Chapter 537
In the repeated search, these people need to search at least twenty miles or more in one day.

Even if it is an average of twenty miles, they will fumble fifteen times in the river water for each mile, that is to say, they will have to run upstream fifteen times continuously for one mile.Fifteen times is fifteen miles, and twenty miles are multiplied together, which is three hundred miles.

If you were an ordinary person, running three hundred miles a day would break your legs.However, these people not only have to run three hundred miles, but also have to soak in the water constantly, even though they are washed down, they have to try their best to stabilize their bodies and fumble in the water.

This way, going back and forth, twelve hours a day is not enough, how can there be time to rest?
This led to these people in the water, so far, have not rested for two days and two nights.

If they haven't found the wooden box by tomorrow morning, they will be considered a complete failure.

Looking at this scene, Rao even Ying Shou couldn't bear to watch it. This is simply training people to death.

"Wow... poof..."

"Go on, there's no time..."

Seeing this, these people just rushed down a mile from the water and rushed out of the water, panting and swallowing air.

Only one person greeted quickly, and then everyone swam ashore in the rushing water without even taking a breath.

At this moment, everyone's walking steps were trembling violently. These people looked exhausted, but they still ran upstream desperately.

When he came to the boundary of one mile, he jumped into the Wei River again and continued to search frantically.

Under the washing of the flood, these people don't need to swim, they just need to hold their breath and desperately search for the existence of the wooden box at the bottom of the water.

Just like that, over and over again.

These people are obviously very tired, but it seems that everyone's will does not feel tired, and they continue over and over again.

You know, if you run for a mile in a row, then plunge into the water, hold your breath for a mile, run again, and plunge again, even a god will have to die of exhaustion.

Many people, after climbing to the shore, fell directly and seemed to be unable to get up, but after taking a few breaths, they forcibly got up again and continued the same work.

"Hey, General Wang Lin's training methods are too ruthless, right? They haven't rested for two days and two nights. These people are still working so hard. If they were ordinary people, they would have been exhausted!"

Behind Ying Shou, Chen Ying looked at this scene, couldn't bear it, shook her head and sighed.

"That's right, this kind of training will scare many people to death!"

The rest of the people also echoed.

Ying Shou didn't speak.

Although he also admitted that this kind of training is indeed fatal, but when he saw the will of these people, there was an inexplicable message in his heart.

At this moment, he seemed to see that an army that was not weaker than Yanyun's Eighteen Cavalry, but much larger than Yanyun's Eighteen Cavalry, had been trained.

These people are indeed suffering now, but as long as there are no accidents and they survive one by one, in the future, they will definitely be comparable to the invincible elites like Yanyun Eighteen Cavalry.

"Young general Wang Lin, see His Majesty the Emperor Wu, long live long live your majesty!"

At this moment, Wang Lin on the opposite side of the river, after hearing that the emperor was coming, immediately came to Ying Shou on a bamboo raft and knelt down to pay respects.

"The little general is here, get flat quickly!"

Ying Shou smiled slightly, and quickly reached out to support Wang Lin.

Wang Lin kowtowed, stood up, cupped his hands and said, "I didn't know His Majesty was coming, so it's a sin to miss you. Your Majesty, I don't know what it is to come here today!"

Ying Shou waved his hand and said with a smile, "It's nothing serious. There's nothing to do in the imperial court, so let's go to Lantian Camp to have a look."

"I heard that the little general's military training is strange, so I just followed up to see his demeanor. As expected, he is unique!"

Hearing this, Wang Lin smiled modestly and said, "Your Majesty, each of these types of troops has its own method of training troops. The type of troops that the young general wants this time is different, so he came up with some weird methods, not to make people laugh. It’s already very good, how dare you call it unique?”

"Since your majesty is here, how about going to sit in the pergola on the other side?"

While speaking, Wang Lin invited Ying Shou.


Ying Shou nodded, and while speaking, Wang Lin led the way, helped Ying Shou onto the bamboo raft, came to the river bank, and walked into a temporary shed.

In the shed, there were two farmers invited by Wang Lin to boil tea for the soldiers who were training at any time.

Ying Shou, Wang Ling, and a group of clerks behind them had just arrived in the awning, and before they could sit down, the soldiers who had said it seventeen times in a row rushed up to the river bank, and gasped in this direction. Panting and exhausted, one by one came to the gazebo, and they were so tired that they lay on the ground.

"Ouch, hurry... pour water, pour water!"

Everyone wailed endlessly, shouting with all their might.

The two farmers who had been boiling tea on the side heard this and wanted to pour water for everyone.

"Wait a minute, one by one can't drink enough in the water, so they have to climb up to drink, right? If you want to drink water, you have to do it yourself, wash the dishes and pour the water yourself."

"Now you are on the training ground. In the future, if you go to the battlefield, no one will make tea for you!"

Before the two farmers could do anything, Wang Lin shouted coldly.

A group of soldiers were shocked when they heard the words, only to find that the bowls they drank tea from before had not been washed.

"General, don't you bring such a thing, now you have to pour tea and wash the dishes by yourself?"

Someone couldn't help but wailed.

"Whether you like to drink or not, don't blame me for not warning you, time is running out!"

Wang Lin snorted coldly. In the past, when he was in Jixia Academy, he called these people brothers and sisters, but now, in the army, although there is brotherhood, they are not called brothers. "

"A general is a general, and a soldier is a soldier. To these people, he is merciless, no matter how hard he trains them.

And each of these people has their own ambitions. They are the most elite disciples of Jixia Academy, the most elite disciples of various schools and factions, with unlimited potential. For the ambition of serving the country in their hearts, they will cooperate Following Wang Lin's training, he really complied with that sentence, as long as you can't die in training, practice to death!
Therefore, although one by one howled, no one complained.

"General, don't you need to do this? Then we don't wash the dishes and drink water, is it okay?"

Someone couldn't help crying.

"Whether you like to wash or not, that's your time!"

Wang Lin didn't say too much about it. After all, drinking water is about to go to the battlefield. When the fight is fierce, it's already very refreshing to drink a sip of water. It doesn't matter whether the water container is clean or not. Unclean?
Hearing this, everyone ran forward one after another, picked up bowls, one after another, filled with boiling hot herbal tea, walked aside, blew and drank at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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