Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1433 The Crux

Chapter 1433 The Crux
Hu Shuhai was eloquent, as if he regarded Donghu as a copy of the former Great Qin, or directly called it the second Qin Chuan.

As soon as these words came out, even the patriarchs of the major aristocratic families who once occupied various parts of Donghu and occupied lands could not help but secretly nodded.

They are all influential figures from various countries, and of course they know a little about the development history of Qin State.

Once upon a time, the ancestor of the Qin State was simply a groom who raised horses.They are not even considered grooms, they can only be described as a group of slaves.

Later, because of the war with the feudal lords, the Western dog army attacked, and there was no rescue, and the Zhou royal family was almost destroyed.

It was the ancestor of the Qin people who used the strength of the whole family to escort the Zhou royal family to move eastward, and only then did they preserve the luck of the Zhou royal family for hundreds of years.

The Zhou royal family was able to survive, so it was bestowed on the ancestors of the Qin people, and a piece of land in the western frontier was given.

Since then, the ancestors of the Qin people have slowly grown from a weak lord.

In this long history of development and growth, the Qin people fought desperately against countless nomadic peoples on the grasslands, and finally destroyed countless tribal kingdoms on the grasslands.

In the end, in these countless wars, Daqin laid its own foundation.In the period of Duke Mu, the reforms were completed and he dominated the world.

This is the family history of the Qin State. It can be said that the Qin people in the past were similar to the Donghu people today. They were basically nomadic people who knew nothing and knew how to herd animals.

However, after the reforms during the period of Duke Mu, Daqin has changed from a nomadic people to a half-herding and half-cultivating people.

After Duke Mu, the state of Qin began to decline rapidly, and by the time of Duke Xiao, it was almost destroyed.

It was Duke Xiao who launched the Shang Yang Reform, which completely pulled Daqin out of the half-pastoral and half-farming, and integrated farming and warfare.

So far, Great Qin has changed its appearance, and after several generations of wise masters, it has completely unified the world.

In the final analysis, one more thing is that Donghu and Daqin were really carved out of the same template.

"Dongguo Aiqing, all Aiqings, what Hu Aiqing said, do you think it makes sense?"

Ying Shou's voice sounded, and everyone looked up, only to see Ying Shou looked at Dong Guo Benlei and the others, and asked in a deep voice.

"Your Majesty, the last general also tried to understand the development of our Great Qin. Now, this Lord Hu said something like this, and there is some truth. This land of Hu Dong is indeed the same as Qin Chuan once!"

Dongguo Benlei walked out, clasped his hands and responded.

"Well, in this case, Hu Aiqing is right!"

Ying Shou nodded, looked at Hu Shuhai, and said, "Hu Aiqing, keep talking!"

Hu Shuhai heard the words and continued: "No!"

As he said that, he looked sideways to the outside of the hall, and said, "Your Majesty, along the way, the ministers suddenly discovered that in this Hudong land, the roadsides are full of hunger and death, and I don't know how many people have been destroyed and displaced. In the midst of hunger and cold, there is no way to continue. Horrible!"

"Why is this?"

Speaking of this, Hu Shuhai spread his hands, shook his head, and said impassionedly: "It's not for anything else, just because this is the catastrophe of the herdsmen, and it will be a catastrophe every year!"

"Why do herdsmen survive? What do they live on? It's nothing more than livestock!"

"But this livestock, every winter, will freeze to death. I don't know how much it will starve to death if there is not enough forage. Coupled with various diseases, it will always affect the harvest of the herdsmen!"

"When the year is good, you may be safe and sound. But if there is a little bit of trouble, these tens of millions of herdsmen will suffer from the disasters of nomadism in an instant!"

"This is a disaster brought about by food, and it is also a disaster of games with the sky!"

"In order to avoid the losses caused by this, Hu Dong's people can only invade the Central Plains every year and attack the Central Plains. They support wars with wars in order to capture more food and more benefits in the Central Plains so that they can survive Difficulty!"

"However, every time a war breaks out, it is another test for the Hudong land. If the war is won, the herdsmen in the Hudong land will naturally have a chance to survive the disaster."

"But once defeated, it will make the situation worse. If the rear is not crowded, the casualties on the battlefield are not counted for the time being. The herdsmen who died of hunger and cold behind are the real heavy price!"

"This year, Donghu's 150 million troops have waged wars one after another. The grain and grass in Hudong's land alone cannot be supplied at all."

"In this war, everything in Donghu has been exhausted long ago. Therefore, in the land of Donghu today, there have been scenes of starving and dying. This is a lesson!"

Hu Shuhai's words, every word and every sentence, were like a heavy hammer beating on the hearts of Dongguo Benlei and others.

They listened quietly, unconsciously, fell into deep thinking.

They were thinking and listening carefully, and they suddenly discovered that the situation of Donghu was exactly the same as what Hu Shuhai said.

In fact, Hu Shuhai didn't even need to say this, they already knew about it.

But Donghu is in such a situation, such a state.Even if you realize it, so what?How else?

Of course, it can only be delayed one generation after another.Could it be that on this land, is there anyone who can change everything?
Maybe now Daqin and Hudong still have a chance.But at least, the former Donghu had no chance at all.

The former Donghu land has long been enfeoffed to all the people below.

Like the previous top ten noble families and 36 noble families, they all have their own fiefdoms.

In their own fief, they are the absolute masters, lords, no one dares to change anything in their fief, and they dare not point fingers at other people's fief.

In this way, without the overall situation, of course everything can only be allowed to continue to be derived from history.

"Master Hu is right, this is the crux of Hu Dong's land, but I don't know, Master Hu has a solution!"

Thinking of Hu Dongzhi's serious illness, Dong Guo Benlei gritted his teeth, walked out suddenly, looked at Hu Shuhai and asked.

The Patriarchs of the other major families were startled and looked over quickly, but they didn't expect Dongguo Benlei to speak at this time.

But Dongguo Benlei asked the questions in their hearts.

After all, they are all barbarians, and they are all born and raised in this land. Of course, they hope that the land they are in can prosper.

Who would want their home to be poor and weak every year?
"That's right, does Hu Aiqing have a solution?"

Ying Shou glanced at Dong Guo Benlei with satisfaction. As Hu Dong's aristocrat, if everyone didn't care about Hu Dong's future development, Ying Shou would be disappointed instead.

Now that Dongguo Benlei has taken care of him, Ying Shou is naturally relieved.

"Actually, the solution is very simple!"

Facing Dongguo Benlei's culture, Hu Shuhai smiled slightly and said in a twilight.

"How to solve?"

Dong Guo Benlei hurriedly asked.

(End of this chapter)

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