Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1168 Begging Yuwen Chengdu

Chapter 1168 Begging Yuwen Chengdu

"But sir, there are palace rules in this palace, and courtiers are not even qualified to walk freely among them, let alone to visit the empress, I still need the help of sir!"

Xiao He looked embarrassed, and looked at Di Renjie eagerly.

Although he was anxious at this moment, he did not dare to break the emperor's rules, otherwise, it would not be as simple as the sky falling.

"Do you want the old man to help you introduce your empress?"

Di Renjie is such a character, he has seen through everything long ago, how could he not understand his thoughts?
"Also ask sir to help!"

Xiao He said helplessly.

"You can't see Concubine Xue, how can this old man break the rules at will? It's useless for you to find this old man, maybe General Yuwen can help you, you should go find him!"

Di Renjie smiled wryly, he really can't help with this matter, after all rules are rules, don't look at him living in the palace now.

But in this palace, he can only follow the rules.The imperial concubine is not something he can see immediately.

Of course, there is one exception now, and that is Yuwen Chengdu's wife, and Princess Ann Zhao Qian.

Therefore, it might be useful to find Yuwen Chengdu, but he also has no choice but to find Di Renjie.

"Thank you for your advice, sir. In that case, Xiao He will leave!"

Xiao He looked helpless, he could tell that Di Renjie really had nothing to do.

But after all, there was also a reason why Di Renjie didn't want to help.

From the moment Di Renjie asked for death and lifted a knife, he had already noticed the dissatisfaction in Di Renjie's tone.

This person is old, and he always feels pity in his heart. How can he see so many people being pushed to a dead end?So it was reasonable for Di Renjie to be unwilling to help.

Xiao He could see it, so naturally he didn't dare to force it.

"Go ahead, hope this trip goes well!"

Di Renjie didn't hold back either, and waved his hand, telling Xiao He to leave straight away.

Leaving the courtyard where Di Renjie was, just walking not far away, he saw Yuwen Chengdu not far away, dressed in a black robe, sitting in a pavilion cooking wine and tasting.

Yu Wencheng's figure is tall and mighty, but his face is very handsome. Looking there, from a distance, he doesn't look like a person, but more like a work of art made by nature.

Xiao He took a deep breath and walked towards Yuwen Chengdu.

When he came outside the pavilion, Xiao He cupped his hands and said, "General Yuwen is really in a good mood!"

Yuwen Chengdu turned his head slowly, saw Xiao He, smiled slightly, and said, "What do you mean by Mr. Xiao's words? Now that there is a lot of war outside, Chengdu is trapped in a cage, seeing the ups and downs of the world, but it is determined to save the country but powerless, what is the interest in talking about it?" what?"

Xiao He raised his eyebrows, and could hear the melancholy in Yu Wencheng's words.

"So, if given the chance, General Yuwen is very eager to go out and fight?"

Xiao He came to sit down in front of Yuwen Chengdu, and said with a smile.

"Chengdu doesn't like fighting, and only wants to contribute to the country!"

Yu Wencheng placed a wine cup in front of Xiao He, poured warm wine, and sighed.

Yuwen Chengdu is different from many military generals, especially compared to Li Yuanba and Xu Chu, he is completely from two worlds.

When the two of them fight outside, that is the attitude of being invincible.

But Yuwen Chengdu is different. In the eyes of others, he has always been number one in the world. This is his glory, and he can protect it, but he never likes to fight.

In the later Sui and Tang Dynasties, many stories about Yuwen Chengdu are basically based on ugliness.

But in fact, those who really know Yuwen Chengdu, the invincible general of Tianbao, know that the so-called general of Tianbao, invincible in the universe, is just a canonization given to him by the emperor, and it is also an honor given to him.

This honor, he has to keep it, and he has to keep it, so he must hold on to this honor.And behind this glory, there has always been a heavy responsibility.

Some people said that Emperor Sui Yang was very kind to Yuwen Chengdu, but Yuwen Chengdu betrayed him.

But in fact, Yuwen Chengdu never betrayed Emperor Sui Yang.It was Yu Wenhuaji who betrayed Emperor Sui Yang.

Even when Yuwen Chengdu was still there, even Yu Wenhuaji could only suppress his ambition, knowing that Yuwen Chengdu was dead, Yu Wenhuaji dared to overthrow the Sui Dynasty, this is Yuwen Chengdu's loyalty.

He never fought because he liked to fight, but because of duty.

Being in his position and seeking his own government is the best interpretation of Yuwen Chengdu.

"I heard that His Majesty the Emperor released the general's military power and specially ordered the general to sit in the imperial city. Is it true that the general never complains?"

Xiao He was silent for a moment, and couldn't help asking tentatively.

"Chengdu has no complaints, and there is no need to have any complaints. Eat the king's salary and worry about the king's worries."

"As long as His Majesty arranges, Chengdu will obey. It's just that seeing the chaos in the world, Chengdu is a little upset after all!"

Yu Wencheng didn't hide anything, and said what he had.

He is a character summoned by Ying Shou himself. He has always been loyal to Ying Shou, and will not show any other negative emotions such as resentment and companionship.

As a human being, he is a human being after all, and being loyal to Ying Shou is one thing, but it doesn't mean he can't have other emotions.For others, he also has emotions such as joy, anger, sorrow and joy.

"The general is right. Whenever His Majesty's arrangement is unreasonable, there should be His Majesty's deep meaning in it. As a subject, you don't need to understand it, but you must obey it!"

Xiao He nodded slightly, and said in full agreement.

"Okay, Mr. Xiao, the state affairs are busy now, after drinking this wine, you go to work first, don't waste time on Chengdu!"

Suddenly, Yu Wencheng raised the wine bar and said to Xiao He.

Seeing this, Xiao He quickly pressed the wine bar in Yuwen Chengdu's hand, and said: "No way, General, Xiao He has something to ask for on this trip, I hope the General can help me!"

Yu Wencheng frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice, "What's the matter?"

"If Lord Xiao wants Chengdu to participate in the war, Chengdu can only tell Lord Xiao, please come back. Chengdu is ordered to sit and guard the imperial city, unless the imperial city falls, otherwise, Chengdu will never take action, so as not to violate His Majesty's will!"

Xiao He smiled wryly, he could tell that Xiao He, like Di Renjie, is both interested and powerless in dealing with external affairs.

However, it can also be seen from another aspect, how much His Majesty the Emperor really exists in the minds of the two of them.

Even if the two were unwilling, but the emperor said so, the two would not object at all, and would only obediently implement it.

"General, Xiao He wants to meet Concubine Xue, and I hope the general will introduce you or let you know one or two!"

Xiao He got up, clasped his hands in a bow, and bowed in salute.

In the final analysis, you are asking for help after all, and of course you have to look like you are asking for help.

Xiao He is very easy to let go of his airs, and will not treat others with an air of condescension just because of his own status.

Especially when dealing with the emperor's most trusted close ministers!

(End of this chapter)

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