Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 526 Lantian Camp

Chapter 526 Lantian Camp
"Okay, I understand, you go back first!"

Ying Shou waved his hand and said to Hawkeye.

"Hawkeye resigns!"

Hawkeye didn't talk nonsense, turned around, and disappeared into the study in an instant.

Ying Shou played with the small dagger in his hand, and he put it down after a long time to review the memorial.After finishing the work, he got up and left the palace, and rushed to the Daqin Lantian Barracks.

The Lantian camp was established by Shang Yang himself during the period of Duke Xiao. It is the camp of the undefeated military soul who has conquered all countries for more than a hundred years in the Qin Dynasty.

However, in the past few years, the Lantian camp has gradually become deserted.

Since Huhai came to the throne, Zhao Gao disbanded all the [-] tiger and ben troops of the Great Qin Dynasty in order to prevent people from opposing him. All the troops around Xianyang and even the entire pass that might threaten him were almost all withdrawn.

This is why later, when Daqin Zhanghan and Liu Bang Xiangyu fought, they could only use the prisoner army.

And without these arms, the Blue Sky Barracks would naturally be empty.

But now, Ying Shou rebuilt the Lantian barracks. Although the barracks were built, the huge camp was empty. From a distance, it could have accommodated hundreds of thousands of troops.

It is a pity that there are only tens of thousands of troops practicing in the barracks, leaving a large area empty.



Ying Shou came from afar alone, and as soon as he walked outside the Lantian camp, he heard roars from inside. Zhang Liang's newly recruited [-] troops were fighting each other for training.Under the scorching sun, everyone was sweating profusely, making the scene chaotic.

Because the training ground was far away from the gate of Lantian camp, Ying Shou could even see the scene inside through the fence.

"Who is coming, stop quickly. This place is the Daqin army camp. Anyone who dares to trespass will be killed without mercy!"

Ying Shou walked up to the Lantian camp step by step, but before he entered, the guards standing guard shouted at him loudly.

At the same time, in all directions, dozens of bows and arrows pointed at Ying Shou at the same time, and directly surrounded Ying Shou with a long spear.

"You don't know me?"

Ying Shou was stunned, he had never received this kind of treatment.

"What are you, get out of here quickly, or don't blame the military master, I'll kill you first and play later, get out of here!"

The leading soldier yelled, drew out his long sword, pointed at Ying Shou, and patted Ying Shou's face. The cold long sword stimulated Ying Shou's skin, making Ying Shou dumbfounded.

If this was an enemy, he would have passed with a single slap now.But in the final analysis, they are still soldiers under his own hands.

Of course, if the soldiers under him treated him so rudely, he would kill him immediately.

The key is that the other party does not know him, and he is only performing his duties.

Without knowing him, he was a trespasser in the final analysis, and these soldiers were reasonable, otherwise it would be normal to step forward and use a knife.

It seemed right for people to do this. For a while, Ying Shou was angry and angry, and it was a little funny.

"Ahem, err, I'm here to find your general. I'm an acquaintance with your general, please tell me!"

Ying Shou coughed twice, then smiled helplessly.

"Hey, boy, which general are you looking for? Not to mention whether you and the general are acquaintances, even if you are the general's father, you have memorized the rules of the Lantian camp, unless you get an order from the court." , otherwise, no one can come in, get lost."

"Stop talking, don't blame me for killing you!"

When the leading soldier heard this, how could he give Ying Shou this face?

The Lantian camp, in Daqin, is the camp directly under the king, unless the king allows people who can come in and out at will, otherwise, it is difficult for anyone to come.

Just like what the soldier said, not to mention the general's acquaintances, even if the general's father came, the general could only come out of the camp to see him, and was not allowed to enter the camp.

If he dared to defy him a little, even a general would surely die.

And if Ying Shou is really an acquaintance of the general, it is impossible for him not to understand this rule, so he just thinks that Ying Shou has malicious intentions, and all the soldiers around him start to tense. There is no doubt that if Ying Shou doesn't leave, they will directly shot.

Faced with this scene, Ying Shou's face turned dark.

At this moment, he was suddenly speechless. Could it be that the emperor should bring a guard of honor with him wherever he went?Otherwise, others will not be able to recognize it, and it will not give you face at all.

"Wait a minute, do you know who I am?"

Seeing that the situation was a bit out of control, Ying Shou was finally ready to reveal his identity.

These recruits were all called from all over the world, and it was normal not to know him, but these people should know what the word "emperor" represented.

"who are you?"

When the leading soldier heard this, he immediately laughed and said sarcastically.

It's just a little boy, and he is going to show off here. In this place, no one is useless, except the emperor.

"Ahem, I heard you clearly. I am the current Emperor of Qin. If I remember correctly, this Lantian camp is my direct subordinate camp, right? Now you can go and inform your general that I am coming?"

Ying Shou rubbed his throat and coughed twice.

In his opinion, these people should be respectful when revealing their identities.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, everyone burst into laughter.

"Hahahaha... Did you hear what he said? This bastard broke into the Lantian camp without authorization and dared to call himself the emperor."

"How wise and powerful my Great Qin Emperor is."

"It is said that His Majesty the Emperor is eight feet tall, with a bearded face, a pair of eyes, like the sun and the moon, three heads and six arms, comparable to gods and demons, this little boy dares to call himself the Emperor, it simply tarnishes the prestige of His Majesty the Emperor!"

"Come here, since this little boy doesn't listen to persuasion, I've already done it by waiting for the courtesy before the soldiers. Kill him and find a place to dispose of it!"

The leading guard soldier laughed, his eyes suddenly turned cold, and he gave an order. In an instant, everyone around him drew their bows and arrows again, and without hesitation, they shot arrows directly. Follow Ying Shou to kill.

Ying Shou felt short of breath and burst into anger.

Seeing dozens of feather arrows coming, if he was the former him, he would definitely break through ten meetings with one force, knock them all down, or kill them back.

But now, as the emperor became longer and longer, the chances of Ying Shou to make a move became less and less.

What's more, he basically didn't make a move, and in the face of danger, he would rather take a step back than show off his power.

Immediately, he saw his feet move, his whole body went out with fat legs in an instant, and dozens of arrows rained down in the air.

"My good fellow, I have some ability. It seems that this is a spy. Come on, rush up and kill me!"

The leading soldier let out a cold voice, and immediately took the lead, heading directly towards Ying Shou.


Seeing all the soldiers rushing forward, Ying Shou scolded, and stretched out his hands to grope around his body.

(End of this chapter)

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