Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1470 Falling Flowers Are Intentional

Chapter 1470 Falling Flowers Are Intentional
"See Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Long Live Long Live Long Live Long Live Your Majesty!"

Although I don't recognize the emperor, but even the guards around the imperial concubine have paid homage, how dare those guards hesitate?They all knelt down pale and shouted in unison.

"Stay flat, you two are the one-word soldiers who protect the imperial concubine?"

Ying Shou got off his horse, waved his big hand, let the middleman flatten behind him, looked at the two soldiers of the first-character army and asked.

"Report to His Majesty the Emperor, this subordinate is a soldier of the Yizi Army!"

The two looked at each other and hurriedly cupped their hands.

"Lead the way ahead, I want to see the imperial concubine!"

Ying Shou didn't talk nonsense, and ordered directly.


The two agreed and immediately led the way.

There were two people leading the way, and those soldiers naturally didn't dare to stop them. Soon, Ying Shou entered the royal court, shuttling through various palaces.

At this time, in the side hall of the palace where Yinyue was located, Yinyue was sitting quietly on the bed, listening to the return of the iron eagle swordsman.

As soon as the iron eagle swordsman received the news from Donghu Daying in the vice city, he immediately rushed over without stopping.

Because Ying Shou took a step first, he came here directly without bumping into Ying Shou.

Yinyue listened to his report quietly, and waited until he had finished all the news, Yinyue raised her head, looked at him, and said, "So, Donghu Daying has already made a decision?"

The iron eagle swordsman clasped his hands and said: "I will report to the imperial concubine, after many times of persuasion by King Khan, after a long time, Nanihaman finally let go and decided to surrender to Qin!"

Iron Eagle Swordsman's report was very pertinent, he would answer whatever was said in the news, and he would never add any self-emotion to the news.

Like I thought, I thought wait...

He didn't add it, but it was impossible for Silver Moon not to add these thoughts.

Yinyue is also helpless about the time-consuming time of this peace negotiation.

A peace negotiation has been going on for almost two months, and only now has it taken action.

Before, Nehaman proposed to let her marry, and when he agreed to surrender, to be honest, Yinyue was really angry and almost went to war directly.

However, under the repeated persuasion and explanation of Khan Dongfang Minshan, especially after learning of Nehaman's true identity, Yinyue calmed down her anger.

Judging from the information obtained from various parties, it is true that as Dongfang Minshan said, Nihaman was just angry for a while.

After being bored for so long, she finally couldn't get bored anymore and chose to surrender.

In this way, the two months of waiting were not in vain.

Especially thinking of the Xiongnu army that might return to Dragon City at any time, Yinyue secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Now, once Nehman has surrendered, the Xiongnu army will be unable to support them alone, and even if they come back, they will not pose much threat.

"Okay, I know. I have ordered King Khan to make preparations immediately at the Donghu camp. Our army will be surrendered in three days. From then on, the soldiers will be united and will belong to one family!"

After pondering for a moment, Yinyue suddenly looked at the iron eagle swordsman, and ordered solemnly.

"No, this subordinate is going to send a message!"

Iron Eagle Swordsman heard the words, clapped his hands in a promise, and left directly.

Yinyue continued to sit by the table, watching the back of Iron Eagle Swordsman, subconsciously fell into deep thought again.

Although until now, Yinyue seldom talks to Lie Yang, but after such a long time, the estrangement with Lie Yang at the beginning is almost over.

Many of them are just a moment of anger, just like Nehman, after being bored for a long time, they will disappear.

It's just that every time she thinks that her letter was sent out like a mud cow into the sea, without making a sound, she still inevitably feels a little uncomfortable in her heart.

Now, the war is almost over.

Now, when he can still do his best for Great Qin, the emperor is so alienated from him.When the war is settled and the world is at peace, I still have the qualifications to stay by his side, and is it necessary to continue to stay by his side?

As the pace of pacification of the war drew closer, Yinyue became more and more inexplicably worried.

In this world, people who are taken advantage of are not considered sad. The saddest thing is the person who is not qualified to be used.

Now, in Yinyue's eyes, she is such a person.

She doesn't mind that she has more uses for Daqin, and that person can use her more.

I'm afraid that one day, I will be useless at all, and I will completely cut off relations with him.

To her, it was like a nightmare.

However, when Yinyue gradually fell into deep thought, she found that the iron eagle swordsman who walked to the door suddenly froze and listened on the spot as if struck by lightning.

Immediately after, the iron eagle swordsman knelt down on both knees, prostrated himself on the ground, and shouted loudly: "Your Majesty, see my Majesty, long live, long live, long live, long live, long live!"

As soon as these words came out, Yin Yue's tender body trembled suddenly, and Lian Lian stood up.

Her jade neck couldn't help stretching, her eyes were looking outside.

However, the body was retreating, and while looking around, there was a little dodge.

This complicated scene seemed to be the same as her mood at the moment.

"What, Your Majesty the Emperor?"

"He's coming?"

"Is he there, just outside? Why can't he see anyone?"

"Why is he here? Why is he here at this time?"

"What should I do, what should I do?"

On the one hand, there is the long-awaited lovesickness scene, on the other hand, dodging and dodging, I don't know how to face it.

She really wanted to see that person immediately, and hearing that person's appearance excited her heart.

However, she was very afraid of seeing that person, and didn't know how to face him and what to say to him after he really appeared.

The crazy entanglement of this kind of mentality made Yinyue flustered and impetuous, so that her pretty face was pale, red, and black again.

Under the drastic change in her expression, gradually, she saw a figure outside slowly appearing in her sight.

"It's him!"

"Really him?"

In an instant, Yinyue seemed to feel that her heartbeat had stopped, and her breathing had also disappeared.

Her whole body was in a state of chaos, her mind was in chaos, and she didn't know where to go.

She was dumbfounded, and just looked at the figure that appeared outside like this.

There, Ying Shou, dressed in a dark black robe, also stopped outside the side hall.

His eyes were also looking at the woman in the hall at this moment who was standing stupidly looking at him.

At this moment, it wasn't just Yinyue who was emotionally excited, Ying Shou's heart was also ups and downs.

It is said that falling flowers intentionally follow the flowing water, and flowing water has no intention of falling flowers!
Who can know that the water will carry the fallen flowers to the east, rushing to the sea and never returning?

Whether Liu Shui has a heart or is ruthless, I am afraid that only Liu Shui knows and pretends to be a villain in the world.

Luohua misunderstands that Liushui is heartless, and others misunderstand that Liushui is heartless.But at the moment of getting Luohua's love, who can know the turmoil in Liushui's heart?

It's just that in many cases, there is no need to express it when you meet people.

(End of this chapter)

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