Chapter 1403
"The general can tell that this is a love poem, but can you tell where this love poem comes from?"

Zhang He shook his head and smiled. He was originally a counselor and a man of knowledge. He was good at mentioning these things.

"How do I know this? Could it be that my little sister didn't write it herself?"

Lie Yang shook his head, a little puzzled.

"Mountains have trees, and trees have branches, but the heart is happy, and you don't know!"

Zhang He shook his head, read out this poem, and said with a smile: "The general and Empress Yinyue are both from Nanyue in Baiyue, and the land of Baiyue is collectively called the word Yue. The people of Baiyue in the south are collectively called Yueren!" "

"Once upon a time, there was a big country in Baiyue. It was so powerful that it was out of the list of Baiyue. Not only was it ranked among the top five in the Spring and Autumn Period, but it was also the best among the Seven Heroes in the Warring States Period!"

"This big country is called Chu, and it can also be called Chuyue!"

"The state of Chu has Chuci, and in Chuci, there is a Yueren song. This poem comes from the Yueren song!"

Lie Yang listened to Zhang He babbling for a long time, but there was nothing useful, so he couldn't help shouting: "I said Zhang He, can you stop showing off your knowledge? I know you know everything, just tell me, This poem, if you can give it to Ying Shou directly!"

Hearing this, Zhang He smiled wryly. He said so much about his feelings, in this person's opinion, it was all nonsense.

That's right, this one has always only done practical things, and never listened to these things.

That being the case, let's keep it simple and straightforward.

"General, according to my opinion, it is appropriate to present this poem to His Majesty the Emperor, but the meaning in this poem is not as simple as a random love poem!"

"According to my opinion, Empress Yinyue is also knowledgeable and talented. How can she not understand the meaning of this poem? However, she expresses her longing in this poem. It is conceivable that Empress also has bitterness in her heart." !"

Zhang He was silent for a moment, then sighed.

"What, you said my little sister is suffering?"

When Lie Yang heard this, he immediately became unhappy, and asked solemnly.

"Well, it's hard to tell!"

Zhang He nodded and confirmed.

"Since you can see it, tell me, what is the pain!"

Lie Yang was a little puzzled, he could not believe it just because of a poem.

"Hey, this Yueren song is about a boatman and a prince. The boatman is humble and ashamed of himself."

"I love the prince who is high above me, but I can't express it. I can only face the prince as a subordinate. I am in the same boat, and I am happy in my heart, but I don't know it. I am bitter in my heart, and no one knows it!"

"The so-called mountains have trees and trees have them, and the heart is pleasing to the king, but the king doesn't know it. Don't you know, it's not that you don't want people to know, it's just because you are humble and ashamed of your appearance, you dare not show your feelings!"

"Now, when Empress Yinyue mentions this verse, isn't she comparing herself to a servant who is ashamed of herself and dare not show her heart to the emperor above him?"

"Perhaps on weekdays, although Empress Yinyue has the status of imperial concubine, in front of His Majesty, she is just a servant!"

Zhang He's eyes flickered, and he had to say that he was a capable person. With just one poem, he could guess Yinyue's experience very well.

In front of Ying Shou, Yinyue never dared to presume, she was already satisfied with being a concubine, and never dared to do more.

Whether she is humble or ashamed, she has never dared to show her feelings in front of Ying Shou, and she is even humble, almost down to the dirt, and only serves as a servant girl by Ying Shou's side.

"Is there such a thing?"

"Hmph, no wonder, I just said that my sister's life must be unsatisfactory!"

"Just wait, I will pass this letter to Ying Shou now, I want to see if he will take this responsibility or not!"

When Lie Yang heard this, he immediately became angry.

It's really unreasonable to think that my beloved sister is so humble in front of others.

"General, go, if you want to test His Majesty's mind, this letter is enough!"

Zhang He nodded, and pushed the portrait to Lie Yang.

Lie Yang didn't talk nonsense, took the portrait, left directly, and soon sent it to Donghu King Ting through the news channel of the Black Ice Platform, and kept it in his hands.

The communication speed of the Black Ice Station can be described as fast.

It was only thousands of miles away, and it was delivered in just two or three days.

On this day, early in the morning, Ying Shou had already received this letter early.

At this time, Ying Shou was in the study.

Looking at the hand, isn't that familiar portrait exactly me?

"Mountains have trees, and trees have branches, but the heart is happy, and you don't know!"

Ying Shou murmured these two words to himself, and asked the iron eagle swordsman who was waiting to ask questions: "There is news, do you know who handed this portrait out? Is it?"

The iron eagle swordsman bowed and said: "Your Majesty, this picture scroll came from the hands of General Lie Yang, and it is said that Empress Yinyue ordered it to be delivered!"

When Ying Shou heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he couldn't help but sneer to himself.

"Yue'er sent it, but it was handled by Lie Yang. This matter is really interesting. It seems that some people in the Great Qin have gradually become powerful after all. The general trend is unstoppable!"

Ying Shou muttered to himself and waved his hand to make the iron eagle swordsman back down.

This is a simple letter, with only the thoughts of a woman on it.But after it was delivered to Ying Shou, he didn't speculate on the content of the letter immediately. On the contrary, what he saw immediately was the undercurrent in Daqin's secrets.

From the very beginning, Ying Shou had already thought about it. After the Great Qin experienced this catastrophe, it would definitely create a different situation for the Great Qin. Under the royal power, a force would surely be born.

This is an irresistible trend.This is true in every dynasty and generation.

In this regard, Ying Shou never thought of stopping it. After all, this kind of historical necessity cannot be stopped.On the contrary, if you really want to stop it, the one who suffers the most serious loss will be Daqin after all.

What is a country?
Those who are in the country gather together the power of the world.

Comparing the power of the world to rivers and rivers, the country is the sea. Only by combining the power of rivers and rivers can the sea be achieved.

On the contrary, if there are no rivers and rivers to form a sea, no matter how big the sea is, it will dry up sooner or later.

In the previous Great Qin, the world returned to its heart, and all power and power were in the hands of Ying Shou alone.In this way, although no one can shake his position.

However, it is difficult for the people below to become powerful after all, and if they cannot become powerful, the power they can exert is limited after all.

As long as Daqin continues to develop for a long time, it is inevitable that it will be divided into cliques and crowds to become powerful.

The so-called potential can also be said to be a tool, and only when it is a tool can it exert greater power for Daqin.

Now, through the origin of this picture scroll, Ying Shou can see clearly that what should become a trend basically has become a trend.

Ru Lieyang now has his own momentum.Otherwise, how can you participate in this kind of thing?

(End of this chapter)

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