunlun's face turned cold, and he said coldly.

"I know, the current Donghu is of course the boundary of your Tianmen in name, but so what?"

"You have the ability, but you are building a country... a group of shy guys, what else can you do besides doing some small tricks in secret?"

"Remember, there is only one emperor in this world, and that is Zhen. Wherever I go, it is my world!"

"If your Tianmen has the ability, immediately establish a country, fight with me, win or lose, needless to say, I will never do anything foolish, but in reality, do you have the guts?"

"Since you don't have one, don't occupy the latrine and don't shit, get out of here as far as possible!"

"Now, I am on the territory of Donghu. From my point of view, Donghu is my territory. Even if it is not for the time being, if I want it, it is still like picking something out of a pocket. You want to stop it, but can you do it?"

Ying Shou stood with his hands behind his back, and smiled coldly, showing no face at all.

He also had some scruples in his heart. If it wasn't for his dependence on certain things, let alone a few dozen top experts, even if there were a hundred, so what?
He wanted to kill Master Kunlun, but Master Kunlun was still unable to take a single step.

He hasn't used the system for a long time.

Even coming to Donghu this time is to suppress the power once obtained from the system, stabilize Li Yuanba and others, and want to use Daqin's own power to create the unification of the world.

Otherwise, he would fully use the power of the system, and he would have the strength to kill Tianmen in one fell swoop, and there would be no need to force him again.

But just now, in order to save Li Yuanba, he finally used the system and took a pill.

Now he is unwilling to use the system no matter what, unless he is forced to die.

But judging by the situation, Master Kunlun didn't dare to push him to a dead end, so naturally he wouldn't act rashly.

But it's one thing not to act rashly, but it's another thing whether Master Kunlun can resolve the matter satisfactorily.

"Aren't you very domineering? Even my people dare to move!"

"That's good, today I will show you what it is to be the overlord of the world, and to play strong in front of me. If you dare to take a step forward, I will beat you back ten steps, a hundred steps. You have no choice!"

"Qin Huang, it's too much for you to do this? Rules are rules. If the old man retreats today, won't you be allowed to do whatever you want in this Eastern Hu land!"

Master Kunlun hesitated for a moment, but he still couldn't make up his mind to leave, and said coldly.

"Hahaha... Sir, what you said is very sweet, as if you don't leave today, I can't do anything wrong!"

Ying Shou laughed loudly, and while speaking, he pointed at Master Kunlun, and shouted: "You have to know that the rules are made by people. In this world, I am the only strong one, and only I am the one who makes the rules." .1."

"What kind of thing is your Tianmen, a group of people who hide their heads and show their tails, do you think the rules you made are useful?"

"This time when I came to Donghu, I seemed to act according to the rules of your Tianmen, but you don't know that these are the rules I set up myself. Otherwise, how can I allow you to be at the mercy of Tianmen?"

"But now, since you want to break the rules, what's the use of staying here? Go away, don't let me say it a second time, otherwise, I can say it with my mouth or with my fist the second time. I can't be sure!"

While speaking, Ying Shou's tone was cold, without leaving any room for it.

"it is good……"

Master Kunlun was helpless, Ying Shou's words had already reached this point, he knew that Ying Shou would not be able to retreat.

If the persecution continues, I am afraid that the next war will not be a war between Qin and other countries, but a war between Yingshou and Tianmen.

With the strength of Tianmen, it is really too simple to destroy Qin and enter the Central Plains.But Tianmen has been waiting for this opponent, Ying Shou.

What they want is to completely win Yingshou, not Qin, and if they want to win Yingshou, they can't be achieved by fighting and killing. Everything is a bureau, and it can only be done step by step.

We have reached this point today, why not take a step back and watch the final situation?
How can we know that it is not a blessing if it is a blessing in disguise?It is undeniable that Tianmen's chess game is not close today, but it is absolutely impossible for Yingshou to win the final victory.

He has his advantages, and Tianmen also has Tianmen's advantages.One thing, Tianmen itself completely crushed Yingshou.

No matter how strong Ying Shou is, if he goes long, give him another 40 or 50 years, and he will die.

As long as he falls, Tianmen will have nothing to worry about, no matter how big the family property of Qin is, it will still be in Tianmen's pocket.

But Tianmen is different, Tianmen can last for thousands of years, and Haotian can survive generation after generation of Emperor Qin until finally replaced.

This is the advantage, the advantage of being alive.

As the saying goes, life is fundamental.The real victory always belongs to the person who lives the longest.Whoever laughs last can laugh the best.

"It is undeniable that this old man is impulsive today. Since Emperor Qin can't tolerate this old man, it's fine for this old man to retreat!"

"Of course, Emperor Qin please bear in mind what you said today, otherwise, if the rules are broken in the future, I'm afraid the old man won't be able to care so much!"

Master Kunlun took a deep breath, looked at Ying Shou coldly and said indifferently.


Without any nonsense, Ying Shou directly made a gesture of invitation.


Not far away, Nehman's heart tightened.

Before, she did have a lot of resentment towards Tianmen.Even all along, she wished she could get out of Tianmen's control, but when the truth came, she was worried.

From what happened today, she could see that the one Tianmen was most afraid of was not Qin, but Qin Huang.

Today, Emperor Qin is still watching Donghu covetously, making himself restless by his side.

If at this time, the power of Tianmen is withdrawn, how can she use the two sides to check and balance?
Rather than drive away Tianmen, she wants to use the power of Tianmen to fight against Yingshou.

So now she doesn't want Tianmen's strength to leave, at least staying by her side is also a guarantee.

However, Master Kunlun did not comment on her retention at all.

Master Kunlun waved his hand and shouted: "Back to Changbai..."


A group of masters responded, and the next moment, under the leadership of Master Kunlun, they retreated extremely quickly and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

A chaos, this subsides.

Ying Shou stood proudly on the spot, looked at the dejected and pale Nehman, and at the [-] troops brought by Nehman.

Then, he turned his head to look at the sending team and Concubine Lan, who he was about to bring into the palace.In the end, he looked at Sima Xun and the other Qin troops, and said coldly, "Retreat to the palace!"

As soon as the words fell, Ying Shou flew up and disappeared from everyone's sight in an instant between leaps and bounds.

(End of this chapter)

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