Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 481 Papermaking and Printing

Chapter 481 Papermaking and Printing

"This is really the Spring and Autumn of Confucius!"

Mo Shang hurriedly turned to the last page, only to see that this small book contained all the contents of Confucius' Spring and Autumn Annals, and was inexplicably horrified for a while.

The Spring and Autumn Annals of Confucius is a masterpiece, with a total of [-] characters, engraved on bamboo slips, which can almost fill a bookshelf.

However, this small book is no more than one finger thick, but it contains all the spring and autumn that cannot be recorded in a basket full of bamboo slips, which is simply amazing.

"This is called a book. In a book, the book is not big, but the content recorded on two sheets of paper is equivalent to a bamboo slip. When hundreds of characters are gathered together, a great book "Spring and Autumn" is recorded in it.

"And this is also the reason why characters take up more space. Otherwise, at most ten sheets of paper can record the entire "Spring and Autumn"." Ai Qing thinks, if this rice paper is used to make a book to record all the inheritance of the great work, how about it?"

Looking at Mo Shang's surprised expression, Ying Shou couldn't help but smile and said.

While speaking, he couldn't help but think of the ballpoint pens and fountain pens in his previous life.

The words written by these pens occupy a small space.

[-] characters and ten sheets of rice paper are indeed enough to compose the [-]-character Spring and Autumn Annals.

However, he had thought it over before, and finally canceled the idea of ​​​​exchanging these things.Relatively speaking, he likes writing with a brush.

"What, Your Majesty is saying that you plan to vigorously produce rice paper and books to promote the world?"

Mo Shang was taken aback, and said in disbelief, "Can this thing really spread across the world?"

When he saw Ying Shou's writing on the rice paper just now, he already had this idea.

But this thing has never been seen or heard before. He doesn't know whether it is difficult to make or whether it can be popularized in the world.

At this moment, the emperor's words immediately gave him great hope.

Nowadays, with the establishment of academies all over the world, the supply of letters carved on bamboo slips is already in short supply. For this reason, the Ministry of Industry is making a large number of letters every day, which is too troublesome for me.

in case……

He didn't dare to think too much, he could only think of two words, if!
If the method of making this thing is simple, and the daily output can be increased, and it becomes popular all over the world, it will be more desirable than the letter.

For the inheritance of Daqin culture, it will also play a shocking speed and effect.

"Of course it can be promoted in the world. It is precisely because of this that I called you here today!"

Ying Shou nodded and said with a smile: "Aiqing, I'm too busy these days, and I know that the Ministry of Industry has no spare time.

Now, the important matters of Daqin should have been on the right track, so I took these things out.

The production of this book is a combination of papermaking and movable type printing.

I have all the information here, you can take a rough look first, and estimate that the Ministry of Industry is now capable of mass production.

If the power of the Ministry of Industry is not enough, I can hand it over to others! "

While speaking, Ying Shou took out a large stack of documents and placed them in front of Mo Shang.

Mo Shang didn't read all of them at once, but picked up the outline introduction of papermaking and the outline introduction of movable type printing. Your Majesty, that is very good."

"It can be produced in large quantities. Don't worry, Your Majesty, this thing can be produced in large quantities."

"Nowadays, the most troublesome thing for the Ministry of Industry is that the production and engraving of letter slips are in short supply!"

"In order for all the children in Daqin to be able to enter school and have their own slips, the number of people who specialize in making slips and writing content in the Ministry of Industry has expanded to more than [-], which is still a drop in the bucket."

"Now, with this papermaking technology and this book replacement, the shortcomings will be greatly alleviated. Increase the daily production by at least a hundred times!"

While speaking, Mo Shang was overjoyed, and said: "Your Majesty, I will go and ask someone to rush to make a sample, deliver it to Your Majesty, and then start making!"

While talking, Mo Shang was overjoyed, and got carried away, holding the book and a pair of materials, and was about to leave.

"Slow down!"

Ying Shou watched quietly from the side. Seeing this, he quickly waved his hand and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I have a series of other things that I want to hand over to you. You can make all the samples for me."

"In order to promote these things as soon as possible, I will order the treasury to allocate funds to recruit another 10 people to work for the Ministry of Industry!"

While talking, Ying Shou didn't talk nonsense, he gave an order, and someone came in immediately, and under Ying Shou's guidance, he picked up a mountain of documents from behind.

"so much?"

Seeing this, Mo Shang's eyes widened and his face was filled with disbelief.

However, he hurriedly kowtowed and said: "Thank you for your trust, Your Majesty will not disappoint His Majesty's trust. Give me a few days, and I will send the samples!"

Saying that, he said his farewell, and left directly with the people.

Ying Shou got up and watched Mo Shang leave in a hurry, he couldn't help being a little funny.

Sure enough, good things can be easily taken over anywhere.

At this moment, this Mo Shang came into contact with things like rice paper and books, and because of his extensive knowledge, he was enough to realize the benefits of this thing, and he might not be able to sleep if he was not excited for a few days and nights.

People in this era are like this, especially these sages of various schools and sects, their desire for knowledge and inheritance has reached the point of madness.

The papermaking technology and live printing technology that Ying Shou suddenly brought out fully satisfied all their desires.

On this side, Mo Shang had just left, and on the other side came the news that Mu Shan, the owner of Mu's Commercial Firm, had come to see him.

Ying Shou left the study and sat down in the courtyard. After a while, Mu Shan came behind Ying Shou and knelt down to salute.

"Be flat!"

Ying Shou waved his hand and said with a smile: "It seems that Boss Mu can't sit still. It's only been two days since he returned to court, and he came here early in the morning!"

Mu Shan kowtowed and stood up, with an embarrassed smile on his face, he said: "Where is it? Didn't your majesty say that you have important orders after returning to the court? Xiaomin is also afraid of delaying your majesty's important affairs, which is not good, so I think After much deliberation, I can only come to see His Majesty!"

While speaking, Mu Shan's heart was like a cat's paw.

Before that, Ying Shou had promised him that a batch of good things would be handed over to him, and there would be a big business deal. As long as he did his best, he would definitely make a lot of money.

As a businessman, you don't have to care about other things, but this is a lot of money, so you must not care about it.

But after returning to the court, the emperor began to be busy with the affairs of the court, and had no intention of summoning him at all.

After waiting for two days in a row, he kept thinking about what kind of business the emperor would give him, and what kind of mysterious treasure the emperor would give him.

As a result, the more I thought about it, the more curious I became, and the more I thought about it, the more I didn't understand it. After all, I still couldn't sit still, so I came here.

(End of this chapter)

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