Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1412 Resentment

Chapter 1412 Resentment

The iron eagle swordsman bowed his hands and agreed, but the emperor didn't speak. He still stood where he was, waiting for the emperor's next order.

Ying Shou was still contemplating, and after a while, he conveyed two orders in succession.

"Send Ren Xiao in the southern border, and I always pay attention to the news in the southern border. Now, since the rebel army is reorganizing the army, let them rectify it slowly."

"As long as the rebels don't take action, Ren Xiao will pretend he didn't see it. Any territory occupied by the rebels must not be violated in the slightest!"

"Finally, order Xianyang City to order Prime Minister Xiao He to rise immediately, lead civil and military officials, mobilize the world's money and food, and prepare to transport it to the north at any time to help the people of the new country!"

Conveying two orders with one face, the iron eagle swordsman was a little restless, and Nan Yan was also not calm.

"Your Majesty, you just said that the people in the southern border are struggling to survive. During the autumn harvest, due to the rebellion by the rebels, the harvest in the southern border is not seen in every ten."

"At this moment, since my Daqin has the power to quell the chaos, why don't you take down the rebels in one go, but let them continue to cause disaster to the world?"

Normally, Nan Yan would never participate in political discussions, but at this moment, she couldn't accept Ying Shou's instructions, so she immediately questioned her.

"Hehe, empress, don't forget that the rebels in the southern border are the natives of the southern border. The southern border and my Daqin have never been of the same mind. Since everyone wants to make trouble, why not let them experience what I brought. Bitter fruit?"

Ying Shou sneered, this time, the battle in the north can be settled immediately, but if there is no accident in the battle in the south, he will definitely find a way to delay it for a while.

Sometimes, people's hearts are actually cheap.

It could have been good, but it has to ask for trouble.If they act too early, they will not be able to reap the consequences, and I am afraid that there will be more rebellions in the southern border in the future.

Therefore, since they have to fight, let them have a good taste of their own bitterness.

Nan Yan understood what Ying Shou meant, but she also remained silent.

Being kind, she naturally didn't want the emperor's dissatisfaction to cause thousands of people to suffer from the flames of war.

But what the emperor said was not unreasonable. It was people who committed the rebellion themselves. If they are not allowed to suffer the consequences today, should they be allowed to be comfortable and continue to rebel tomorrow?
"Go ahead and convey my will immediately!"

Seeing that Nan Yan stopped asking, Ying Shou looked at the iron eagle swordsman and waved his hand.


The iron eagle swordsman heard the words, no more nonsense, promised, and left directly.

Soon, in Xianyang City, Xiao He received an order and immediately began to mobilize granaries in various places to send grain to the borders of Yan and Zhao.

At the same time, Ren Xiao, the governor of Nanhai County in the south, also received the emperor's order.

That night, the cold wind blew, but there was no heavy snow.

In the cold courtyard, Ren Xiao was listening to the screams. Ren Xiao's wife had heard that there were signs of childbirth a few months ago, and it was very likely that she would give birth prematurely.

However, it has been delayed until now, after all, it is still a full moon, and labor just started today.

Today, most of the crisis in the southern border has been resolved.

He Ren Xiao was preparing to lead the army out of Nanhai County many times to attack the rebels in the southern border, but he was stopped by orders from Xianyang.

As a result, the battle in the southern border was delayed again and again, and several months passed without any movement.

Up to now, Ren Xiao has not shown any signs of sending troops again.

For this matter, the painful screams in the yard made Ren Xiao feel tortured in his heart.

This seems to be something that every father must experience when welcoming a child into this world.

Although it is impossible to transfer the pain of childbirth to a man.But that feeling of fear still makes people doubt life.

Just as Ren Xiao was impatient and pacing back and forth, suddenly, a figure flashed past and came to Ren Xiao.

"I have seen the county governor!"

It was a figure wrapped in a black robe, as soon as it appeared, it immediately bowed to Ren Xiao and saluted.

"When did the swordsman come here? Could it be that there is another message from Xianyang?"

Ren Xiao frowned slightly, at the moment he was not in the mood to deal with state affairs, and all he could think of was his wife's heart-piercing pain, as well as his anxiety for the child to come to this world safely.

"Master County Guard, Your Majesty has an order. From today onwards, the matter of exterminating the rebels in Nanjun will be put aside for the time being. Without an order, do not act rashly!"

The iron eagle swordsman cupped his hands and said solemnly.

"What? His Majesty personally sent an order to stop the suppression of the rebels?"

When Ren Xiao heard this, no matter how anxious he was, he couldn't help being stunned.

Although there have been news from Xianyang City many times before, but Ren Xiao can listen to it for a while, but it doesn't mean he can listen to it forever.

After all, he could listen because the news was conveyed through the Black Ice Platform.

But in the final analysis, this is not what the emperor meant. Who knows what the emperor thinks?

Now, even the emperor has issued the same meaning, isn't this a joke?

In today's southern border, the people have long been in dire straits, and many people have suffered from the flames of war.If things go on like this, the southern border must be destroyed by the rebels.


Just when Ren Xiao was puzzled, there was another scream, which immediately attracted Ren Xiao's attention.

He couldn't help looking worriedly at the wing room. In front of the door of the room, the maids were busy, coming in and out.

"Please tell the swordsman to His Majesty, Ren Xiao leads the order!"

He has no time to take care of him. At this moment, his wife and children can't be taken care of. How can he take care of the so-called people in the southern border?

Immediately, without talking nonsense, he defeated the iron eagle swordsman with one sentence.

Hearing the words, the iron eagle swordsman looked at Ren Xiao, then at the wing not far away, turned around and left quickly.


In the Xiongnu Longcheng, the Donghu camp in the vice city, was still in that dilapidated earthen house. On this evening, the chief deacon of Donghu Tianmen and the two Xiongnu Tianmen deacons came hand in hand.

When the three met, the head of the Xiongnu said with a gloomy face, "There is news from Maodun. Now that the defeat is over, if we want to turn things around, there is only one way, and that is to immediately withdraw the Xiongnu army. A company of Donghu army."

"In this way, no matter whether it's fighting on the grasslands, fighting in the desert, or fighting in Donghu, you can have a certain advantage, and maybe there is a chance to turn defeat into victory!"

The chief deacon of Donghu Tianmen heard the words and said strangely: "Since Maodun is willing to cooperate and has given a solution, why are you two still so unhappy?"

As soon as this remark came out, the two chief deacons of the Xiongnu snorted coldly.

I just heard the second deacon say: "This Maodun is full of resentment towards my Tianmen. I just asked him for a plan. When he arrived, as soon as the letter was conveyed, he immediately reprimanded my Tianmen in every possible way. He said that the defeat in this battle was all due to him. Tianmen’s command was improper.”

"If he was allowed to preside over this battle, Qin would have already been destroyed. It's unreasonable. Could it be that in his opinion, my Tianmen is not as good as his little Maodun?"

(End of this chapter)

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