Chapter 470
You must know that since ancient times, those who stand shoulder to shoulder with the Son of Heaven are all traitors, and those who surpass the Son of Heaven, no matter what, are unforgivable sins.

First of all, when walking with the emperor, the emperor should be in front, and the rest should be dressed in the rear.Even if you take the lead, you can only lead the way and be respectful.

The same is true for architecture, unless you really don't take the master seriously, otherwise, whoever dares to build something taller or bigger than the master's city, master's palace, is courting death, and first of all violates the Confucian etiquette.

I remember that in the Spring and Autumn Period, there was such an allusion in the State of Lu.

At that time, the monarch of Lu State lost power, and the power of the Manchu Dynasty was ruled by the three masters.

These three masters were called the Three Rings in the Lu Kingdom at that time.Under their power, even the life and death of the king is subject to them, and whoever becomes the king is also their decision.

Because of all this, they don't pay attention to the king at all, and the city of their own territory is built three feet higher than the capital of the king of Lu.

Later, Confucius, the old master Confucius in the minds of the world, after he became the great commander of the Lu State, how could he allow him who had always put Zhou etiquette as the most important thing?

This is simply contempt for the king.

As the minister of Zhou Tianzi, Lu Jun cannot build a city larger than Zhou Tianzi's Luoyang City, and his city wall cannot be higher than Zhou Tianzi's Luoyang City.

And these three families, as Lu Jun's ministers, are the same.

Confucius decided to help Lu Jun cut off the power of the three families, starting with the overthrow of the city.

It worked well at first, but seeing that Lu Jun was about to take power, these families quit and went crazy, and Lu Jun was frightened.

Confucius was so passionate that he felt that the state of Lu had lost its ethics and morality. Since then, Confucius left the state of Lu and began to travel around the world, trying to find a territory to implement his lofty ambitions.

In the end, the morality of all countries collapsed, and Confucius was powerless. He could only return to his hometown when he was old, and wrote the masterpiece of Spring and Autumn.

Therefore, this Jixia Academy occupies a larger area than the imperial palace, which has already violated the etiquette of the Great Qin Dynasty, so all schools and factions do not allow it.After all, there is a style of provoking the emperor.

Now the emperor doesn't care about it, and even strongly supports it. If the emperor is upset one day, everyone will suffer, and they will also bear an eternal infamy.

But how could Yingshou care about them?
Jixia Academy will be a place for cultivating talents in the future. The bigger the better, the bigger it is, the more talents it can cultivate.

But the ministers refused to allow it, and finally Ying Shou used the name of expanding the palace in the future, and the ministers agreed.

Today, the Jixia Academy has almost been completed, and even each family and faction have chosen their own teaching places within the Jixia Academy, which can be described as extremely prosperous.

All over the world, almost all the sages have gathered here.

Even, in the south of Jixia Xuegong, various families and factions jointly funded and established a market called Xuefu Street.

The Xuefu Street is huge, and there are countless restaurants and trading places. Every day, students and wise men from various schools and factions come here to find like-minded people.

On this day, a very strange person came to Xuefu Street, but because there were all kinds of people on Xuefu Street, this person was not very prominent at first.

After all, it is necessary to establish a market. Naturally, on this street, there cannot be only people from Jixia Academy and businessmen from all over the place. There are also various other people who have to come and go.Otherwise, it wouldn't be called a market!

This person came alone, dressed in Tsing Yi, gray hair, beard stroked, standing in the street, looking around.

In the end, his eyes focused on a restaurant named Guangxianju.

I saw that this restaurant has three floors. In the restaurant, Yingsongyanyan dances, countless students come and go, and the sound of chatting is endless.

Among them, a statement called the ranking of today's great Qin sages and generals floated from the window, attracting this person's attention.

The person narrowed his eyes slightly, and resolutely walked into the restaurant, and came to the window on the third floor.

I saw there, a group of six to seventy people gathered around a table, and on the table, two people were discussing.

One of them is holding a long sword and wearing a strong outfit. Judging by his heroic spirit, he is a member of the military family.

Just listen to him say: "Today's Great Qin, the soldiers are in full swing. From now on, Great Qin will focus on war."

"As for the young master Li Yuanba, the great general Yuwen Chengdu, Mingyang Marquis Lieyang, the Xianyang guard Xu Chu, and the general Ren Xiao who sits in the southern border, they can be called the strongest generals in our Great Qin."

"Now, my Jixia Academy has established a martial arts list. These five people should be on the martial arts list, and they should be on the heavenly list!"

As soon as this person finished speaking, there was a burst of echoing voices around him, saying: "That's right, His Majesty the Emperor is now mobilizing troops and fighting horses, and the battle is the main thing, it is imperative!"

Hearing these echoes, the other person on the table was dressed in a Confucian uniform, polite and courteous, and at first glance he was a Confucian student.

I just heard him laughing and said: "No, no, the Great Qin ruled the country with etiquette and literature. This court should focus on governing the country in the future, not on fighting."

"So in my humble opinion, San Gong, Xiao He, Di Renjie, Shusun Tong, and the six ministers and the sages should be the main ones to occupy the literary list and be on the list that day!"

After this person finished speaking, there was also echoing voices from around, saying: "Yes, now our Great Qin is still recovering, and we should focus on civil governance. Therefore, after the Tianbang, it will be occupied by Wenbang sages!"

During the conversation, the scene was separated into two rows, arguing and arguing, and no one gave way to the other.

The topics these people talk about are inseparable from a Wenbang, a Wubang, and a Tianbang.But outside of this civil and martial arts list, what is being discussed is the future direction of Daqin, which determines the list.

The man listened to it for a long time. It turned out that in this Jixia Academy, in recent days, someone has created a civil and martial arts list.

The so-called civil and martial arts list refers to three lists.The three major lists are recorded in the names of the great sages from all sides, and are recorded on the list of the literary list, so as to judge the knowledge and ability of the great sages.

Then, the military masters from all over the world will list their rankings and record them on the martial arts list to judge their ability on the battlefield.

The last is the Tianbang. The Tianbang does not care about literature and martial arts, nor does it care about the government and the opposition. It only discusses one thing, merit and ability.

As long as the ability is outstanding, the contribution to the country, and the merits are large enough, you can be on the list.

Using the method of these people's arguments, that is to say, if Daqin is dominated by war in the future, then the chances of the generals to make meritorious deeds will naturally be more, and the chances of being on the list will be greater.

Such as Great Qin Wei Liaozi, Li Yuanba, Lie Yang, Yuwen Chengdu, Tu Sui, Xu Chu and so on.These people, interpreting the famous people on the martial arts list, will have a chance to be on the heavenly list in the future.

And if Great Qin focuses on governing the country, then there will be more chances for civil servants and sages to make contributions, such as Xiao He, Di Renjie, Shusun Tong, and even Xunzi, etc., are all figures in the Wen Gang, and they will all have the opportunity to go to heaven in the future list.

(End of this chapter)

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