Chapter 541
"Quick...can't lie down, there are still ten miles of water, time is running out...quick...huh...huh...huh..."

Heavy panting and tired calls sounded one after another.

Everyone was exhausted, so tired that they couldn't get up, so they could only pull one by one, dragging and crawling on the ground, towards the upper waters.

Immediately afterwards, everyone jumped into the water together and continued to say nothing.

In the beginning, these people went ashore to swim, and it only took less than half a quarter of an hour to go back and forth.

But at this time, these people, one back and forth, two quarters of an hour is not enough
An hour is equivalent to two hours, there are three quarters in an hour, and a quarter of an hour is equivalent to four ten minutes.

At this time, it was the end of You hour, and there were only seven hours before the last time, tomorrow's Chen hour. According to the exhausted state of these people, it was really not as good as once.

As time passed little by little, when it was midnight, it would basically take almost two hours for them to go back and forth.

This time, if you search ten times for each mile of the ten-mile waterway, it will definitely be too late.

Everyone kept reducing the number of searches, from ten to eight, to six, to three, to two.

The next day, the sky was still bright, and at this moment, there was only two quarters of an hour left before Chen Shi.

Everyone finally became afraid from the last mile of water, and lay down on the shore one by one.

"No... huh... huh... huh... all of them... huh... huh, I've searched for it... huh... no..."

There was a sound of panting, and everyone was dizzy. Many people passed out on the spot, leaving only a dozen people with their eyes open.

"It's's certain...the wooden box is no longer...not in the water..."

"Although the search at the not as good...not as careful as the front...but...but according to the general's character...absolutely...absolutely hide the box at the back...just prevent us from leaving Shortcut, so...our...our search was correct, this box...the box is definitely not in the water, we...we were tricked!"

Everyone was lying on the ground. At this moment, someone suddenly realized that the box was not in the water at all.

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately won the approval of everyone.

"Go... find... General Zhao, the box... must be... in the hands of the general!"

Everyone was panting like a cow, forced to stand up, and woke up the unconscious partner.

It's a pity that most of the people have lost consciousness, lost even a sliver of sanity, and are no different from dead people.

After screaming and beating for a long time, only 24 people came to life, and only 38 of them were able to open their eyes.

The 38 people stood up forcibly, rolled and crawled, and walked towards the arbor.

When they came to the pergola, there was less than a quarter of an hour left.

Ying Shou looked at the exhaustion of these people, even though his heart was like a rock, he couldn't bear not to chase them.

However, Wang Lin watched silently as if nothing happened.

"General... Have you had enough playing... Can you... Huh... Can you hand over... the box?"

The first person, panting like a cow, stared at Wang Lin, gasping for breath, but said in an extremely weak voice.

"Hehe, it seems that you have finally come to your senses. That's right, the box is not in the water, it's here with me!"

Wang Lin smiled suddenly, took out the wooden box, and said with a smile.

"So... so... we... our mission completed?"

When everyone saw the box, they breathed a sigh of relief, with satisfied smiles on their faces.

"Aren't you afraid of dying and making a mistake? Your task this time is to get the box. Now that the box is still in my hands, how can you talk about completing the task?"

Wang Lin sneered and stared at everyone maliciously.


Everyone's heart skipped a beat!
What do you mean, could it be that he doesn't intend to take out the box, and wants everyone to grab it?

These guys can't even climb up now, how can they grab it?
Besides, this general's skills are obvious to all. Even in the heyday, these 30 people could not grab something from him. How can they grab something at this moment?
"I know what you guys are thinking. Forget it. Seeing what you're doing, this general really feels sorry for me, so I'll save you effort and stop talking!"

"Now, you must think again, can't you complete today's mission? That's right, if I want to leave, even if you go together in your heyday, you won't be able to stop me and grab what I have in my hands."

"But now, for the sake of your exhaustion, I'll lower the difficulty a little bit. Today, I won't run away, and I'll just stand here!"

As he said that, Wang Lin drew a circle with a diameter of about two meters, and said: "Not only will I not escape, but I will also stand here. If you can grab the box in my hand, it will be the best. If you can knock me down Once, that’s fine, if you really can’t, as long as you can get me out of this circle, I’ll hand over the box to you to help you complete the task!”

"Hey, remember, there is only half a quarter of an hour left. Forget it, I will give you another chance to increase the time to three sticks of incense. Within three sticks of incense, I hope you will complete the task quickly!"

As he spoke, Wang Lin snapped his fingers, and not far away, the two farmers immediately began to light incense.

One stick of incense is about half a quarter of an hour, and three sticks of incense is a quarter and a half of an hour, which is equivalent to doubling the time they have left at this moment.

However, in the eyes of everyone, this is also a test of despair.

Now, even if they climbed to the feet of the undead, Wang Lin could kick them out with one kick. It was normal to kick a dead person. How could they beat Wang Lin to the ground and seize the wooden box?
This is simply an impossible test.

"Why, don't you all want to? You just shoot, don't think about other things. But remember what I told you before?"

"You are the sword in the palm of His Majesty. You have only one goal, to remove all obstacles and achieve all goals for Your Majesty."

"If you don't accomplish your goals, you won't give up. Now, you are planning to give up before you die? Get up!"

"Furthermore, please remember that as long as there is a stumbling block standing on your way to accomplish your goal, no matter who it is, you must remove it at all costs. And anyone standing in this position will be an enemy."

"Now, this general is standing on your way to accomplish your goals. This general is your enemy. Do you know what to do?"

Seeing the despair in everyone's eyes, Wang Lin's eyes turned cold, and he scolded in a deep voice.

"I know, kill the general, sweep away the general, break the barrier!"

Everyone held back their breath and shouted with all their strength.

(End of this chapter)

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