Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 518: Inside Yelang

Chapter 518: Inside Yelang
"My Majesty, there is nothing important to report recently. Now, the food and grass for the battle are ready, and I will give you another three months. After three months, I will lead an iron-blooded army to sweep the 23 countries in the southwest for the King. Build a powerful country comparable to Great Qin."

"At that time, when we start a war with Daqin, we must fight to avenge our shame. Millions of troops will overwhelm the land and destroy Daqin!"

Han Xin walked out and cupped his hands.

"That's right, the food and grass are ready, and everything is ready. I only owe Dongfeng. When the Generalissimo is in place, I, Yelang, will surely rise overnight!"

Hearing the words, the other ministers clapped their hands in agreement.

While speaking, Han Xin looked at King Yelang with his eyes.

In another three months, the army in his hands has only been trained for less than half a year. If it is placed in Daqin, let alone an invincible army, it is already very remarkable to be comparable to ordinary troops.

If you want to train a real lion army, you can't do it in a short time. It will take at least two or three years to achieve great success.

However, Han Xin knew very well that besides this method, there was a better but more cruel method, which could train an army of invincible lions in a short period of time, and it was also an iron-blooded army.

This method is the method of raising war with war and raising troops with war.

No matter how powerful the trained army is, it still lacks iron blood and bravery.But the army trained in the war is the real invincible teacher.

Therefore, he only planned to preliminarily train this army in less than half a year, and the next step was to baptize it with blood and fire.

Only such an iron-blooded invincible army is the one he wants.

In his opinion, this time is short enough, but he still wants to see what King Yelang thinks.

"Hehe, three months, Han Xin, your patience to be king is limitless, right? Now everything is ready, it's up to you."

"This king gives you half a month to send troops immediately to destroy all countries. If you don't send troops, don't blame this king for being rude to you!"

On the throne, King Yelang opened his mouth and immediately shouted coldly.

"What? Your Majesty, half a month is too short, no way!"

When Han Xin heard this, his heart was shocked, and he said quickly.

"That's right, Your Majesty, half a month is absolutely not enough. This army cannot be trained in a short period of time!"

The rest of the ministers also echoed.

"What? Not enough?"

"That Gurgo, if my king remembers correctly, you are a civil servant, right? Whether the army can move or not doesn't seem to be your business?"

"If you say you don't have enough time, then you don't have enough time. What do you want me to do? Why don't you leave everything to you? Are you trying to rebel?"

King Yelang snorted coldly when he heard the words, and immediately fixed his eyes on one of the civil servants, and said coldly.

The civil servant named Gurgo trembled when he heard the words, and quickly shouted: "Your Majesty, I dare not, how could I rebel?"

King Yelang sneered, and shouted: "You dare not? Now, your hand has already reached the barracks, and you still tell this king that you dare not? Come here, drag it out and behead it!"

"No... Your Majesty, I don't have the heart to rebel, I don't have the heart to rebel!"

When Gurgo heard the words, he shouted for grievances, but he was dragged out abruptly.

"Your Majesty, this is..."

Han Xin's face was extremely ugly, and he said coldly.

But before he could finish speaking, he only heard King Yelang yell at him, saying: "Han Xin, I have said that I will send troops within half a month. If you can't do it, I won't blame you. Go away. Otherwise, this is what will happen to you!"

"You heard me clearly, this Yelang country is still my king's country, whoever dares to disobey my will, I will be the first to destroy him. Do you understand?"

While speaking, King Yelang's expression became more and more violent.

Han Xin gritted his teeth, cupped his hands and said, "I understand!"

King Yelang waved his sleeves and said, "Understood, what are you waiting for? Retire!"

While speaking, the guards in the palace stepped forward, carried King Yelang and left the place directly.

"The Generalissimo..."

All the ministers walked out of the hall and immediately surrounded Han Xin.

The person at the head is Shen Xingnan, the head of all the officials in the court hall of Yelang Kingdom.

Shen Xingnan walked up to Han Xin, frowned and said, "Marshal, have you noticed that King Yelang has become more and more tyrannical recently, and I always feel that he seems to be targeting us!"

"That's right, just in the past month, all civil servants and military generals who followed the Generalissimo have been killed more than 30 times!"

"Generalissimo, it's not good to go on like this!"

As Shen Xingnan spoke, the rest of the people also echoed.

"It doesn't matter, from now on, whatever he says is what he says, just don't resist!"

Han Xin waved his hand, his eyes were very gloomy.

How can he not see what others can see?

King Yelang was obviously wary of him, he had no idea who said what to King Yelang when he was in Dian Kingdom, after returning, King Yelang seemed to have become tyrannical, but in fact, he had also become tyrannical. Sober, not as easy to deceive as before.

Dealing with him is even more merciless!

However, this Yelang country is the world of King Yelang, and the most important thing is that now the king and the people of Yelang country are united to wash away the shame.

He originally planned to use Yelang King to unify the Southwest, but before that, he must be respected by Yelang King.

Now, all the people in Yelang Kingdom support King Yelang, and he dare not do anything to King Yelang.

Otherwise, even if he has more than [-] troops, he will definitely not be able to control the Yelang Kingdom. At that time, all plans will only end in failure.

So he has to endure, no matter how King Yelang kills his henchmen, he must also endure.

After all, although he now controls the government of the Yelang Kingdom, he has not completely controlled the Yelang Kingdom.

Moreover, his own prestige is not very good. Even if he wants to kill King Yelang and replace him, he has to destroy all countries first.

While speaking, Han Xin didn't allow time for everyone to ask questions, so as not to be noticed by King Yelang, he turned around and left immediately.

But at this time, in King Yelang's palace, King Yelang had a cold expression on his face, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

"Han family, Han Xin, you have caused me a lot of misery. Now, you dare to take control of my court when I leave the country. You are really audacious."

"Since you want to seize power, I will play with you to the end today. I will kill as many people as you arrange."

"Ying Shou dare not use you because you are too rebellious, but today, I want to tell you that what Ying Shou can't do, I can do."

"You will be firmly controlled by this king forever, and you can only be my sword!"

King Yelang muttered to himself, his eyes became colder and colder, as if two cold lights were about to burst out.

After returning from the Kingdom of Dian, King Yelang discovered that there was no one of his own in the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, and they were all Han Xin's people, which reminded him of Ying Shou's words.

Han Xin, who is not well controlled, will definitely be No.1 in the future, which immediately made him vigilant.

In the end, he used cruelty as a cover and continued to kill Han Xin's accomplices.

And with the support of all the people, Han Xin did not dare to do anything to him.

In today's court, there are two major factions, the Han Xin faction and the Yelang King faction.

(End of this chapter)

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