Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1405 Yinyue is angry

Chapter 1405 Yinyue is angry
"what happened……"

Xiongnu Dragon City, in the royal court, in Yinyue's bedroom.

On this day, Yinyue cleaned up the letters in the wooden box, and suddenly her face changed, and she found that one letter was missing.

"No, is there still one missing?"

Yinyue hurriedly counted them again, but no matter how she counted them, there was still one piece missing.

In this box, there are too many secrets hidden in Yinyue. She clearly remembers every secret, and she is also very clear about how many secrets she has recorded.

She didn't know if she didn't check it before, but once she checked it, she knew exactly what was missing.

Immediately, Yinyue opened every portrait and every letter and reviewed them for their significance. After reading them, he finally found out which one was missing.


"Come here!"

Yinyue's eyes gradually turned red, and inexplicable madness struck her heart instantly.

This Great Qin Imperial Concubine, Empress Yinyue, who has always been gentle and kind to others and never gets angry, is completely angry at this moment, or she is crazy.

"My lady..."

"My lady..."

Yinyue's roar immediately attracted a group of people.

Dozens of soldiers in a row rushed out of the bedroom in an instant, all of them knelt on one knee, but they dared not enter the bedroom.

Yinyue put all the letters back into the box.

He stood up abruptly, waved his sleeves, and walked outside, looking at a group of people kneeling on the ground.

Her eyes were cold, with murderous intent reverberating in her eyes, she scanned the group of people in front of her, and said coldly: "Tell me, who has entered my bedroom privately!"

Hearing this, all the armored soldiers were taken aback, and shouted one after another: "Your Majesty is wronged, how dare we trespass into the sleeping hall!"

These soldiers are really panicking at this moment, you know, that is the sleeping palace of the imperial concubine and empress, who would dare to trespass?Isn't that courting death?
"Don't tell me?"

"I'm putting the words here now. Whoever dares to enter the palace's bedroom and steal the letters of the palace, tell me now, and the palace will save his life. Otherwise, the palace will definitely kill the nine clans, leaving no one behind." !"

Yinyue gritted her teeth. At this moment, she was really like a dragon caught by someone, like a cat whose tail was stepped on, and even more like a rabbit who was irritated.

Everyone has their own secrets in their hearts. When the secrets are revealed, no one can bear it.

No matter how kind this person is usually, even if he is like a rabbit, he knows how to bite people when he is in a hurry, let alone people.

"Your Majesty, I have been wronged!"

There was a look of panic on the face of a soldier, not to mention that no one did this kind of thing, even if they did, they would not dare to admit it.

"Don't you admit it? If that's the case, don't blame me for being rude, everyone will receive the punishment together!"

Yinyue was aggressive, and when she finished speaking, she thought of something, and said again: "Besides, since you have never entered this palace, do you know who has broken in without permission? When I was not here, who actually came in?"

"I will give you one last chance to report each other, otherwise, let me find out, and you will all sit together!"

All the soldiers below are terrified, you look at me, I look at you, at this time, who dares to talk nonsense?
They can't blame each other, can they?

If so, isn't that courting death?
"Qi Niang Niang, I thought of something, I don't know whether I should say it or not!"

Suddenly, someone thought of something, quickly raised his head, looked at Yinyue and asked.

"What's the matter?"

Yinyue's eyes froze, and she suddenly looked at the person who spoke.

"Your Majesty, I don't know if this general enters the Empress's bedroom, is it counted?"

The man said cautiously.

Yinyue was taken aback for a moment, the relationship between General Lie Yang and her is well known.

Brothers in the army, who doesn't know the nature of the general?
That is a person who has disregarded rules and etiquette from the beginning to the end. Wherever he wants to go, no one has dared to stop him, even if it is her Yinyue bedroom.

After all, the two are brothers and sisters, Lie Yang has a stubborn temper, and no one can hold her back. As time goes by, everyone gets used to it.

Anyway, Yinyue didn't pursue it, so Lie Yang repeatedly broke into Yinyue's bedroom, and everyone didn't care.

When this matter happened today, everyone could only think of Lie Yang.

After all, in this army, apart from Lie Yang, no one really dared to break into it.


Yinyue was silent, muttering to herself, and suddenly said: "You said that the general came to my bedroom when I was not in the bedroom?"

This question is a bit meaningful, you know, Lie Yang usually comes here, even though he goes straight, he always has something to say.It's impossible to come here without something.

What's more, it is impossible for Lie Yang to come when she is not in the bedroom.

"I want to report to your empress, just half a month ago, the Donghu army was about to start, and my empress went to the head of Longcheng in person. As soon as my empress left, the general followed me, and even entered my empress's bedroom and stayed there for a long time!"

The person who spoke before quickly replied.

"I, the great general, came to my bedroom that day, and have I stayed for a long time?"

Yin Yuexiu frowned slightly, and suddenly understood what was going on.

"That's right, that day, the general's appearance and behavior were a little weird!"

Someone else answered.

"Strange in appearance and behavior?"

Silver Moon asked back.

"That's right, it's weird. I didn't care about it at first, but now that I think about it, I'm even a little sneaky. Many brothers have seen this!"

The voice of the respondent came again, solemnly speaking.

"The shape is weird, sneaky!"

Yinyue seemed to understand, and asked coldly: "You know, what did the general do when he came to the palace?"

Everyone looked at each other, you looked at me, I looked at you, they all looked puzzled.

After all, even everyone dare not approach the bedroom at will, and can only guard outside the walls of the bedroom.

The distance from the sleeping hall outside the wall is not small, who can see what the general has done?
"Okay, let's go down!"

Seeing that everyone obviously couldn't answer, Yinyue waved her hand, and without talking nonsense, she directly dismissed everyone.


All the soldiers promised to retreat, Yinyue turned around and went straight to Lie Yang's residence.

At this time, in another palace, Lie Yang also looked angry.

"It's been half a month, it's been half a month, and Ying Shou hasn't replied at all, not at all!"

"Zhang He, tell me, what does he mean by Ying Shou? How long is he going to leave my brother and sister alone? Are you really going to keep teasing my brother and sister?"

In the hall, Lie Yang paced back and forth, getting more and more angry as he talked, gnashing his teeth, it could be said that he was so angry.

On the side, Zhang He sat quietly, with a look of helplessness on his face. Hearing Lie Yang's complaints, he couldn't help but put his hands on his forehead.

The roar of the general has lasted for almost ten days.

After the portrait was sent out, the general had been waiting for a reply. It was fine for five or six days at first, but after seven or eight days, he couldn't bear it anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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