Chapter 544

At this moment, Wang Lin was actually very tired. In order to plan this training, he ran around for two days and two nights without rest, and then stayed with these people for three days and three nights without closing his eyes.

He was not much better than these people, but as a general, at this moment, he had to hold on and protect the soldiers under him.

Time passed little by little, and the Weishui was flowing down.

The sound of Weishui, the sound of birds and insects between heaven and earth, snoring like thunder in all directions, formed a tragic symphony.

These people sleep soundly and sweetly.

No matter how uncomfortable they are, how painful their muscles and bones are, they have already lost consciousness. They only know how to sleep in a fairyland, looking for spiritual satisfaction.

The whole day passed, and the night fell, and these people hadn't woken up in the slightest.

After midnight, still snoring, Wang Lin dragged his tired body, got up and came to the stove. At this time, two farmers had just brought in various ingredients.

Among the ingredients, there are flour, meat, and vegetables, a lot.

Wang Lin cooks himself, kneads the noodles, washes the vegetables and cuts the meat with the help of the farmer. He eats two big pots of soup and puts them aside.

On the other side, Ying Shouze asked the clerk to bring a pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and sat in the pavilion to write.

After Wang Lin finished cooking the soup, he came to Ying Shou, only to see that Ying Shou had written Zhao Qian, Sun Li, Zhou Wu, King Zheng, Feng Chen Chuwei, Jiang Chen, Han Yang, etc. on the rice paper.

"Your Majesty, what is this?"

Wang Lin asked puzzledly.

"A hundred surnames!"

Ying Shou smiled slightly.

In the era of the Qin Dynasty, although there were theories of the common people, there was no theory of the hundred surnames.

Hundreds of surnames began to be written in the Song Dynasty, and there are more than 500 surnames of Hu people.

But now the Hu people are not under the notice of Ying Shou, and Da Qin has no double surnames, so there are no double surnames among the hundreds of surnames he wrote down, and there are only 411 surnames in total.

"The surnames of hundreds of families are the surnames of the world?"

Wang Lin was surprised.

"That's right, the surnames of hundreds of families and the surnames of the world. Many surnames have not yet appeared on this list, but I believe that they will appear soon!"

Ying Shou nodded, and while speaking, wrote down the last single surname, put together all the rice paper, handed it to Wang Lin, and said with a smile: "This hundred surnames are given to you and these soldiers by myself with my pen! "

"The above hundred surnames, in no particular order, are my last gift to them. Remember, from now on, this army will be called [One Character Army], and I want them to be unique."

"They each receive a surname, and this will always be their first name."

"Of course, there are a total of 411 surnames in this hundred family names. I know that it is difficult to expand such an army, but if possible, I still hope that you can fill these hundred family names. How about it?"

Wang Lin fell into deep thought when he heard the words, and muttered to himself: "Hundreds of surnames, one-word army!"

"Choose one out of a hundred, a hundred battles without a hundred, unique, what a one-word army!"

Then, Wang Lin showed excitement, knelt down and clasped his fists and said, "Okay, let's call it Yizijun. Thank you Your Majesty for giving you the name and surname. This is the supreme honor of Yizijun!"

Ying Shou helped the undead up, and said with a smile, "Okay, look at you, your eyes are bloodshot."

"I know you can't worry about them, you can't rest now, but don't be too tired, sit down."

"I believe everyone is about to wake up. Later, cook your gnocchi, let everyone get up, warm up, and have a full meal!"

"You have to know that this man is as good as iron. I, Da Qin, never let my soldiers fight on an empty stomach, nor let my soldiers train on an empty stomach."

"As a general, how you want to train is your business, and I will never interfere. But as the emperor, I will never let anyone in my Daqin go hungry, especially my soldiers in Daqin, let alone go hungry, understand ?"

While speaking, Ying Shou couldn't help but sigh.

In his opinion, this ambition is important, but whether it is for the individual or the people of the world, food is the most important thing.

You can't die without ambition, and you can't die without fighting or robbing, but if you don't eat, it is the biggest trouble for people in the world.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty. I remember that my uncle once told the last general. This sentence seems to have been said by His Majesty at the beginning of his enthronement."

"People are iron and rice is steel. If you don't eat a meal, you will be hungry. From the day the emperor ascended the throne, nothing is important in Daqin, and food is the most important thing."

"Since then, my uncle has often said this sentence, eating is the most important thing!"

Wang Lin nodded and said with a smile.

"Well, eating is the most important thing. No matter what kind of desperation it is, you can lose everything, even your life. When you have this job, you must not lose it. Only when you have food can you have enough strength to maintain your dignity!"

Ying Shou nodded. He really understood the principle that the king puts the people first, and the people put food first. Therefore, no matter what he did, he would put the people's food first.

Even at the beginning, after he killed the Xiongnu Shanyu Touman, he had the opportunity to destroy the Xiongnu in one fell swoop, but in order to let the people have a bite to eat, he finally let go of the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, just to come back and vigorously develop farming.

And the effect is also obvious. Although the current Great Qin cannot be regarded as a prosperous age through the ages, the country is prosperous and the people are peaceful, and everyone lives and works in peace and contentment.

Time passed unknowingly, the sky was dim, and Wang Lin got up again to prepare. He boiled the big pot of vegetable soup that had been boiled before, and then picked the dough that had risen bit by bit, and cooked it into thick noodles. pimple.

Needless to say, this Wang Lin's cooking skills are quite good, and the aroma can be smelled from a distance when he cooks like this.

When the sky was bright, all the sleepy people seemed to be drawn out of their dreams by the fragrance, and they opened their eyes in a daze, moved their noses, looked towards Wang Lin, grinned and said, "Hey, General, did you get us our favorite big pot of gnocchi again today?"

Wang Lin scolded with a smile: "The gnocchi boiled by this general is unique. Can't you smell it? Now that you're awake, go and see if anyone else is still awake, kick me up."

"I'm tired, it's okay to sleep later, eating is the top priority!"

When everyone heard this, they laughed and quickly woke up their companions. A group of people came to the shed to pay respects to Ying Shou.

"Okay, let's eat first, don't be too polite!"

Ying Shou waved his hand and said with a smile, "By the way, help me to serve a bowl too. If you want a big bowl, I may not have eaten for a long time."

"You generals are so picky. If you don't wake up, you don't know how to get me something to eat first!"

When everyone heard it, they knew that the emperor was joking. Although they didn't dare to joke with the emperor, they still laughed along and said: "Your Majesty, wait. Take it, send it to His Majesty, and let His Majesty dispose of it!"

(End of this chapter)

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