Chapter 539

"My sword?"

Ying Shou laughed.

"That's right, His Majesty's sword, His Majesty's Sword of the Son of Heaven, the point of the sword, the world surrenders!"

Wang Lin nodded and said seriously.

"Hehe, it seems that the little general still has his own ideas about the future development of the Great Qin, and even forged a sword for me himself. Then, you don't know, the little general thinks that the future of the Great Qin is the most important thing!"

Wang Lin pondered for a moment, and said: "To be honest, Your Majesty, the young general has thought about the future of Daqin many times, and finally felt that the future of Daqin still needs to be forged!"

Ying Shou was taken aback for a moment, he had heard a lot about the world's major events and the development of the world, but this was the first time he heard about the sword casting.

"Forging swords, discussing the world by casting swords?"

Ying Shou said strangely.

"Well, forging swords is all about the world. Of course, this sword is not the other sword. Your Majesty needs two swords, one is the sword of the king, with millions of heroes as the body of the sword, and the handle of the full dynasty civil and military. The point of the sword is to conquer the world. !"

"A sword of all peoples, with the world as the body of the sword, and all the peoples as the hilt, the point of the sword can conquer people's hearts!"

"If you want to rule the world, these two swords are indispensable!"

Wang Lin nodded, and while speaking, he got up suddenly, knelt down in front of Ying Shou, cupped his hands and said, "Young general is not talented, I would like to be a swordsmith for Your Majesty, cast the king's sword, transform into a king's sword edge, and sweep the world for Your Majesty!"

Ying Shou's eyes flashed, and his heart was shocked. He had already said so much, why didn't he understand the meaning of these two swords?
The so-called king's sword is the power of a country, and the so-called people are the hearts of the people of a country.

Today's Great Qin really lacks these two swords.

"Do you think that with your ability, you can forge a sword for me?"

Ying Shou stared at Wang Lin and asked in a deep voice.

"The young general is not talented, but he dares to be the first in the world. I hope His Majesty will give you a good opportunity. The young general is willing to go through any test!"

Wang Lin looked at Ying Shou with burning eyes. He had been looking for opportunities. He had returned to court with the emperor for so long, but he hadn't even started the martial arts examination. He had no chance to show his abilities at all.Now, how can I miss meeting the emperor alone?

"It's a good sentence to dare to be the first in the world, yes, I will give you a chance to forge a sword. But I want to tell you that this opportunity is not only given to you, but also to the people of the world. As for whether you can grasp it , it depends on whether you have enough ability."

"Besides, this is an opportunity, but it is a very dangerous one. If you are not sure, I advise you to let it go!"

Ying Shou was quite satisfied with what Wang Lin said.

What Daqin needs most now is this kind of young people who dare to fight. Only those who dare to fight and pass all the tests in the end can inherit the glory of those veterans.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, I wonder if this opportunity is right?"

Wang Lin kowtowed, stood up and asked.

"The little general is so confident, why not speculate when the opportunity will come?"

Ying Shou said with a smile.


Wang Lin hesitated, frowned and said, "The young general can feel that the opportunity is not far away, but it is impossible to predict when it will be."

"Because His Majesty is also waiting for an opportunity, and the arrival of this opportunity depends on how long that Maodu can endure. Therefore, it is difficult to speculate on this point!"

Ying Shou nodded and said, "It's almost enough to see this."

"But having said that, you just said a sword of kings and a sword of peoples. Now, you want to forge a sword of kings for me, and I don't know, who can forge a sword of peoples for me?"

Wang Lin sat down in his seat and pondered, "Actually, the Great Qin Dynasty does not lack the Sword of the King and the Sword of the People. Unfortunately, the so-called Sword of the King and the Sword of the People have already begun to decay."

"After all, Teacher Wei Liaozi is old. No matter how sharp this King Sword is, once Teacher Wei Liaozi falls, the King Sword will be broken from now on, so His Majesty needs a new, sharper King Sword. For one emperor and one courtier, one king and one sword!"

"As for the Wanmin Sword, it is even more rotten. It is supported by the three gongs and six departments. The three gongs are the Taifu, Dazai, and Taibao. The six departments are the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Rites, the Ministry of Officials, the Ministry of Punishment, and the Ministry of Households. Among them, the Taifu and the Taibao It's getting old and won't last long."

"Once the two retreat, this Wanmin Sword will be dimmed. Even with Prime Minister Xiao He supporting it, Xiao He can only support the sword, but it is difficult to exert the power of the Wanmin Sword!"

"Furthermore, among the six books, except Mr. Zhang Liang, the other five books are not contentious, just pass by."

"They are more suitable for people who are retiring, or teachers who teach in schools. Now they are stationed in temples, but because of the decline of talents in the court."

"Thus, if you want to exert the power of the Wanmin Sword, you need the next generation of courtiers. But who can forge the Wanmin Sword, it is difficult to find the person who made the sword."

"At least so far, this sword maker has not yet appeared!"

"When this person appears, he will become His Majesty's swordsmith, and he will also hold the sword for His Majesty, calming the hearts of the world."

"Having said this, His Majesty doesn't need to call too much. The young general has a hunch that this person may have appeared or will appear soon, but no one has noticed it!"

What he said surprised Ying Shou.

Ying Shou looked at the young man in front of him in disbelief. He had never imagined that this young man could see the general situation of the world so clearly, and he could widen Daqin's current needs with two swords. up.

At least, these words are probably full of civil and military officials, and they can't think of more than three fingers!
At this moment, Ying Shou felt inexplicably that Liu Bei met Zhuge and talked about Longzhong.

And what he said just now is like Zhuge Liang analyzing everything about Liu Bei.

As soon as this feeling came out, Ying Shou couldn't help asking: "The little general has analyzed my Daqin affairs so clearly, so I don't know how big this world is in the eyes of the little general? Also, in the eyes of the little general , I, Daqin, want to dominate the world, what should I do in the first step?"

Hearing this, Wang Lin said with a smile: "It is said that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people. It is not yet clear how big this sky is, and how wide this land is. It is not yet possible to check, but one thing is certain."

"The so-called unification of the Central Plains is to unify the world, but it's just absurd, looking at the sky from the bottom of a well. Not to mention that after the Great Qin unified the Central Plains, there were still Baiyue in the south, countries in the southwest, Xiongnu in the northwest, and Hu people in the northeast. After the Xiongnu and Donghu , and dozens of other countries!"

"With so many countries standing there, how dare my Great Qin talk about unifying the world? Even if my Great Qin includes these countries, large and small, in our territory, who knows, there are other countries besides these countries? "

"For example, on the other side of the desert, is there a bigger world? On the other side of the sea, is there a wider land?"

(End of this chapter)

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