Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1231 Everyone Be Careful

Chapter 1231 Everyone Be Careful
Jun Wuyou and Shusun Tong, they have already met.

Before the emperor left Qin, there was even an argument in court, but now when they meet, they are like strangers.

The two had a tacit understanding and got to know each other again.

After the two of them finished being polite, the people outside had already arrived.

"Master Tai Tuo!"

"Your Majesty, I will pay my respects to Your Majesty Taifu!"

When everyone came in, they cupped their hands and cupped their fists, saluting one after another.

"Oh, why are you adults here? I came here late at night, and I didn't want to bother you adults. It's a sin!"

Shusuntong looked up, stepped forward quickly, cupped his hands and said, "Since I'm here, I'm under the imperial order today, so I should go to work first, and then stay with you for a long time. Let's listen to the order together!"

When everyone heard the words, they nodded one after another, and said with a smile: "Public affairs first, private affairs second, the emperor's order is the most important, it should be, it should be!"

Saying that, everyone retreated at the same time, walked aside, and knelt down one after another.

"The minister waits to hear the order!"

Shu Suntong turned his head and waved to the old man beside him.

The old man came forward with a volume of imperial edict and handed it to Shusun Tong.

Unfolding the imperial decree, Shusuntong read: "Following the heavens, the emperor called, Jun Wuyou obeyed the orders, supervised the world, recommended talents, and jointly promoted the Great Qin. I am very relieved. This time the peace of Xianyang is even more important. without."

"He recommended the palaces of the princes, and they all made great contributions. Now he is enfeoffed as Jun Wuyou to be the supervisor of my Great Qin Dynasty. Wherever he passes, it feels like I am here in person!"

"In addition, Lingjun Wuyou passed on an order to appease and reward the three armies, so please!"

After the holy decree was read, everyone below kowtowed and received the decree.

Jun Wuyou stood up after receiving the order, and said with a smile: "Lord Tai Tu, since His Majesty the Emperor ordered Wuyou to pass on a decree to reward the three armies, what is the purpose?"

Shu Suntong smiled and waved again, and the old man at the side immediately stepped forward with another imperial edict.

Shu Suntong reached out to take it, and handed it to Jun Wuyou, and said with a smile, "Supervisor, this is His Majesty's imperial edict of rewards and punishments, and Lord Jun is invited to deliver the decree!"

Hearing the words, Jun Wuyou hurriedly stretched out his hand to bear the fruit, cupped his hands and said with a smile: "If that's the case, then Wuyou will not delay, and go to deliver the decree!"

Said, Jun Wuyou didn't even look at it, put away the imperial decree and was about to leave.

"Hey, isn't the big inspector going to take a look?"

Shusun Tong shouted hastily.

He didn't even glance at the imperial decree, and he didn't understand why he was so anxious. If he didn't see the content, who would he reward?

"No, those who need rewards are still waiting for the imperial decree!"

Jun Wuyou laughed loudly, while speaking, he looked left and right at the six ministers and Xiao He standing beside him, then turned around and walked away.

Behind him, Shu Suntong shook his head with a smile on his face.

In front, Xiao He and the others had ugly faces.

"Master Taifu, when will there be a great supervisory position in my Daqin, why don't I know?"

Du Tao, Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice, was a little dissatisfied, and asked Shu Suntong.

"Master Du, I, Daqin, didn't have the post of Shangshu in the past, don't I have it now?"

"Now, since His Majesty has given you the position of Great Supervisor, I, Daqin, will have the position of Great Supervisor in the future!"

Shu Suntong smiled lightly and answered.

When everyone heard the words, they were immediately speechless.

Indeed, there was no such official position before, but when the emperor needed it, he naturally had it.

But when they thought that such an important job would fall into the hands of a ruthless person like Jun Wuyou, everyone felt a little angry.

Great supervisor, although it has never existed before, but from the name and duties, it can be seen that this is definitely a position to supervise the world.Its ability is greater than that of other ministers.

All ministers also supervise the world, but their rights are separated.

For example, those in charge of the Ministry of Households, those in charge of the Ministry of Industry, those in charge of the Ministry of Punishments, those in charge of officials, those in charge of the Ministry of Rites, and so on.

In other words, in the future, Jun Wuyou can completely do all their things, what is this?
Great supervisor, great supervisor, when you hear this name, it is one eye and one ear.An eye and ear that belonged to the court.Not sure, I am afraid that the future Black Ice Terrace will fall into his hands.

If I want to do this, who would dare to target this Daqin.If you are not careful, you may be scratched by him alive.

"Hey, how do you look at the appearance of the adults, it seems a little unhappy!"

Shu Suntong's eyes flashed, and he could clearly see the gloomy faces of everyone.

He is old now, and gradually entering his twilight years, but that doesn't mean he is confused.

On the way back to Xianyang, he walked slowly all the time, but he was very well informed about what happened in Xianyang City and a series of news!
After all, Wang Lin also has a Black Dragon Order in his hand, and he can also order the Black Ice Platform to let him know important news from various places, and no one can hide it.

At this moment, Shusun Tong asked, but he was very clear about the dissatisfaction of these people in his heart.

"Hey, Master Taifu doesn't know something! This Jun Wuyou deceives the king and is deeply favored by the emperor, but he acts without regard for the people of the world."

"The battle of Xianyang City, because of his mistake, killed hundreds of thousands of people in our Great Qin. For our Great Qin, it is a bloody crime. He... how could he have the face to accept this imperial decree and be a great supervisor! "

Wu Hua, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, gritted his teeth and counted Jun Wuyou's crimes in detail.

"That's right, Master Taifu, how can such a sinful person hold the power of supervision?"

Yan Xun, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, pointed in the direction where Jun Wuyou was leaving, and said with righteous indignation with a look of resentment.

During the speech, everyone agreed one after another, and when this time was mentioned, they were really furious.

"Hehe, what your lords said is serious, right? If that's the case, why don't you write to His Majesty the Emperor to impeach him? What's the use of being so angry?"

Shu Suntong shook his head and smiled, pretending to be puzzled.

"Your Majesty Tai Tu doesn't know something, how can you not impeach him? We have already jointly discussed what to do. I thought that the decree issued this time should be a sin."

"But I never thought that it doesn't matter if such a sinful person does not commit crimes, His Majesty the Emperor would give such a heavy responsibility. It is really unreasonable!"

"That's right, His Majesty the Emperor, he loves Jun Wuyou so much!"

Everyone responded, looking at the angry looks, if they didn't know that the Black Ice Terrace could not have lied about the emperor's news, they couldn't help but wonder whether the imperial edict was issued by the emperor himself.

In other words, does the emperor know if there is still a chance to issue an imperial edict in person.Don't let someone falsely preach the imperial decree, but the emperor has no freedom, that is the real big trouble.

If this is the case, Jun Wuyou is probably not a so-called big supervisor, but a real thief who steals the country.

"My lords, be careful!"

Just when everyone was filled with righteous indignation, Shu Suntong suddenly let out a cold snort.

As soon as the words were spoken, the scene fell silent instantly.

Everyone could clearly feel the coldness and anger in Shusuntong's tone, and all looked at Shusuntong for a moment.

After their eyes flickered for a while, they all lowered their heads again.

(End of this chapter)

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