Chapter 456

Tu Sui was speechless. Thinking about how he was framed by Zhao Tuo back then, and thinking about the difference between how the current emperor treats him and how the first emperor treated him, he suddenly found that all his complaints seemed to have completely disappeared.

"Get up, have a drink with me, and I will take you out later!"

Ying Shou glared at Tu Sui, shook his head and said.


Tu Sui agreed, stood up, and obediently sat down beside him.

Ying Shou was not too polite. In this prison, he didn't care about the emperor's supremacy. He grabbed a piece of sauced beef, threw it into his mouth, chewed it, poured a bowl of wine, and said, "Come on, Dry!"

Then, drink it in one gulp.

Tu Sui hurriedly raised the wine bowl and drank it down, but Ying Shou tore off another piece of chicken leg and handed it to him, saying, "Take it, I should be hungry now, eat and drink enough, leave with me, and I will serve you in the future." I will pacify the world!"

Tu Sui quickly took it, and said: "Your Majesty, the last general can calm down the world for His Majesty even if he doesn't eat it!"

"Fart, can I make soldiers hungry to fight for me? Soldiers are like this, let alone generals? Remember, this man is as good as steel, don't think that you are in good health, you will be fine if you are hungry for a meal or two."

"When will I starve my general to death, I will definitely ask you!"

Ying Shou scolded, as the saying goes, talking nonsense when you see people, talking nonsense when you see ghosts.The more rude you are when speaking with such a martial artist, the more respect and kindness you can get from the other party.

"Hey, I'm so hungry, Your Majesty is willing to punish me!"

Tu Sui couldn't help laughing.

"Fuck off!"

Ying Shou glared at him, tore off a piece of chicken leg, and ate it, saying, "To be honest, my great general, sometimes, I really envy you."

"You reckless people, talk about one thing, say another thing, use the most rude words, and say the simplest things."

"I'm standing up for you from above, and no one can hurt you. But I can't do it, don't look at me as the emperor, I'm high above you, but with my words and deeds, sometimes you have to look at who is standing next to you!"

"Sometimes, if you say a wrong word, you will be condemned by thousands of people. If you do something wrong, you will be cast aside by thousands of people, and you will be infamous forever, General."

"Look at it again. Now that you are feasting and drinking so much, you have to come to this cell to find the general in order to enjoy it."

"If you were in the deep palace compound, if you let the civil and military officials of the Manchu court know about this kind of food, you would have to nagging me for ten days and a half months. Now you know that sometimes, words and deeds are important, right?"

With that said, Ying Shou poured two more bowls of wine and said, "Come on!"

Tu Sui hurriedly raised the wine bottle, drank it down, and suddenly realized that he seemed to have done too much for His Majesty the Emperor.

I used to complain about the emperor, but now that I think about it, even the emperor has moments when he can't help himself, what kind of thing is he, and he still wants to act recklessly?Isn't this courting death?
"Your Majesty, I know I was wrong, so let's do it from now on. If Your Majesty wants to drink, I will discuss it with the generals quietly. As long as Your Majesty is interested, we will invite His Majesty to drink at your residence."

"There are not so many rules in the house, how about making sure that His Majesty will eat and drink without any fear like us reckless fools?"

Tu Sui admitted his mistake in a deep voice, then sneaked into Ying Shou's ear, and said to Ying Shou as if he was afraid that others would hear him.

"Hehehe, you boy, you have a lot of fancy intestines. But I am not shameless enough to go to your house all day to eat and drink. When this is the day, you tell me, I have eaten you poor, and I have to pay you back. Come to pay, this won't work!"

Ying Shou chuckled and joked.

"Hey, what's your Majesty talking about? We still have our salary, as long as your Majesty can eat it, and after finishing the salary, even if the general goes to beg for food, he will definitely not ask His Majesty for money and food!"

"Besides, if your Majesty can't face it, you don't need to tell us. Let's set a time and invite His Majesty the Emperor to drink every now and then."

"If His Majesty the Emperor is greedy, go, if you don't want to go, don't go!"

Tu Sui waved his hands quickly.

During the conversation, the two monarchs and ministers, who didn't care about any important affairs in the court, just talked about eating and drinking.

Gradually, the two monarchs and ministers seemed to break away from the shackles of the world and become friends.Tu Sui talked to Ying Shou all the time, wishing to give his heart to him.

After a long time, when the food and wine were finished, Tu Sui said a little dissatisfied: "Your Majesty, the wine seems to be a little less today, otherwise, let's ask someone to bring in a few more stalls, so that you don't get drunk or not." return?"

Ying Shou got up, glared at him, and said, "Tu Sui, don't go too far. This general should have the rules of a general, and the emperor should have the rules of an emperor. Today, let's be happy when we are happy. We almost woke up after drinking .”

"If I'm drunk all day long, how will I deal with government affairs, and how will you deal with military affairs? The important thing is, let's have a drink and enjoy yourself. Come, leave here with me!"

With that said, Ying Shou put his hands behind his back and walked directly outside.


Tu Sui grinned, and hurriedly followed. Under the leadership of the emperor, he strode across the gate of the prison and returned to the palace.

Next, after making some preparations, on the third day, Ying Shou led the soldiers, three thousand white horse followers and [-] guards of honor, together with Great Qin Empress Nanyan, Great Qin Empress Yinyue, and Great Qin Princess Zhao Qian and Qian left Dian together.

"Your Majesty, go slowly. If you have time to travel to Dian Kingdom, the little king will serve His Majesty around!"

The King of Dian led his civil and military officials to see them off outside the king's city, and bowed down to worship Daqin's leaving team.

"King of Dian, go back. If you are free, you can come to my Daqin to do some work. Look at the mountains and rivers of my Daqin. You can catch the eyes of Brother Dian!"

Ying Shou laughed, poked his head out of the carriage, and said with a smile.

"When you are free in the future, Xiao Wang will definitely put Da Qin in!"

The king of Dian responded loudly.

While talking, the team gradually drifted away and finally disappeared on the horizon, and the King of Dian returned with his ministers just now.

"Pass down the order. From today on, we will do our best to rectify the Dian Kingdom. In this catastrophe, our Dian Kingdom has suffered heavy losses. All the wealth accumulated over the years has been wiped out!"

"Also, from today onwards, it's all right, don't provoke me, the evil god Qin."

"Don't listen to what Ying Shou said, go to him if you have any trouble, we can't afford to provoke you, just stay away!"

As soon as he turned his head, King Dian's longing for Ying Shou suddenly changed his expression of indifference.

After this battle, he could see it clearly.The Great Qin Emperor was not someone to provoke at all.

Difficult to eat, Daqin seems to have helped the Dian country too much, but in fact, it is not the trouble caused by Daqin?

This is a good time, just because he provoked Daqin, it doesn't matter that the Dian Kingdom fell, and Yelang couldn't even cry, especially the countries in the Southwest, who were dragged in innocently and couldn't escape.

The kings of these countries seem to be obedient and respectful to Ying Shou, but in fact, there is nothing but hatred and fear in their hearts. How can there be any love?

But where is the strength of others, everything can only be done, let others suppress it!
(End of this chapter)

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