Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 484 The Ruthless Wang Lin

Chapter 484 The Ruthless Wang Lin

In Torsai's view, Mosha is simply a reckless, idiot, who never knows how to proceed from the overall situation when doing things.

"What, harvest?"

Mo Sha was a little puzzled.

"That's right, let me ask you, it's been almost a month, what have you found out?"

Torsey nodded, with a dignified expression.

When Mo Sha heard the words, he immediately looked helpless, and said: "It's been almost a month, but the news I got is still the same. The Great Qin is full of plans, and there are only less than 30 troops."

"Among them, 20 troops guard the Great Wall, and the remaining [-] are scattered all over the place, with no cohesion at all!"

Torsai sneered, and said disdainfully: "Do you believe such words? Don't forget that when I, Touman Shanyu, the Hun, led an army of 50 troops into the Qin Dynasty, there were [-] troops standing still on the Great Wall."

"Even if there are still 20 troops in the country, even if you give him [-], how can you win my Hun Tou Manchanyu?"

"Not to mention the 20 army, even if he is given the 50 army of Great Qin Pingping, he can't do anything to Tou Manchanyu's 50 army."

"First of all, you have to figure it out. I, the cavalry of the Huns, come and go like the wind. Unless we are the main attack, we won't follow the tactics of the Great Qin Battle Formation. Even if our army can't beat it, there is absolutely no way that there will be no one left and be killed. Two clean!"

While speaking, Torsai looked confident, but couldn't help but think.

Regarding the destruction of the 50 Huns' army at the beginning, until now, the Huns are still worried about it.

They are very clear about the advantages of the two armies. If it is said that the Great Qin Tiejia battles and defends the city, it is absolutely invincible.

Even with an army of 50, facing the Xiongnu's [-] army, as long as the Huns dare to fight the Great Qin, they have no chance of winning.

And if the Great Qin was in charge, the Xiongnu would never be able to break through the defense even if a million troops came to attack. This is the strength of the Great Qin Iron Armor.

But when it comes to fighting immediately, Daqin's iron armor is a little weaker. In addition, the Xiongnu come and go like the wind, fighting guerrilla warfare, Daqin has no resistance at all.

Chase but can't catch up, run but can't run away.

Under the circumstances at the time, the Xiongnu army would bite Daqin whenever they found an opportunity, and run away if they had no chance. Daqin had an army of 50, how could it win the Huns' army of [-]?
Therefore, when the Huns thought about it, at the beginning, Daqin must send millions of troops to have the opportunity to wipe out the 50 Huns overnight.

But no matter what, all the Huns who participated in that battle went back.Death to death, slavery to slavery, the outcome of the war, the Huns have no way of knowing.

Today, the three thousand guards are not so much protecting the princess and her relatives as they are here to inquire about the Qin army.

As a result, it took almost a month, and only one result was obtained. Daqin had only less than 30 troops.

This made it difficult for them to accept. For a while, it was the truth, but no one believed it.

They always felt that the Great Qin was hiding, and that there must be millions of troops hiding, so they deliberately showed weakness to attract the Huns to fight. When the time came, the millions of troops sent troops to attack Donghu back and forth, and the Xiongnu would undoubtedly be defeated.

This really corresponds to that sentence, no one believes the truth, and a lie, but a lot of people feel it is true.

"Torsai, according to the investigation during this period, there is really only this news."

"In the words of the people of Qin, in the first battle, the Great Qin Emperor led three thousand forbidden troops to kill Shan Yu's 50 troops. He suffered heavy losses and had no escape. In the end, he was killed by Wei Liaozi's [-] troops. Do not stay!"

Mo Sha shrugged, very helpless.

He also wanted to know what the military strength of Daqin was like, but this result was also difficult for him to accept.

But it was hard to accept it, and he couldn't find any other useful news.

"Hehe, three thousand forbidden troops destroyed my 50 troops? Are you kidding me, do you believe me?"

When Tuo Ersai heard this, he immediately sneered, and said, "Continue to investigate, and find out the strength of Da Qin's army."

"I remember that there was a saying in the Central Plains once, knowing yourself and knowing your enemy, you can win every battle."

"This Daqin may join the war at any time. Besides, even if he doesn't join the war, how can he let Daqin escape the world?"

Mo Sha nodded and said: "Okay, I'll send more people to investigate as much as possible!"

While speaking, Mo Sha got up and left directly.

Watching Mo Sha leave, Tuo Ersai looked at Taifu's mansion, and muttered to himself: "Little princess, little princess, since you want to make trouble, then make it bigger and let Xianyang be lively!"

With that said, Torsey also slowly got up and left here.

But at this time, on the streets of Xianyang, only the little Xiongnu princess Wu Ya was galloping on her horse, knocking down countless people along the way, and killing her all the way outside the Taifu's mansion.

At this moment, outside Taifu's mansion, Wang Lin just came out and was about to go to Jixia Academy to meet some old people. Looking at the people on the street who were hit by a horse and turned over, Wang Lin's eyes turned cold.

Looking up and seeing the little princess, she was so angry that she almost didn't bring it up.


In a fit of rage, Wang Lin yelled, stepped forward suddenly, flew up, and when he landed, his legs swept across.


A leg sweep, like an autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves, directly swept over the galloping front legs of the war horse.

Accompanied by a horse neighing sound, the whole war horse flew out.


With an exclamation, the little princess Wu Ya flew out from the horse's back and fell to the ground far away.

Although she was agile and turned over out of thin air, she couldn't stand still and fell to the ground directly, only feeling a burning pain in her buttocks.

"Wang Lin, how dare you do anything to this princess!"

The little princess was short-tempered and furious. She pointed at Wang Lin and yelled and cursed. She forcibly lifted the knife and was about to go forward to cut Wang Lin.

"court death!"

Wang Lin's eyes turned cold, he moved his feet, and rushed out, putting his foot on her chest, the speed was so fast that it was hard to reflect.

"Wow... poof..."

When the person was still in the air, he had already spurted out a mouthful of blood, and when he landed, he didn't even have the strength to get up.

"Come on, this woman dares to harass the people on the streets of Xianyang, galloping wildly, hurting passers-by. Arrest her, send her to the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, and hand it over to the Ministry of Criminal Justice for disposal!"

Wang Lin stood with his hands behind his back, and said in a cold voice.


In the Taifu's mansion, several guards rushed out, drew out their long swords, put them on the little princess's neck, lifted her directly, and sent her to the prison of the Ministry of Criminal Justice.

"Bastard, Wang Lin, you dare to treat this princess like this, you are dead, this princess will never let you go, never let you go."

"Let go of me, or I will kill you!"

The little princess's face turned black, and she struggled crazily, but she had no strength to resist the severe pain in her lower abdomen, so she could only roar loudly with all her strength.

(End of this chapter)

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