Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1209 Chapter Palace

Chapter 1209 Returning to the Palace
The First Army of the Great Qin Dynasty is still in the experimental battle so far. Up to now, the battle after battle has been consuming this small but powerful army.

So far, there are only 230 seven people left, closely following the imperial concubine Yinyue, protecting the imperial concubine.

Walking step by step, I saw blood and countless corpses on the ground.

The pushing of those corpses left no place to step on the ground.

Yinyue had a hard time walking, trying to find a place where she could walk, but found that she couldn't find it at all.

In the end, she could only step on the corpses and walk towards the imperial city.

The corpses under the feet include those of the rebels, the common people of Xianyang, the soldiers of the Daqin defenders, and the officials and servants. There are too many of them.

Not counting the corpses in other urban areas, city walls, and countless alleys, there are no less than 30 corpses on the main street of the South City alone, and more than half of them are civilian corpses.

It can be seen how heavy the casualties were in this battle?

"I will pay my respects to Empress Yinyue!"

There was a sound of shouting from the mountain, and Xiao He, Zhang Liang, and Jun Wuyou walked down quickly from the top of the city, and they came hand in hand with the officials, knelt down in front of Yinyue, and paid homage.

"Meet Empress Yinyue!"

In all directions, the masters of the imperial city who came from all the alleys, led by Yu Wencheng, knelt down one after another and shouted to see each other.

"See Empress Yinyue!"

The army from the southern border also gathered, and they all knelt down and turned pale.

Countless mountain cries finally broke the brief peace.

Yinyue raised her head slowly, for some reason, her eyes were very red at this moment, as if they were about to bleed.

I don't know if his eyes were red from murder, or his eyes were stained red by the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood in front of him.

She had a tired look on her face, and her eyes looked complicated and unbearable. It seemed that she had never thought that one day, she would participate in such a great battle with mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

This is a real mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. In this battle, the number of people participating in the battle may not be as good as the previous battles of the Great Wall, but the number of casualties will only exceed it.

Those who died on the Great Wall were soldiers from both the enemy and us, but in Xianyang City today, six out of ten people who died were civilians.

This is really a fight between gods and fish in the pond.

"Free gift..."

Yinyue took a deep breath and raised her jade hand lightly, only to find that the injured blood was still dripping.

It was his own blood, and it was also the blood of the enemy.

"Thank you, Empress Yinyue!"

The eyes of the officials flickered, and countless soldiers showed admiration.

No one thought that a woman, a high-ranking woman who should be deep in the palace and pampered, could fight like this in the midst of thousands of armies, covered in blood.

At this moment, although Yinyue was a woman, she attracted everyone's admiration.

A woman who dares to be the first in the world without giving way to a man, who else can I have?Isn't this talking about Empress Yinyue?

"My dear friends, the battle of Xianyang is over, please appease the common people. Let the common people help, all the soldiers and brothers, work hard again, clean up the corpses in Xianyang City, and clean it up. The mighty capital of the Qin Dynasty shouldn't be so messy. !"

"These corpses should be arranged properly, and the order of the palace will be passed on to find out the corpses of our Daqin people and bury them in one place."

"The corpses of my Daqin martyrs were incinerated and sent to the Martyrs Cemetery next to the Jixia Academy for burial. Dispose of the corpses of the rebels as you like!"

Yinyue's voice was very soft and soft, but she spoke clearly, word for word was heard by everyone.


The officials and soldiers kowtowed and went to do things.

"Master Xiao, these people are entrusted to you, help me take care of them!"

Yinyue walked under the imperial city, seeing that Xiao He hadn't left yet, she suddenly ordered.


Xiao He looked back at the bloody 230 seven people behind Yinyue, clasped his hands in agreement, and beckoned everyone to leave.

After everyone started to get busy, Yinyue walked into the imperial city step by step.

"who is it?"

"It's the empress!"

"I pay my respects to Empress Yinyue!"

Entering the imperial city and coming to the harem, a group of court ladies and eunuchs bumped into each other, and they were shocked.

When it was clear that the blood-soaked visitor was Empress Yinyue, all the court ladies and eunuchs showed terrified expressions and came forward to pay their respects.

There is no way, Yinyue's blood-soaked appearance is too scary, even ordinary soldiers would find it hard to accept it, let alone a group of eunuchs and maids staying in the palace?

"Excuse me, follow me back to the palace!"

Yinyue glanced indifferently at the court ladies and eunuchs kneeling in front of her, gave a soft order, and slowly walked towards Jingyou Palace.

That was the palace that the emperor conferred on her.

A group of eunuchs and court ladies followed behind, stepping forward cautiously, trying to help the empress.

After all, the empress's body was covered with blood, and she didn't know if she was injured. If she neglected her, she would lose her head.

However, as soon as these people stretched out their hands, they were stopped by Yinyue with a wave of their hands.

Now that she has not taken off her armor, she is a general in the army, how can she let anyone help her?
Back at Jingyou Palace, the eunuchs and maids got busy, boiling water for boiling water, preparing clothes for clothes, and making meals for meals.

Under the service of the maids, Yinyue came to the bathing pool, and finally shed her armor covered in blood and wounds, revealing her body that was also covered in blood.

On it, wounds emerged, which was shocking.

A group of court ladies watched in horror, among which there were dozens of old wounds and two or three new wounds. The arms, thighs, and back were obviously caused by the Battle of Xianyang just now.

At this moment, the wound was still bleeding.

After cleaning the blood stains on her body and putting on loose clothes, the court ladies called the imperial doctor, and with the help of the imperial doctor, Yinyue was given medicine and bandaged.

After everything was done, Yinyue, who hadn't eaten and drank well for several days, finally sat down at the table and had a delicious palace meal.

The eunuchs and maids below are serving carefully, and their attention is always on this Empress Yinyue.

Everyone knows that Empress Yinyue has always been His Majesty's favorite concubine.

When His Majesty the Emperor was in the palace, Empress Yinyue was always there to take care of her, and she was more affectionate to His Majesty the Emperor than Empress Empress.

Now, this Empress Yinyue is fighting for His Majesty's country again, and brought back a whole body of injuries. If she is not good enough to take care of her, there may be something wrong, and everyone's heads will be taken away.

"Concubine Xue is here!"

Just when Yinyue was eating without words, a sharp voice suddenly remembered.

Yinyue was dressed in a black satin robe, which looked very bulky, and her hair was still a little wet, draped behind her head.

Hearing the sound, she chewed something lightly in the innermost part, but put down the chopsticks in her hand, and looked up to the outside of the hall.

I saw Concubine Xue with her big belly walking towards this side under the protection of eunuchs and maids of honor.

Seeing Concubine Xue's swollen belly, Yinyue's eyes flashed a complex look, as if she couldn't feel the pain in her body, she got up and walked around the table and came to the middle of the hall.

(End of this chapter)

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