Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 511 The Emperor's Enjoyment

Chapter 511 The Emperor's Enjoyment
A big battle disappeared without a trace. The people cheered and the officials were excited, as if they had escaped from a terrible catastrophe.

In Taifu's mansion, Wang Lin, who watched this scene, suddenly had a very bad premonition in his heart.

He raised his head unconsciously, and faintly, he seemed to see the desolation in the east, and the land in the north seemed to have a murderous intent, sweeping towards him.

"This is?"

Wang Lin's face instantly became extremely ugly.

The so-called celestial phenomenon, in his eyes, is like an illusion, but he knows that it comes from the general's sense of fear.

" in danger!"

Wang Lin muttered to himself, his heart beating wildly.

"Wang Lin, what's wrong with you?"

Beside Wang Lin, the little princess Wu Ya said with a puzzled expression.

"It's okay, you stay at home, I'll go out for a while!"

Wang Lin turned his head, explained something solemnly, turned around and headed towards the back door of Taifu's mansion, left through the back door, and rushed straight to Jixia Academy.

Seeing this, the little princess looked bewildered, for some reason.

But at this moment, among the cheering crowd outside, Zhang Liang also seemed to feel something, and he glanced up at the sky, his expression suddenly became dignified.

I saw a black cloud sweeping towards the eastern sky, the cold wind was howling, and a storm was about to come.

"At this moment, the storm is raging and the sky is full of clouds. This is not a good omen!"

Zhang Liang murmured a few words in a low voice, and couldn't help looking towards the palace, only to see dark clouds above the palace.

Seeing that the heavy rain was coming, the people retreated one after another and went home to clean up.

"Well, good...a good omen, Great Qin is in danger, and the opportunity has come!"

On Xianyang Street, in a restaurant, on the second floor, an old man with pale hair twisted his long beard with a smile on his face.

At this moment, if the group of students from Jixia Academy were here before, they would be able to recognize it at a glance. This old man is the one who wrote the Tianbang in the market restaurant of Jixia Academy before.

He looked at the rejoicing officials and countless people below, his face was full of sarcasm, and finally, looking at the position of the palace, he said disdainfully: "Ying Shou, Ying Shou, you are doomed to fail, just this group of people You can't wake up the trash, even if you have the power to reach the sky, how can you make them stand up?"

"Besides, your strength is not worth mentioning in front of me. Our game has begun, I hope you don't let me down too much. Do the math, your broken system should come to an end, right?" ?”

As he spoke, the man turned around slowly, left this place, walked out of Xianyang, and headed north all the way.


In the imperial city, in the Xianyang Great Hall, Ying Shou had a gloomy expression on his face.

At this moment, he was very angry. His anger was not because people all over the world were resisting him today, nor was it because he had turned his back on him for the first time, which was unpleasant, but because after he canceled this expedition, the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty , the joy of countless people.

At this moment, Ying Shou seemed to have seen that this group of people enjoying peace would face the scene of massacres in the near future.


Ying Shou took a deep breath and controlled his anger. He really wanted to know, when these people think about today, will they feel even the slightest regret?
"His Majesty?"

Suddenly, a voice sounded from behind, Xue Ning came to the hall, knelt down and worshiped.

Ying Shou turned around, and said coldly: "What are you doing all of them standing there in a daze? Why don't you take Concubine Xue to wash and change?"

"Concubine Xue, from now on, I won't issue a certificate, you can stay in this palace with peace of mind, recuperate your injuries, and don't have to worry about anyone anymore!"

Seeing this, Xue Ning stared at Ying Shou with complicated eyes, and said softly, "Your Majesty is very angry!"

Ying Shou laughed and said, "Hahaha, Concubine Xue, Concubine Xue, which eye did you see that I was so angry? Let me tell you, I am not angry at all. Seeing the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty today, the people all over the world, I am very happy with the top and bottom together, why talk about being angry?"

"Could it be that in Concubine Xue's eyes, I'm a demon, a tyrant who only knows war?"

"I will tell you today, I am not. I also hate war very much. If there is peace in the world, I will sit on this dragon chair and enjoy peace. Why not do it? Why should I think about fighting and killing all day long? "

"Now, the world is peaceful, I will teach you what it means to enjoy!"

As he said that, Ying Shou opened his arms suddenly and shouted loudly: "Come on, from today onwards, in the palace, dances and dances will be arranged, and actors will add to the fun, so I can make it more lively."

"The majestic Imperial Palace of the Heavenly Dynasty, the Sangong and the Sixth Courtyard, and countless beauties, but they are so lifeless all day long. What is the matter? From today on, if there is anything fun, delicious, or delicious, I will pay tribute to anyone who pays tribute." There are many rewards!"

After the words fell, everyone around hurriedly knelt down to accept orders.

"Concubine Xue, I heard that you Xiongnu women are the best at singing and dancing. You'd better heal your injuries quickly and help me to have fun."

"Now that the queen and Yinyue are no longer in the palace, you have to serve me well, otherwise, I'm afraid I'll mobilize the crowd and go to the world to gather beauties!"

Suddenly, Ying Shou bent down, stretched out his fingers, and outlined Xue Ning's snow-white chin, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and smiled evilly.

Xue Ning's eyes flickered. For some reason, at this moment, she suddenly discovered that the Emperor Qin, whom she was not very familiar with, had become even stranger.Compared with before, they are completely different people.

"Come here, take Concubine Xue down to wash and dress up, so that she can serve you well!"

Xue Ning remained silent for a long time, but Ying Shou gave an order, and someone immediately stepped forward, took her down, exploded her wound, washed and changed her clothes, and stayed in bed to recuperate.

From that night, the entire palace was completely bustling.

Thousands of court ladies, although they can't be compared with Nanyan, Yinyue, Xue Ning and other peerless women, they are all top-ranking in terms of appearance.

Under the emperor's arrangement, so many beauties began to arrange songs and dances, and within half a day, the imperial city was filled with the sounds of melody, laughter and laughter, which could be heard and seen everywhere.

As an emperor, Ying Shou finally realized for the first time what it means to be lewd and immoral, and what it means to be enjoyed by an emperor.

This beautiful woman in the hall, dressed in thin clothes, twisted her waist and danced.He rested his head on the beauty's lap, listened to the melody, saw singing and dancing, and the beauty served him wine, meat, and fruit, he was really happy.

"Okay...Okay, good dance, there will be rewards. Well, next time, wear less clothes, hahaha..."

Inside the Xianyang Palace, Ying Shou laughed out loud, and a group of court ladies blushed, but quickly kowtowed thanks for the emperor's words of reward.

"Next, there are other shows to add to the fun, continue!" Ying Shou lay on the beauty's soft lap and said with a smile.


As soon as Ying Shou finished speaking, everyone hurriedly responded and arranged for the next program.

(End of this chapter)

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