Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 468 Time Is My Own Fight

Chapter 468 Time Is My Own Fight
Ying Shou sat silently on the dragon seat, expressionless, as if listening carefully.

Seeing this, Mo Shang continued: "The reconstruction of Yingdu in three years is extremely fast, but within these three years, at least 20 people will need to rush to work day and night in Yingdu. And this is just one of my Daqin reconstruction projects. In terms of all the projects in Daqin, this is only one percent of the land."

"So, if we want my Great Qin to fully recover, it will take at least ten million people to work hard for three years before we can succeed!"

"Furthermore, the Ministry of War is also urgently recruiting a large army at the moment. The training of a large army cannot be accomplished overnight."

"It can be as long as ten years or eight years, and it can be as little as three or five years. Not to mention that my Daqin needs millions of troops to suppress my Daqin. In this way, within three years, I, Daqin must ensure that there is no war. OK."

"Thus, I feel that if the decision of the Huns has any influence on my Great Qin, it is only following my Great Qin's wishes!"

"I feel that if we have good relations with the Xiongnu this time, if we can stabilize the Xiongnu and avoid war, we should try our best to protect this armistice agreement!"

At the end, Mo Shang's expression was unprecedentedly solemn.

"Ai Qing finished?"

Seeing this, Ying Shou asked in a deep voice.

"The minister is finished!"

Mo Shang replied.

"Well, what Aiqing said makes sense. As the saying goes, each performs his duties and seeks his own affairs. If you follow Aiqing's thinking, what you said this time is not wrong, and it deserves rewards!"

"Yes, my Great Qin has experienced too many wars. There are thousands of miles of red land, and there are no tiles left. The people have no clothes to cover their bodies, and there is no food to eat. It can be described as desolate!"

"But I would like to ask, Mo Aiqing, can you say it again, there are thousands of miles of barren land, and there is not a single tile left. What is the reason why the people have no clothes to cover their bodies and no food to eat?"

Ying Shou smiled slightly, praised first, and then asked.

"War, hundreds of years, almost constant war!"

Mo Shang replied without the slightest hesitation.

"Oh, then, Aiqing, tell me again, how was my land in the Central Plains before the war?"

Ying Shou said again.

"In peaceful years, the world prospers, and the fortunes of the country prosper. Just like the Zhou rites prevailed before the Spring and Autumn and Warring States period, and before that, the prosperity after His Majesty Shihuang ruled the world!"

Mo Shang continued to answer.

"Well, so it's the war that destroys all these good things, doesn't it?"

Ying Shou continued to ask with a smile.

"Why does His Majesty ask such a question?"

Mo Shang was puzzled, although the emperor didn't say it clearly, but he could clearly feel that the emperor seemed to be a bit contemptuous of his words.

"Aiqing, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying that I disagree with Aiqing's statement. If I want the prosperity of the Great Qin Dynasty, domestic development must be the first priority."

"But just now Aiqing also said that before the war, my land in the Central Plains was prosperous and prosperous. In the final analysis, all good things will be destroyed by the war!"

"In that case, Aiqing, tell me, if we put in all our efforts to build the country well, the world will prosper."

"At this time, the Xiongnu have also quelled the chaos of all parties. Tell me, if they come to fight, will the prosperous Qin Dynasty that has been built so hard be destroyed overnight?"

Ying Shou waved his hand, and while speaking, his expression suddenly became serious.A cold light flashed across a pair of eyes.

Hearing this, Mo Shang trembled all over, and his face suddenly changed drastically.

On the side, Situ Feng, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, and Wu Hua, Minister of Rites, also changed their expressions, obviously feeling Ying Shou's dissatisfaction.

"My dear friends, I know that what you said is correct, and I also know that I have been educated by etiquette for generations in the Central Plains, and I am different from the barbarians of the Huns."

"They drink blood like hair, they don't care about human relations, but my Great Qin is different. My Great Qin loves peace and all good things. But there is one thing, I hope you will never forget!"

"There are always some people in this world whose ambition is greater than the sky. For the sake of ambition, they will do whatever it takes, even bloodbath. Because of the existence of these people, the war will never stop."

"And the Xiongnu Shanyu, Maodun, is such an ambitious and ruthless character. Do you think that he is now at all costs, even ceding land for peace, in order to give you a breathing space, and then integrate the country before attacking him?"

Ying Shou paused, looked at the appearance of the officials, with a sarcastic smile on his face.

I just heard him continue: "Why does my Great Qin go through the Spring and Autumn and Warring States for hundreds of years, and have declined several times, but it is dead and not dead?"

"Since Xiaogong, my Great Qin has been advancing all the way, sweeping all over the world, and unifying the world?"

"I'm telling you all, it's only because my ancestors of the Great Qin Dynasty, since Duke Xiao, have deeply understood a truth, an unreasonable truth, that is, if you don't beat others, just wait for others to beat you!"

"Back then, Duke Xiao cede the land to ask for peace, and suffered a lot of humiliation. Isn't the Wei State strong enough? It can be said to dominate the world, and all countries submit, but so what?"

"In the end, didn't his Wei State also be beaten like a bereaved dog by my Great Qin? Isn't Qi State strong enough in the future? Zhao State is strong enough in the future? Is Chu State strong enough in the future?"

"Everyone is staring at me, Daqin, but each one only knows how to covet small profits."

"I, Daqin, can't afford to offend them, so I'll compliment them. Looking back, I cleaned up all of them. Now, tell me, where are the nations?"

Having said that, the ministers were startled and looked at the emperor one after another, feeling short of breath.

Ying Shou shook his head and smiled, and said: "Remember, dear friends, I, Daqin, do not want to be reduced to the second state of Wei, the second state of Qi, the second state of Zhao and the second state of Chu. And this Xiongnu, I He must not be allowed to become our country of Qin!"

"Today, why didn't the Xiongnu dare to provoke me, Daqin? It's not that he is incapable of fighting, but because he can't draw his hand to fight. The opponent he is going to face now is Donghu. In addition to Donghu, there is also Loulan, and Yuezhi, etc. Dozens of small countries around the Huns!"

"Now, for a little profit, for a little respite, you let him continue to fight the Huns."

"When these countries are all destroyed, what will happen to Great Qin's establishment? The Xiongnu soldiers pointed out that the Great Qin that you have spent so much effort to build will be destroyed overnight."

"At that time, the home is not the home, the country is not the country, so what's the use of waiting so hard?"

"So, don't tell me how many years it will take to establish this Great Qin, and how long it will take to take a breath."

"Remember, opportunities are won by yourself, not by others. You need time, and I will fight for you."

"Ten years, 20 years, 100 years, I will give you all. But this time, the Huns must not let him give it to us, give us alms, understand?"

While speaking, Ying Shou slowly stood up from the dragon chair, looking out of the hall with extremely deep eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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