Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1211 Queen's Heart

Chapter 1211 Queen's Heart
"Ahem...Master Xiao, you are Xiangguo, it would be unreasonable for you to let Wuyou come without your efforts!"

"In his position, do what you want, Wuyou won't interfere too much!"

Jun Wuyou coughed twice, facing the result he made, he was irresponsible and directly pushed it to Xiao He.


Xiao He had a gloomy face, snorted coldly, and flung his sleeves away, full of anger in his heart, too lazy to vent.

It's not that he really doesn't want to vent, the key is that Jun Wuyou, as an imperial envoy, represents the imperial power.Who can handle it except the emperor?

If you want to get angry, it's the emperor who gets angry, and it's not his turn.

No matter how angry he was, he could only suppress it.


On the side, Zhang Liang looked at Xiao He who left angrily, and then at Jun Wuyou who was standing there quietly, shook his head and sighed, "Think about how to explain it!"

After finishing speaking, he also left straight away, leaving Jun Wuyou alone, and there were two people who seemed not to be with Jun Wuyou.

As soon as the two left, Jun Wuyou, who was chatting and laughing a moment ago, frowned instantly.

Looking at the tragic situation around him, Jun Wuyou was inexplicably worried.

"War... is really the best magical weapon to be put to death and then reborn. This is broken and then erected. It is really broken!"

A bitter smile appeared on Jun Wuyou's face, and he muttered to himself: "Zhang Zifang, Zhang Zifang, you are really nothing."

"I have recited all the bad names, but you are free and easy, standing by and spitting, showing no mercy!"

"I still don't believe it, what I do is not what you want to do but dare not do!"

Saying that, Jun Wuyou raised his head to look at the sky, hearing the desolate cries around his ears, his eyes became red, swollen and moist involuntarily.

The prosperous city of Xianyang in the past has been reduced to a hell on earth overnight. How can it make people not worry and red-eyed?
"Forget it, since everyone seems to be indifferent, then report the truth! This court game will be more fun in the future!"

Bowing his head and sighing, Jun Wuyou turned around and left this place without patrolling.

After handing over the post-war appeasement to Zhang Liang, Xiao He and the officials of the Manchu Dynasty, he went straight to Zhang Liang's Ministry of War Shangshu Mansion.

No one dares to stop it, and no one has the time to stop it.

Now, most of the people in Shangshu's mansion started to work outside, leaving a few people to guard, and they all knew Jun Wuyou, the imperial envoy of His Majesty the Emperor.

Seeing the arrival of the imperial envoy, those servants could only let him force his way.

When he came to the study, Jun Wuyou took up a pen and wrote a memorial, summoned the Black Ice Terrace Iron Eagle Swordsman, sent it out overnight, and went straight to Hudong's land.


The Land of Hu Dong, Dong Hu Royal Court, in Bihai Garden.

In the evening of this day, Ying Shou finally left the customs.

"The battle of Xianyang should be stabilized!"

In the same room, Ying Shou stood with his hands behind his back, fixed his eyes on the sand table of the Xianyang battlefield in front of him, and said with a smile.

"Your Majesty, if everything is as simple as calculation, it will be difficult not to win. But on the battlefield, the situation changes in an instant. If something unexpected happens, the outcome of this battle may be unpredictable!"

On the side, Sima found that Ying Shou hadn't closed his eyes for several days, and finally relaxed at this moment.

Knowing that Ying Shou should not be disturbed at this time, but should persuade Ying Shou to rest, he couldn't help feeling melancholy, so he asked.

"The overall situation is in my heart, I think it's right, winning or losing is not that important!"

Ying Shou shook his head, stood with his hands behind his back, looked at the sand table in the southern border battlefield not far away, and ignored it, turned around and walked towards the gate of the palace.

"His Majesty……"

Sima Xun was taken aback for a moment, he didn't seem to care about winning or losing after listening to His Majesty!

You know, the one that is being ransacked by the flames of war is Daqin, His Majesty's Daqin.

Could it be that as an emperor, he really doesn't worry at all, doesn't he have any expectations?
"General, you also know the situation on the battlefield. How can it be determined at a glance?"

"However, the world is like chess, winning or losing is one hand. Even though the Xianyang battlefield is crucial, it is good to defend it. If you can't defend it, you can't defend it. The general situation of the world is not yet a foregone conclusion. Don't worry, take your time!"

In front of the palace gate, Ying Shou suddenly stamped his feet and said with a smile.

"If you can't hold it, you can't hold it?"

Sima Xun was stunned, and said: "Your Majesty, Xianyang City is the key to the outcome of this battle!"

Ying Shou shook his head and said, "No, then change another key!"

With that said, Ying Shou stopped talking nonsense and left.

Behind, Sima Xun frowned and muttered to himself: "No, then change another key?"

Sima Xun was a little dazed, this is the key to the overall situation, can it be said that it can be changed?
The situation in the southern border has not been clear until now, even the strength of the enemy and us has not been fully understood. With the outcome unpredictable, the chance of stabilizing the overall situation is very slim.

Da Qin, who is fighting on three sides, if he can't even keep the country, the world will be panicked in an instant. After that, he will basically have no power to fight back. At that time, what key can Da Qin grasp?

Sighing, Sima Xun was a little confused about Ying Shou's meaning. He found that Ying Shou, the hands-off shopkeeper, was getting more and more qualified.

He doesn't even pay attention to the destruction of the country and the family.

But in fact, if he didn't take it seriously, why would he stand on the sand table for days and nights to watch the battle between the misty ancient forest battlefield and the Xianyang battlefield?

Puzzled, Sima Xun had no choice but to leave.

"My concubine sees Your Majesty!"

When he came outside the door, he saw Empress Nanyan and Concubine Lan waiting outside with a group of court ladies, saluting at the same time.

"Be flat!"

Ying Shou waved his sleeves and looked at Concubine Lan who was standing with the queen.

It can be seen that the two women get along fairly well, and in just a few days, the distance between them has actually narrowed.

Although Ying Shou has been staying in the room for the past few days, he is not ignorant of what's going on outside.

He is aware of the waiting of the Queen and Concubine Lan, and he will even pay attention to the frequent exchanges between the two.

It has to be said that Nan Yan is becoming more and more like a queen who is the mother of the world, and her broad-mindedness is beyond compare.

Although occasionally play some small temper, but only in front of front of others.

For example, in front of his other imperial concubines, he would appear extraordinarily generous and impeccable.

In front of her, no matter who is emotional or reasonable, no one can refuse her kindness.

Now that the harem is peaceful, it has to be said that Nan Yan has made great contributions.

"These days, Your Majesty seldom eats food. I'm afraid it's not good. This is the mutton soup cooked by Lan Fei's sister. The secret seasoning is very rare, and the taste is unique. Your Majesty can use some!"

Kowtowed and got up, Nan Yan couldn't help but care about Ying Shou, and at the same time, she brought Concubine Lan with her.

This is the first time Concubine Lan cooks for the emperor, and she doesn't know how to express herself. When she saw the empress expressing for herself, she felt relieved and looked at Nan Yan gratefully.

(End of this chapter)

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