Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1401 Min Shan's Concern

Chapter 1401 Min Shan's Concern

"Tell me, what are you thinking?"

Nehman lowered his brows and did not take off that mask in front of his younger brother.

"You're talking about surrendering to Qin?"

Dongfang Minshan smiled ironically.

Nihaman didn't speak, but turned his eyes, staring at Dongfang Minshan quietly, waiting for Dongfang Minshan's answer.

"I want to ask you a question. Do you think it's right or wrong for me to do this? Or, what do you think I should do?"

Dongfang Minshan did not answer Nehman's culture, but changed the subject and asked Nehman.

Nehaman said indifferently: "If you don't surrender, you are still the king. If you surrender, you will always be a subject!"

Dongfang Minshan burst out laughing when he heard the words.

"Hahaha... the king... if you don't surrender, I'm still the king..."

Dongfang Minshan laughed so hard that he seemed to have heard the biggest joke in the world.

"The king who bowed his knees in front of the gate of heaven?"

"Being controlled by the Heavenly Gate, the king in a golden cage?"

"Or the king who is controlled by Tianmen, threatened by courtiers, holds power, and can't even control his own life and freedom?"

"Or be a king who is doomed to never stand up and can only be fish on other people's chopping boards?"

Suddenly, Dongfang Minshan withdrew his smile, stared at Nehaman with stern eyes, and said word by word.

Nihaman's heart trembled suddenly. For some reason, she suddenly felt that the person in front of her was very strange.

Is this still his docile brother who is still bullied even though he is a king?
At this moment, Dongfang Minshan really wanted to be a different person. While talking and laughing, his eyes were full of tyranny.

"you've changed!"

Nehaman's voice trembled slightly. At this moment, in front of her younger brother, she actually felt an inexplicable pressure.

who is she?He is Nehman, the God of War of Donghu!
Who is the person in front of him?That is a weak king who can only be bullied even if he is a king, a king who can't even protect his own dignity.

Such a person is no longer a king, but instead gives him such inexplicable pressure. What's going on?

"That's right, I've changed!"

Dongfang Min Shan stood up, opened his arms, and said, "Everyone knows that there is a king in Donghu, Min Shan! He is cowardly, willing to be bullied, and never resists!"

"But who knows how much humiliation is hidden in the heart of this person who does not resist?"

As he said that, Dongfang Minshan suddenly pointed at Nehaman, and called out Nehaman's true destiny: "Dou Lanxin, do you know what a king is? Do you know how much it costs to be a king?"

"You thought you came back from Loulan to protect me, but you don't know that your existence and command have become my burden."

"From the beginning to the end, I was the one protecting you, and you just took away the power I should have!"

"You think that if you grasp this power, you can protect me for the rest of my life. As everyone knows, this power may have earth-shaking effects in my hands, but in your hands, it is doomed to become a gun in the hands of others. Let others instigate!"

"When others think you are still useful, this power is naturally still in your hands. But when others think you are useless, do you think you can still control this power?"

Nehaman's complexion changed, he stood up suddenly, and hissed, "Min Shan, what nonsense are you talking about? You mean, I took everything from you, and you think I killed you?"

"Do you know what I have paid for you?"

The two brothers and sisters had a quarrel for the first time.

Nehaman never thought that such a quarrel would be caused by his cowardly brother.


Dongfang Minshan smiled, a little sadly, but also a little tragic.

He looked at Nehaman and said, "Dou Lanxin, I know that you are doing it for me, and I know what you have paid for, so I don't blame you. Unfortunately, you are too naive, or you have never seen it clearly. The truth of the matter!"

Speaking of this, Dongfang Minshan said with a sneer on his face, "Do you think these words are familiar? Yes, this is what you said to me on weekdays. You say, I am too naive to see the truth clearly. But in reality Come on, when did you see through it?"

"You thought that there was the order of Tianmen, so when you made a move, you directly controlled me, Donghu Chaotang. As everyone knows, I have long been aware of the existence of Tianmen!"

"For so many years, I have been forbearing. The entire Donghu has long been in my pocket!"

"Why do you think Tianmen is suppressing me everywhere? I will tell you now, because I have long been out of his Tianmen's control. I even have the power to counterattack Tianmen!"

"But what will happen in the end, you will come, you will raise the butcher knife, and harvest all the power I have cultivated with my own hands for so many years!"

"Do you think I can't do anything about you? But if I give an order, ten Dou Lanxins are already dead. Do you think you can still live till now?"

"You think you are right to eliminate dissidents, but in fact, you have exhausted all my strength, and instead surrendered the entire Donghu to Tianmen."

"Now, think about it carefully, why was it so easy when you cleared out dissidents back then, and you didn't even encounter any resistance. Do you understand?"

As Nehman listened, his breathing gradually became short of breath.

Dongfang Minshan had never said these words to her. Speaking of them today, she inexplicably followed Dongfang Minshan's words and fell into deep thought. Thinking about it, the things that happened back then were really smooth and unimaginable.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible! If they are all yours, why didn't you tell me sooner. If you told me, how could I be so cruel?"

Although in retrospect, it seems that it is really the same as what Dongfang Minshan said, but Nehman does not believe it.

She kept shaking her head, vetoing the matter.

"Hahaha, you still think it's impossible now, don't you?"

Dongfang Minshan laughed a little crazy, and said: "Back then, you brought a group of Tianmen masters and surrounded me. In name, you were protecting me, but in fact, you brought them here and put the knife on my neck superior!"

"You didn't realize that you also had their knives around your neck. You thought you could counter-control them, but in fact, you had no chance of getting away from the time you started seeking skin from the tiger."

"The people around me have fallen into control one by one because of you. Tell me, what else can I do?"

"Maybe if I'm more ruthless, I still have a chance. But I can't make this move, I can't make up my mind. I can only walk into the abyss of despair step by step under the protection of your self-righteousness!"

"When I found out that I was wrong, I had no chance. Now, I have no way out. It was Qin who gave me a rope to hang me. Tell me, should I catch it?"

"Hold on to this rope, at least I can save your life, and I can start all over again. If I can't hold on, I will die, and you can't live either!"

At the end, Dongfang Minshan approached Nehaman, his eyes were extremely red, like a demon, staring at Nehaman firmly.

(End of this chapter)

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