Chapter 1500
In everyone's heart, heaven is inviolable.

And the king is like this in people's hearts.

Anyone who can get in touch with the role of Wang, of course, knows that Wang is just a person, and there is no reason why he cannot be replaced.

But those who can come into contact are people who have the power to resist.

What about the rest?

For them, the king is like a high sky, you can't even touch it, how can you violate it?What about replacing it?
Common people, ordinary soldiers, their idea of ​​the concept of king is different from those powerful and rebellious people.

For Wang, if the sky does not treat me favorably, I will replace this piece of sky, and the king is this piece of sky.

For those powerful nobles, if the king doesn't treat me favorably, I will take your place. I am the king.

However, ordinary people, who would have the idea of ​​​​replacing the sky and the king?

They don't mind who their king is, they just listen to whoever is the king.

Whoever sits on the throne, they submit to.

Now, who is the king of Donghu?

That's right, Dongfang Minshan has indeed descended to Qin, but in the hearts of the common people and ordinary soldiers, he is still the king.

If he doesn't show up, once he shows up, his prestige will be higher than that of any general.

Even Nehaman, the so-called god of war, was just a minister in front of the king.

That's right, the soldiers guarding Dongfang Minshan didn't take the king Dongfang Minshan seriously at all.

That's because they all stayed by the king's side, and they all saw clearly that the king was not incapable of resisting.

Their king, in the eyes of others, can be manipulated at will.

That being the case, why should they take the king seriously?

Wouldn't it be good to rely on someone more powerful while enjoying the thrill of insulting the king?
Therefore, this was the situation of Dongfang Minshan at that time.

But right now, these soldiers are different from the guards back then.

They don't have the vision that others have, and they haven't seen what others have seen.

This is their difference.

People can learn from others and don't take the king seriously, but they can't.

At this moment, when they heard that the person in front of them was the king, and the king was coming, everyone's hearts instantly became uneasy.

It's as if someone suddenly ascended to the sky, there is a kind of inexplicable joy, but also a kind of inexplicable tension and fear.

It's a complicated emotion that's frightening and overwhelming.

"You rebellious ministers and thieves, the lonely king is here, how dare you commit rebellion!"

"Why, now that the lonely king has come out, do you plan to kill the lonely king directly, or what?"

When everyone was feeling ups and downs deep in their hearts, Dongfang Minshan spoke, his voice was cold and aloof, as if the voice of the sky was reverberating, beating heavily on everyone's heart.

Behind Dongfang Minshan, Nihaman looked at Dongfang Minshan in amazement, and suddenly, she found that something was wrong with the situation.

This scene was completely opposite to what she had imagined.

In her opinion, this battle is either you die or I live. She has already made desperate preparations.

But the situation in front of her told her that her so-called desperate efforts seemed to be in vain.

What does it mean?
Surprised in Nehman's heart, the hundreds of thousands of soldiers below trembled when they heard Dongfang Minshan's words, and their expressions suddenly changed.

What does Wang mean by this sentence?
Is this reprimand?
The moment before, when they saw the king, everyone felt as if they had reached the sky in one step.

At this moment, under Wang's reprimand, everyone felt that they were vain and might fall from the sky at any time.

This feeling is very dangerous, it seems that you will be smashed to pieces at any time.

Faith is often that powerful.

Ordinary soldiers and common people's belief in the king is like a believer's belief in God. It is inviolable. A little bit of dissatisfaction is a sin and a death penalty. After death, they will go to the eighteenth floor of hell.

This is the heart of the people.

Driven by the instinct of the human heart, at this moment, everyone fell into panic.

The soldiers began to panic, and the generals at all levels panicked even more.

Especially Mu Deerkui was even more flustered.

The situation is not right!

He can also see that the current situation is obviously wrong, completely different from what he expected, as if something has been missed by him all the time.

Now, this omission seems to be starting to explode.

He looked left and right in all directions, the reinforcements hadn't arrived yet, and now, an unexpected situation was about to erupt, which made him tremble with fear.

He must not let this happen!
However, just when he was about to say something, perhaps because of the summoning effect of the wolf smoke, he heard countless roars.

Outside the General's Mansion, in the streets and alleys, countless troops gathered from all directions.

The other 20 troops in the city, Nehman's confidant army, whether they were guarding the city or in other places, had already rushed in at this moment.

This speed is too fast, so fast that it is difficult to react.

It can be said that as soon as they stepped into the general's mansion, Nehman's reinforcements arrived behind.

This scene makes people think carefully.

Calculations, all calculations, everything is in Nehman's calculations.

Now he suddenly realized that he was like a jumping clown from the beginning, thinking that he had mastered a certain amount of resistance power, and only needed someone to help him, and he could win a big victory in an instant.

But in fact, I have always been in Nehman's calculations, and I have been played by Nehman all the time.

Of course, he thought so in his heart, but he didn't know that even Nehman didn't understand what was going on at this moment.

In the final analysis, the person who really calculated was not Nehaman from the beginning, but Dongfang Minshan.

Nihaman did have some calculations, because she knew some situations first, so she made the arrangement as soon as she did it.

But in front of her, her arrangement seemed to have an effect, but it was possible to be so fast because someone pushed the flames, and the person who calculated everything was Dongfang Minshan.

Following the arrival of the 20 troops from outside, they immediately surrounded the 30 troops inside and outside the General's Mansion, and the expression of the 30 troops changed drastically.

They can't see exactly how many people there are outside. Although there are many people, you never know how much water there is when you look at the water in the sea.

They only know that they seem to be surrounded.

And this is the wrath of the king, the wrath of the king, which seems to have sent down punishment.

"Do you still want to hold back?"

"Could it be that the lonely king must take action today to destroy you and others?"

At this moment, Dongfang Minshan's voice sounded like a thunderbolt, hitting everyone's hearts heavily.


The bodies of all the people below trembled at the same time. In an instant, hundreds of thousands of troops fell to their knees one after another, and all the scimitar weapons in their hands were still on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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