Chapter 420
"Reporting to Shan Yu, that kid from Qin is here!"

On this day, in the city of the Huns, Shan Yu Maodun was drinking on the throne when the general below suddenly came to report.

"Hehe, it's just in time. Immediately summon the generals in the city, and follow me to see this barbarian son of Qin, what exactly is he going to do when he opens my royal city this time!"

Mouton sneered, stood up and said.

The general responded, and immediately summoned representatives sent by many tribes to gather in the palace of the royal city.

As for the leaders of the various tribes, they are all fighting in the front now, wishing they could snatch a few more pieces of Donghu's territory, and they have no time to come back to accompany the barbarian son of Qin.

Ironically, throughout the dynasties, people from the Central Plains called people from outside the country barbarians, and similarly, people from outside the Central Plains called people from the Central Plains also called barbarians.

For example, the Xiongnu in the northwest called the people of Qin today as the Southern Barbarians.

That Donghu is no exception.

Soon in the main hall of the Xiongnu King City, representatives of the leaders of various tribes came one after another, and sat in two factions in the main hall. On the table in front of these people, there was a lamb that had just been slaughtered and was still fresh.

On the side, a waiter kept cutting off the meat from the bloody sheep, put it aside for a little roasting, and handed it to his master to eat.

This scene, how bloody and bloody it was, was completely different from the atmosphere at Da Qin's dining table.

"What about Nanban boy, let him in!"

The Xiongnu Chanyu Modu came forward, and after everyone paid homage, he immediately said loudly.

Wang Lin, who was waiting outside, heard the news and walked into the hall alone. Looking at the bloody food in the hall, he couldn't help frowning slightly.

"Young General of Great Qin, Wang Lin came to Wang Cheng of the Xiongnu on the order of His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor, and met the Xiongnu Shanyu!"

Wang Lin turned his gaze to Maodun, who was in the upper class, and clasped his fists in a salute.Without losing the etiquette, in the voice, there is no fear at all.

"Hey, this man is quite calm. Little man, look at the way we eat just now, do you feel scared? If so, you don't have to try to be so calm. Anyway, the fear of you southern barbarians, I see Too many, not missing you!"

The Xiongnu bordered the Great Qin, and these royal nobles also spoke some Central Plains language.Immediately, Mao Dun said with a smile in the words of the Central Plains.

As soon as these words came out, there was a burst of ridicule in the hall, as if they were laughing at the incompetence and cowardice of the Qin people.


When Wang Lin heard this, he burst out laughing, he couldn't breathe, shook his head and said, "Modun Shanyu, the young general Wang Lin came to the border today to play, and he has heard of many great deeds of Maodun Shanyu. I thought Shan Yu was a hero of the generation, but I never thought that he can't even tell the difference between irony and fear!"

As he said that, Wang Lin cupped his hands towards the sky, and said: "My Great Qin is a celestial dynasty, a state of etiquette, food and clothing, and daily trivial matters are all based on etiquette. However, although my Great Qin governs the country and treats people with courtesy, but etiquette is not It means fear, please remember this point clearly!"

"It's a mere roasted mutton... Hehehe, it's even used to scare people. It seems that Shanyu doesn't know about some things yet!"

As he said that, Wang Lin's smile seemed so sarcastic.

As soon as these words came out, everyone didn't like to hear them.

Why, this scumbag, did he come to Wangcheng on purpose to mock everyone?

"Man boy, if you say this, aren't you afraid of death?"

Mao Dun Shanyu's face also turned cold, and he said coldly.

"Chan Yu, Shan Yu, you are so good at asking, how can people say it? Hehe, who in this world doesn't know that you, the Huns, and our great Qin are immortal? Looking for a way to die? No one in this world is not afraid of death, seeing the young general come here today, he has already disregarded life and death, what do you think the young general has to fear?"

"Don't talk about this bloody mutton. One day, if Shan Yu can visit my Daqin, you can ask me what Daqin ate during the war? Oh, I remember that my Majesty the Emperor of Daqin has a poem called, what is it, Oh, by the way, Zhuang Zhi eats the captive meat hungry, and laughs and talks about drinking the blood of the Xiongnu thirsty. I am afraid that the meaning of this poem does not need to be explained by the young general, but Shan Yu should understand what it means, right?"

Wang Lin shook his head, and when he spoke, he was unceremonious, offending everyone above the Huns royal court to death.

"Bastard, how dare you speak like this to my court of the Huns, are you looking for death?"

"You bastard, drag it out and chop it up!"

All of a sudden, there was a burst of rage, and everyone around got up one after another, pointing at Wang Lin and roaring.

Mo Dun Shanyu also had anger in his eyes, but he stopped everyone when he raised his hand.

For a while, the roars stopped, and the Xiongnu Shanyu Modu looked directly at Wang Lin, and said coldly: "You came here this time just to say these words to satirize me? If so, I can tell you that you succeeded. Yes. If you don’t give me an explanation today, I will definitely make sure you can’t get out of this royal court!”

Wang Lin clasped his hands and said, "Shan Yu was joking, I, Da Qin, am not so boring, nor is the young general so elegant."

"What I said today, I just want to tell Shan Yu that my Daqin treats people with courtesy, but it doesn't mean that I, Daqin, are afraid of anyone."

"My Daqin is courteous first and then soldiers. When I am polite, I am polite, but whoever dares to be tough, my Daqin iron cavalry, is not easy to provoke."

"Don't talk about mere beef and mutton, even human flesh, I, Daqin Tieqi, can eat it for him!"

"Of course, today's young general might be impolite, but I still hope Shan Yu Haihan. Now, let's get down to business."

"Of course, before we get down to business, His Majesty the Great Qin Emperor still has some gifts for Shan Yu, so please return to Shan Yu's subordinates!"

"Bring it up..."

As he spoke, Wang Lin waved his hand, and behind him, Daqin soldiers came forward carrying boxes of things one after another.

Wang Lin stepped forward and opened them one by one. The first ten boxes were all gold ingots, and the last ten boxes were all kinds of jewelry.Another ten boxes contained tea from the Central Plains, silk, and some grain.These grains are all from the borderlands, and the people planted the leftover seeds.

"You Emperor Qin is generous, giving so much gold, silver and jewelry. But what is the meaning of this food?"

Everyone was astonished, Modu stepped forward, checked the gold jewels, and food, and said with a smile.

"My Great Qin lacks everything, and the most important thing is gold, silver and jewelry. Isn't it normal for countries to travel and send money and wealth? It's just a small gift, not worth mentioning. Of course, my Majesty the Great Qin Emperor said, When you come to the Huns this time, the gold and jewels are all dung, and the most important thing is the grain!"

Wang Lin cupped his hands and said silently.

"Oh, what's wrong?"

Mao Dun frowned and said strangely.

"The Xiongnu have fought with our Central Plains for hundreds of years. Why? Isn't it because the Central Plains is rich in products? The young general told Shan Yu that the products and species in our Central Plains are thousands of times more abundant than in previous years."

"But one thing, if His Majesty the Emperor doesn't open his mouth, you won't get anything. Your Majesty is grateful for the common people in the world, and sent young generals here this time to establish diplomatic relations. In the future, everyone in the Xiongnu can eat the products of our Great Qin. Therefore, these grains are the real gift!"

Wang Lin said neither humble nor overbearing.

(End of this chapter)

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