Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 1472 Make Another Decision

Chapter 1472 Make Another Decision
"Okay, even if you are right, General!"

"The imperial concubine is angry, you should get it back as a brother. But have you ever thought that it is difficult for an upright official to break up housework!"

"This housework is the most difficult case in the world. Now that it's over, it's the emperor's housework. You take care of it, tell me, what do you use to take care of it?"

"If you really want to piss off His Majesty the Emperor, General, unless you can really bring the 10,000+ army under your command to rebel, the Emperor will kill the General easily, and it's just a matter of one sentence!"

"But once the rebellion occurs, has the general thought about what the situation of the imperial concubine will be like?"

Faced with Lie Yang's straight-forward temper, Zhang He was convinced, and immediately didn't bother to continue to argue with Lie Yang, and directly stated the strength of it.

I just heard him continue: "I believe the general understands the character of the imperial concubine better than me, right? To put it bluntly, she is a stubborn and stubborn person who never turns back. For the sake of His Majesty, I am willing to fall out with the general!" "

"General, do you think that if you rebel against the emperor, will the empress choose you or the emperor?"

"At that time, the empress will not only be in a dilemma, but will also be by the emperor's side. Because of the general's relationship, one can imagine the days to come!"

"General, general, have you thought about these things, or haven't you thought about them?"

Hearing this, Lie Yang's impulsive temper stopped.

Having said so much, if he, Lie Yang, still doesn't understand the power of it, then he is not honest, but stupid.

"What do you mean by being so obstructive?"

Taking a deep breath, Lie Yang sat back.

He doesn't have as much fuss as Zhang He, but he also knows that sometimes he is not as good as Zhang He in dealing with people, so he is not ashamed to ask.

This may also be one of Lie Yang's strengths. He never puts on airs when he treats his own people.

As long as it is someone he agrees with, in front of him, no matter how the quarrels are on weekdays, he will not blame him.Even sometimes, as long as you talk to him, you can discuss anything.

"General, it's not a matter of obstructing, but at this moment, we should think about whether we should go to see him or not!"

Zhang He sighed helplessly, and said with a worried look on his face.

"What do you mean?"

Lie Yang was puzzled.

"General, have you ever thought about the arrival of His Majesty the Emperor, we have not received any news about such a big event, don't you think there is something strange about it?"

Zhang He glanced at Lie Yang, and reminded him solemnly.

"What do you mean, this person must be fake?"

Lie Yang's heart moved, and he caught the leak in Zhang He's words and said.

"I didn't say that!"

Zhang He waved his hand, as if he didn't admit it at all.

"Then what do you mean?"

Lie Yang was speechless. He always felt that every time he talked with Zhang He, it was a troublesome job and made people uncomfortable.

"First of all, whether this person is real or not is unknown for the time being. But it is possible. If this person is fake, there must be some shocking secret. Otherwise, it is impossible for someone to take the crime of beheading and do such a thing." Things. Even people from different countries dare not!"

"Overall, the identity of His Majesty the Emperor is more real than fake. After all, the possibility of being fake is too small!"

Zhang He eloquently began to analyze.

"Okay, don't say so much, you have nothing, just say it, what do you mean? What's the possibility? According to your nature, if the real emperor comes, you still don't want to fart Are you going to pay homage?"

"Now, you think he might be real, but you're pushing back and forth like this. Just tell me what you want!"

Duan Hu waved his hand, directly interrupting Zhang He's analysis, with a headache on his face.

He really doesn't like this kind of talking, the feeling of always being in the brain.


Zhang He had no choice but to look at Lie Yang, and found that he had a feeling of being in love with a cow.

Doing this kind of analysis in front of this great general is simply hopeless.

He didn't even bother to listen to the analysis of the battle situation on weekdays, let alone talk about political issues now.

Fighting in the army is nothing more than some plans and some means.

But when it comes to brainstorming, military affairs and political affairs are not at the same level at all.

Politics is always more entangled than military affairs.

A person who even thinks about military plans, if you talk about politics to him, what is it if it's not a love affair with a cow?
Sighing, Zhang He stopped analyzing, and said bluntly: "Okay, let's just say it, Your Majesty the Emperor, whether it's true or false, we can't identify it if we want to!"

"First of all, if we forcibly identify, forcibly want to see, it is really His Majesty the Emperor, we are forcing the palace, this plan is not advisable!"

"Secondly, just admit that he is real, but the general should be clear about it, why is there no news or news about His Majesty's arrival?"

"Your Majesty is here to see the general?"

"Obviously not!"

"Since the emperor has no intention of summoning him, wouldn't it be self-inflicted to go to see him rashly?"

"And I have an intuition that if this person is really the emperor, the purpose of this visit must be inseparable from the general's previous actions."

"Perhaps, any change at this time will arouse the emperor's anger. Rather than that, it's better to wait for the summons!"

Zhang He no longer analyzed it, but the last words still clearly presented all possibilities.

All in all, monarchs and ministers have always only had the time for the king to see his courtiers, and there has never been a reason for a courtier to forcefully see the king.

But all those who committed crimes below this level are basically dead now.

This is the reverse scale of the king, and no one can touch it.

Especially when he was guilty of being a thief, every time he thought about the picture scroll before, Zhang He felt even worse.

When he sent that letter back then, he was helpless because of Lie Yang's nagging.

But after realizing it afterwards, Zhang He immediately regretted it.

First of all, they conspired to use a letter to play with the emperor and the imperial concubine, which is a way of digging their own grave.

Not to mention whether they really played with the emperor, but if they said that the emperor was surrounded by a black ice platform, they would not be vegetarians.

Where did the letter come from, the emperor probably knew it all.

And the emperor is obviously not a fool to be able to rule such a world.As long as you figure out the main points, it is not difficult to distinguish, this matter must be related to Lie Yang.

This is why Zhang He is cautious. Once the emperor really notices it, he will be angry because of it.

Lie Yang rushed forward at this time, that is courting death irrationally.

Therefore, Zhang He didn't dare to be bold, he could only carefully figure out all the relationships first, and then slowly make a decision.

(End of this chapter)

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