Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 362: One Word Awakens the Dreamer

Chapter 362 A Word Awakens the Dreamer

"Hehe, what Your Majesty said is true. This fishing method is fruitless and boring. I, the old man, almost fell asleep, hahaha!"

Xunzi laughed, then raised his head, looked into the distance, and said, "Some time ago, I met an old man with white hair and white beard. I talked with the old man for a long time, and I learned a lot from the old man!"

"Everything in the world, reincarnation is endless, life and death are endless, and there is no end. This is the nature of the world, and Tao follows nature!"

"Some people think they are destroying nature, but in fact, they are also nature. Some people think they have made rules, but in fact, they are still in the rules. Your Majesty thinks this is right?"

As he said that, Xunzi looked at Yingshou with eyes full of wisdom.

Ying Shou frowned slightly, lost in thought.

The meaning of these words is really profound.

"The person who makes the rules that the master said is not referring to Ying Shou?"

Ying Shou clasped his fists and asked.

"Your Majesty thinks that he has already escaped from reincarnation and the shackles of the rules? Or in other words, have the kings of the past generations been separated from the general trend of the world?"

Xunzi asked instead.


Ying Shoulue pondered for a while, and then said: "In the 800th year of the Great Zhou Dynasty, Confucius wrote the Spring and Autumn Period. The five hegemons of the Spring and Autumn Period, you fight for it, and the seven heroes of the Warring States Period, you kill me and defeat you. The kings of each family are all in a world of great contention, powerless to live in a corner , how can we talk about detachment?"

Xunzi nodded and said with a smile, "That's right, among the kings of all dynasties, who can escape?"

"King Wu defeated Zhou and thought that the Great Zhou would last forever. However, the Great Zhou was named the Son of Heaven, and he was enslaved by other countries for hundreds of years, and was finally destroyed by Qin."

"The first emperor thought that the Great Qin would last forever, and that the country would be an iron barrel. However, after his death, in just two years, the Great Qin has been torn apart. I don't know what your majesty thinks, how long this country can last? Or how long can your majesty make this country stand?"

Ying Shou was taken aback. Xunzi's words were not pleasant to listen to, but when he read them carefully, every sentence hit people's hearts directly.

"I also ask Master Xunzi to enlighten me!"

Ying Shou arched his hands.

Master Xunzi shook his head slightly, looked at the lake, and suddenly slapped the water heavily with a bamboo pole beside him, causing waves to startle, and the bamboo raft swayed away towards the distance.

"Your Majesty, have you seen it? The world is like the surface of water. One stone stirs up thousands of waves, and after a wave is not calm, another wave rises again. It can be said that heroes make the times, and the times make heroes."

"If His Majesty is the one who stirs up waves, he will still be pushed away by the waves!"

"Now, His Majesty sits under this bamboo raft and can let the lake carry it, but if the lake water is in trouble, does His Majesty think that this boat can be stable?"

Master Xunzi looked at the waves and said with a smile.

Ying Shou nodded, and said: "The master said that he wanted to tell Ying Shou that this water can carry a boat or capsize it, so we should be cautious in everything, right?"

Xunzi glanced at Ying Shou with satisfaction, and said with a smile, "It would be great if Your Majesty understood this truth."

"But today, what the old man wants to say is not this principle, but the method of Taoism!"

"We were born in the heaven and the earth, so we should feed on the things of the heaven and the earth. It's like the fish in the water, but shouldn't the fish grow in the water? If the fish has not yet grown up, you should use it to feed your hunger. Your Majesty thinks that this time Is it right to do it?"

Ying Shou shook his head, and said, "This kind of method of killing the chicken to get the egg is definitely inappropriate!"

Xunzi laughed and said, "That's right. Killing chickens to keep warm is naturally inappropriate."

"If you want to get food, the best way is to let the food grow first. If you want to win the hearts of the people, you have to let the people live first."

"Duke Xiao reformed the law back then and reused Shang Yang. The reforms lasted for more than 20 years. It was not until the generation of King Huiwen that the strategy of going east was drawn up."

"It takes decades to raise a generation and govern a country. Does Your Majesty think it's worth it?"

Ying Shou waved his sleeves, and said, "Of course it's worth it. 20 years of recharging your energy, and 20 years of fighting endlessly. What's not worth the effort of these [-] years?"

Xunzi nodded, and said, "That's right, it's worth it, but back then, Xianggong had Shang Yang, and King Huiwen had Zhang Yi. I don't know who His Majesty has? Who can you use?"

"Or is it that your majesty is going to be like the first emperor, doing everything by himself, and becoming a generation of emperors through the ages?"

As soon as these words came out, Ying Shou trembled all over.

So far, he still doesn't understand what Xunzi means.

Yes, Duke Xiao has Shang Yang, and King Huiwen has Zhang Yi, but who can he use?

Could it be that I am really going to be like the first emperor, who will not rest for the rest of his life, indulging in the mountains of memorials all day long, busy building this iron bucket?

In the eyes of all the courtiers, the first emperor is like a god. He has done things that humans cannot do, but in the end, he is still a human being.

There are countless capable ministers and generals under his command, but in the end he wasted his life and exhausted himself to death.

What is the difference between the present self and the first emperor?
I have Zhang Liang, Xiao He, Wei Liao, Di Renjie and so on.

But have you really made the best use of everything and people?

On the surface, it seems to be true, but I am still as tired as a dog.

Just imagine, during this period of time, entrusting the affairs of state to Xiao He alone has handled them in an orderly manner. If I really feel at ease with these people and let them go, will the world still need me?

"Your Majesty, sit firmly on the Diaoyutai. The general situation of the world can only be resolved by the courtiers. If the king is forcibly involved in the waves, how can he rule the world? Your Majesty is a generation of wise emperors, so take good care of your health!"

Suddenly, Xunzi's voice sounded, pulling Yingshou's thoughts back, which made Yingshou admire him.

Really, listening to your words is better than reading ten years of books.

Ying Shou thought that he was a generation of holy emperor, but he always felt that something was missing. Now, he finally understands.

The self who was supposed to be free from dust and control the world has merged into the general trend.Just like a high-ranking god who should decide the general trend of the world, but wants to give up all his power, blend into the general trend, and follow the trend, isn't it stupid?
Afterwards, Ying Shou communicated with Xunzi for three full days and three nights, from above the Wei River to the mountains and back to Xunzi's residence.

Among Xunzi's teachings, it can be said that Yingshou has benefited a lot.

On this day, when he returned to Xianyang Palace, Ying Shou immediately held a court meeting, announced a series of government policies, directly changed the dynasty, overthrew the Daqin official system, and canonized a new system.

Based on the systems of the Sui, Tang, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, the Sangong and Jiuqing are the Sangong and Liubu.

The three males are Taifu, Dazai and Taibao.

The three princes are Taifu Shusuntong, Dazai Xiao He, and Taibao Di Renjie.

Then there are six ministries, namely the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Rites, the Ministry of Officials, the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Households, and the Ministry of Punishment, each of which is a minister.

Under the Ministers of various ministries, the official post of Minister of the Ministry is registered, and they are jointly in charge of and assisting the six major events.

(End of this chapter)

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