Chapter 524

"Oh, is it?"

Ying Shou smiled, stretched out his hand to take the piece of silk cloth, opened it, and saw that it read: "Xue Ning, Empress Concubine Xue of the Great Qin Dynasty, Princess of the Huns, her true identity is the daughter of Haotian and Maodun's concubine. .”

"When Maodun learned the truth, he fired ten thousand arrows, shot and killed his concubine, and left Xue Ning behind!"

Seeing this, Ying Shou narrowed his eyes and said, "Who is Haotian?"

In Ying Shou's impression, Haotian is nothing more than a illusory existence. From the beginning of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, Xia, Shang and Zhou, every king had to worship Haotian when he took office.

The so-called self-proclaimed son of heaven means that those kings claim to be the son of Haotian. This is a kind of belief, a kind of belief that belongs to the royal family and nobles, and finally evolved into ritual.

But no matter the belief, the better the etiquette, although the generations have worshiped Haotian, but Ying Shou is very clear that the so-called Haotian is just a saying, there is no such thing as Mr. ghosts in this world, let alone really Haotian.

If you really want it, it’s just a name for this piece of sky.

But now, a daughter of Haotian popped up suddenly, what do you mean?
Could it be that my concubine was born from heaven and a woman?This always sounds weird.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, Haotian, the Lord of Heaven, whose true identity is unknown."

"Even if it's the Black Ice Platform, it's hard to find out."

"But one thing is certain. This person's energy is too strong. He didn't establish a country. However, whether it is the Xiongnu or the Donghu, and even dozens of countries around the Xiongnu and Donghu, they all surrender to God Haotian!"

Seeing Ying Shou's confusion, Eagle Eye said hastily.

"What, this person still dares to call himself the God of Haotian. What do you mean? Others call me the Son of Heaven, but he calls himself the God of Haotian. He wants to climb to the top of my ancestral grave and become my own father! And what did you just say? ?”

"He established a Tianmen, controlled the Xiongnu, Donghu and dozens of large and small countries?"

When Ying Shou heard this, his heart trembled suddenly. He, who never panics when things happen, is not calm at this moment.

There was shock, and there was anger.

He calls himself the Son of Heaven, and the other party calls himself Haotian, so he wants to be his father?This is really courting death.

But the key word is, this person actually controls so many countries, what joke are you talking about?
If this is the case, his territory is several times larger than that of Yingshou. As long as he wants to, he can establish a supreme power far surpassing Qin at any time. If this is the case, why should he let these countries split up?Wouldn't it be better to unify directly?

However, Ying Shou would not question the news about the Black Ice Platform.

There are more than 800 people in the Black Ice Terrace, all formed by the [-] camps he summoned with the system.

The eight hundred camps were the most powerful army under Lu Bu during the Three Kingdoms period.

Some people say that during the period of the Three Kingdoms, the strongest army should be the Three Thousand White Horses, but Ying Shou knew very well that even though the Three Thousand White Horses had a lot of people, if they really fought, the eight hundred camps would be invincible. Three thousand white horses are righteous, no problem.

So after summoning the [-] white horse righteous servants and the [-] trapped camp soldiers, Ying Shou did not use the [-] white horse righteous servants, but assigned the [-] trapped camp soldiers to form the Iron Eagle Swordsman of Great Qin.

Among them, 400 people began to recruit soldiers and train elites in the territory of Daqin. 400 people sneaked into Baiyue and began to secretly control Zhao Tuo's 60 army.

Although many died, there are more than 700 left.

This is why, when Zhao Tuo mobilized hundreds of thousands of troops to besiege Ying Shou, Tu Sui and others, the reason why these troops suddenly rebelled was precisely because these soldiers had secretly controlled the army.

And after the Baiyue incident was over, Ying Shou once again sent out all the eight hundred soldiers from the trapping camp to build a real Great Qin Black Ice Platform.

Among them, 400 people established a contact point in Daqin, Gezhou County, like a big net, completely enveloping Daqin.

The remaining nearly 400 people secretly sneaked out of Daqin, entered Xiongnu, Donghu and other places, established contact points, and prepared for a possible future war.

These people did not disappoint Ying Shou, each of them was very fast, and now it has only been more than half a year, and they have already built this big net that covers the world.

The pocket black dagger on the table is the token of the Black Ice Terrace, whoever holds the small dagger is like the emperor in person, and all Iron Eagle swordsmen in the Black Ice Terrace have to obey orders.

Ying Shou had already sent someone to investigate Xue Ning's secret more than a month ago. I am afraid that the person who went to investigate has not yet started to have a clue. The Black Ice Platform has just been established, and Yingyan came to hand it over On the first day of the token, the information he wanted was sent up.

But the news was too shocking. Even if Ying Shou didn't doubt the ability of the Black Ice Terrace, it was still difficult to accept the news for a while.

"Your Majesty, what Eagle Eye said is true. This Tianmen is divided into the East Gate and the West Gate. The East Gate is located in Changbai Mountain in Donghu, and the West Gate, which is the headquarters of Tianmen, is located on the Kunlun Mountains of the Xiongnu."

"This man has left many legends outside the Great Wall. If he gives an order, whether it is the Xiongnu, Donghu, or other countries, they must obey his orders."

"But he seldom pays attention to these countries. Whether these countries fight or cooperate, he doesn't care. He will only intervene in the political affairs of various countries when it is important and important!"

"He is like the sky high above, and whoever is shrouded by this sky must obey his orders!"

"The most important thing is, Your Majesty, there is some news. It is not completely correct yet, but some traces have been found."

"In our Great Qin territory, there seem to be people from the Tianmen, and there are quite a few of them. These people may even hold the lifeline of my Great Qin. Your Majesty, you must guard against it!"

Seeing that Ying Shou was shocked, Hawkeye hurriedly opened his mouth and spoke again.

"What, there are people from Tianmen in my Great Qin?"

Ying Shou was stunned, he couldn't believe this statement, but since it came from Hawkeye, he had to treat it with caution.

"That's right, there are people from the Heavenly Sect in all schools of thought, so Hawkeye feels that there may be people from the Heavenly Sect, from the ministers of the court to the traffickers and pawns. Therefore, Hawkeye hopes that His Majesty will be more careful!"

Hawkeye nodded and replied.

"Well, I got it. Since this matter didn't happen, it's fine. Since you have doubts, Hawkeye, you really remember clearly. From today on, at all costs, I want to know all the news about this so-called Haotian God."

"There is also the territory of Great Qin, no matter what, I want to know how many ambushes this Tianmen has made in our territory of Great Qin."

"One more thing, let me clarify the purpose of this person. I don't want a hidden person to watch Daqin all the time."

"I want to dig him out and put him in front of me clearly, understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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