Chapter 535


Mao Dun was short-tempered for a while, he really just wanted to scare people and let out a bad breath, but even if this guy saw it, he didn't need to slap him in the face, right?
He is not afraid of saying these words, even if he doesn't want to kill people anymore, he will kill him?
It has to be said that at this moment, Mao Dun really had the urge to kill.

But when he glanced at Tu Sui again, this impulse was immediately suppressed.

"Why, don't you dare?"

Tu Sui sneered, more provocative, as if to say, come on, kill me, do it, I can't wait!

"Hehehe, Tu Sui, Tu Sui, to be honest, sometimes I really envy Ying Shou, first Wang Lin, and now you, one by one for the Qin State, you really don't hesitate to die."

"I hope you can talk to me more like this after two days!"

Mao Dun felt aggrieved, with a face full of displeasure, he stared at Tu Sui and said.

He's not stupid, he can't see it, Tu Sui is provoking the general, provoking him to kill.Today, if Tu Sui died here, all the Qin people who came to send envoys would never die with the Xiongnu.

And once these people all died in the territory of the Xiongnu, at that time, on the Qin side, I am afraid that if Ying Shou didn't have to say anything, those people would not agree.

At that time, a big battle will be beyond his expectations.This is not something he can do. He and Daqin will fight sooner or later, but it is not the time yet.

Even if you want to fight, you have to prepare yourself first, and you can do it yourself first, so there is a reason to be beaten.

Immediately, Mao Dun was too lazy to talk nonsense with Tu Sui, waved his big hand, and said: "Come here, let Tu Sui and this envoy of the Qin Kingdom stay with me, starve for two or three days, and don't send a drop of water!"

As soon as the words fell, Tu Sui and Zhang Qian were forcibly dragged down immediately, and put into the prison of the King of the Huns.

After Tu Sui, Zhang Qian, and a group of Xiongnu soldiers left, the entire hall suddenly became deserted.

"Shan Yu, why don't we gather an army immediately and destroy the Qin State first!"

Mao Dun returned to his seat, and just sat down, immediately a Hun official below spoke in the Hun language.

"Damn it, do you really think that the Lord of Qin is standing there and letting others squeeze him?"

"My Xiongnu Empire has never been good at siege warfare. Don't look at the fact that Qin has only 20 troops stationed at the Great Wall, but with that 20 troops, plus the Great Wall, there is no 100 million troops, and there is no way to attack."

"Besides, now that Donghu has just been beaten up, you go to provoke Daqin for me, do you want to die?"

Mao Dun was speechless, staring at the official who spoke.

"But Shan Yu, since you don't want to quarrel with Qin, why do you want to imprison these two?"

Someone couldn't help but ask.

"Oh, they beat me to death so many people, why can't they let me vent my anger and starve the envoys of the Qin Kingdom for two or three days? Where does the reason come from?"

Mao Dun showed no anger on his face, and when he said this, his teeth itched with hatred, and he said coldly: "Stay on Qin's side first, and when I wipe out Donghu first, then the shame of today will be a thousand times greater. Give it back!"

Everyone nodded slightly after hearing the words.

They were also angry, and they didn't give time or give me anything. Now is indeed not the time to settle accounts with Qin, so write down this enmity first, and it will not be too late to settle it slowly later.

In the Central Plains, there is such a saying that it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge in ten years.

The Huns don't need much time, at most five years, within five years, everything will be recovered.

"Okay, let's go here first, let's go!"

While speaking, Hun Shanyu Mao suddenly got up, waved his hand, turned and left directly.

Everyone got up to leave, and in an instant, there was no one left in the whole hall, and it was empty.

Mao Dun came to the back palace, when he passed a courtyard, he suddenly stopped and looked over with gloomy eyes.

That was the courtyard of Xue Ning, the eldest princess of the Xiongnu.

At this moment, looking at the courtyard, Mo Dun's eyes kept flickering with murderous intent, with strong hatred, as if he had thought of something.


Mao Dun gritted his teeth.

Although many things in this era have been changed due to the appearance of Ying Shou, there are still many historical traces left behind.

For example, in history, Maodun killed the king and seized the throne. Although history was rewritten after the emergence of Yingshou, Maodun's will to kill the king and seize the throne has not changed.

He once trained a dead soldier, and in order to train the dead soldier, he even killed his favorite woman.

However, all of this is just what others think. In fact, even if he wants to kill his own woman, how can he choose the one he loves the most?
No one knew what that woman had done behind his back, only he knew it clearly, and on the day he knew the truth, he almost went mad with anger, and directly shot and killed that woman.

That was the woman he loved the most. However, he gave her everything, but in the end she gave him a green hat, and even her daughter was not his own.

That day, after killing that woman, he almost beat the so-called Xiongnu to the princess, and Xue Ning also killed her.

However, a person who suddenly appeared at this time made him feel terrified, and finally saved the young girl.

Over the years, he swallowed his anger, but had to raise his daughter for others. This made him, who already had a domineering heart, spend all the time in anger.

He is very clear that he still has not been able to control his own destiny after all. Even if he became the Hun Shanyu, he is still far away from controlling his own destiny.

So he wants to be stronger, stronger, and he wants greater power.

He wants to destroy Donghu, destroy the surrounding countries, and eventually all the world will belong to him. At that time, he will personally lead the troops to kill Kunlun, set foot on Changbai, and destroy the person who humiliated him all his life.

"I can tell you're angry!"

Just as Mao Dun was gnashing his teeth, a cold voice suddenly sounded.

His heart trembled, this voice was all too familiar to him.

Back then, it was the owner of this voice that almost killed him.

"when did you come?"

Mao Dun looked vigilantly at the yard in front of him, and said coldly.

His voice was loud, as if he wanted to attract everyone in the palace.

"You don't have to be so loud, no matter how loud you are, if I want to kill you, no one can save you!"

The voice sounded again, and while speaking, in the courtyard in front of him, a man wearing a demon mask and a snow-white cloak walked out slowly.

"Really, do you think you can escape if you show up today?"

With a cold voice, Mouton stared at this person.

"Why, you mean, with a few of them around, I can't escape?"

The man sneered, and as he spoke, he saw four figures slowly walking out of the surrounding area. They were four of the four so-called Eighteen Wolf Generals who took down Tu Sui and Zhang Qian in the hall just now.
(End of this chapter)

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