Chapter 222
"Okay, since everyone is of one heart and one mind to fight against the Huns, today I will talk about my views on the Huns!"

Seeing everyone working together, Hui Songzi nodded with satisfaction, and said: "In the past hundreds of years, my Central Plains has experienced the Five Hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period, the Seven Heroes of the Warring States Period, and then uprisings in various places. Everyone has lived in wars since birth. In the past few years, I have somewhat understood the war and the tactics of various schools!"

"However, the tactics of the Xiongnu are completely different from those of other countries in the Central Plains. In the past few days, my soldiers have also fought many battles with the Xiongnu, and wiped out dozens of Huns, including hundreds of people."

"Although these people didn't fully display the Xiongnu's tactics because they were scattered, I got a glimpse of it."

"My Central Plains military strategist's tactics focus on wind, forest and volcanoes. Under the battle formation, it is as swift as the wind, as quiet as the forest, as attacking as fire, as immovable as a mountain, and the formation is complete, impeccable."

"Even if someone with undue courage, such as Xiang Yu, fell into the battle, he would still be dead but not alive!"

"But the Xiongnu cavalry, their tactics are not like this at all. Their tactics are not impeccable, but their speed is fast and their aggression is swift and fierce, but they far surpass our army in the Central Plains."

"Even if I am the cavalry of the Central Plains, it is difficult to compete with it!"

While talking, everyone listened quietly to Hui Songzi's analysis of the tactics of the Xiongnu cavalry, and Hui Songzi also explained what he had seen through little by little.

The Xiongnu cavalry could not be like the Central Plains army at all, as immovable as a mountain, as quiet as a forest.

However, because of the swiftness of the cavalry and the fact that the cavalry of the Xiongnu were all warriors on horseback, the speed of their attack and the violence of their aggression were not comparable to that of the Central Plains army.

They abandoned the strategy of Xu Rulin and immovable as a mountain in the Central Plains' tactics, but they brought their speed like wind and attack like fire to the fullest.

Ordinary masters break into the Central Plains army formation, there is no way to retreat, no way to go, they can only be besieged to death. Therefore, the Central Plains battle formation is like a trap. When two sides fight, whoever is besieged first will die.If they collide with each other, it depends on their respective adjustments.

Just like in the Battle of Xianyang, Xiang Yu led the [-] brave Xiang family troops into the camp of the Qin army.This is the Battle of the Central Plains.

The Xiongnu's warfare is completely different. If the Central Plains' warfare is a trap, the Xiongnu's warfare is a strangulation machine.

Once you get caught in it, there is no way out, but the key is that your speed must be a thousand times faster than the Huns, otherwise, under the siege of hundreds of thousands of troops, swords, lights and swords invade, no matter who it is, it will be killed in an instant. He was hacked into pieces, and he didn't even know how he died.

This type of warfare is more violent and ruthless than the Central Plains warfare.Faced with this method of warfare, one must either fight desperately or flee desperately, otherwise, even if there are more than 4 master disciples from various schools on their own side, they will be killed by the Huns cavalry.

Under this kind of tactics, the so-called masters can no longer display the strength they should have.

After all, when armies fight, what they fight is not the bravery of each man, but the cooperation between each other.

As for the battle of South Vietnam, Li Yuanba, Ying Shou and others killed hundreds of thousands of troops and wiped out the entire army. This is completely a joke.

In the previous battle, first of all, Li Yuanba himself was a brave man who could be called unparalleled in the world. In addition, he was in the midst of thousands of troops, and he killed the enemy's general. In this way, no one mobilized the army. The formation is self-defeating.

Later, Li Yuanba's ferocity deterred hundreds of thousands of troops, directly beating hundreds of thousands of troops without morale at all, and because the enemy had no one to mobilize, they were in chaos, basically Li Yuanba, Ying Shou and others were not needed to kill them. These people can trample all their own people to death.

It can be said that in that battle, the 30 army not only failed to exert its due power, but also because of a series of reasons, the combat effectiveness was directly negative, so that in the end, most of the 30 army died on their own. hands.

But now facing the Huns in this battle, although there are many masters present, the Huns will never mess up.Therefore, even if these masters fall into the formation, they will still die without a doubt.

Under Hui Songzi's explanation, everyone was thoughtful.

It is undeniable that Hui Songzi analyzed the tactics of the Xiongnu cavalry incisively and vividly.

During this period of time, everyone also fought many times with the Huns. Although they fought with small groups of troops, these Huns cavalry did not show their own fighting skills at all, but their ferocity was still eye-catching.

After some explanations, Hui Songzi began to order everyone, saying: "The disciples of the peasant family are the most numerous among all schools and sects on the spot."

"Therefore, I plan to use the Mohist disciples as the defenders to guard the city wall. Later, I will invite the leader of the farm, Brother Situ, to lead the disciples to the nearby mountains, and move more rolling stones and giant logs to the top of the city!"

"The Xiongnu army is good at fighting on the plains, but they are not good at attacking cities."

"As long as there are enough rolling stones and giant trees, even if we lose to the Huns, it will still be difficult for them to get to the top of the city."

"As long as you stick to it for a few days, I believe that the Qin army will definitely arrive, all of them will be there, and I will retire!"

The leader of the farm family, Situ Yuan, clasped his fists and smiled and said, "Don't worry Hui Songzi, with me here, unless all my farm disciples die, the Xiongnu will never be able to enter the city!"

With that said, Situ Yuan stood up, left here directly, and called on all his disciples to cut down giant trees and carry rolling stones.

"Brother Situ is kind and righteous!"

Hui Songzi nodded slightly, and praised: "Brother Mo, the giant of the Mohist school, at the time of this battle, although it is impossible for my scholars to gather into an army formation in a short period of time, there is one thing that my scholars The disciples of hundreds of schools are not comparable to the Xiongnu."

"At this moment, we should give full play to our strengths. Your Mohist school is best at organ methods. Nowadays, there are tens of thousands of Mohist disciples gathering, and there is not much time. I hope Brother Mo can fill the city with traps before the Huns arrive. A trap can stop it for a while!"

"In addition, I and other disciples all lack some crossbow equipment in front of the station. Although there is not much time, it would be good if the disciples of the Mohist school can make some in a short time. Rely on the brothers and disciples of the farm family!"

"Of course, Brother Mo is an upright person, and he definitely disdains such framing techniques. However, this battle is not benevolent. Please don't refuse, Brother Mo!"

Mo Nian heard the words and said with a smile, "Don't worry, Hui Songzi.

Although my final general said that it was non-attack, the technique of non-attack is to attack people.The vicious dogs of the Huns are all wolves. In this battle, I, a Mohist disciple, will show no mercy! "

Saying that, Mo Nian, the giant of the Mo family, turned around and began to prepare for the battle.

(End of this chapter)

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