Chapter 565
Nan Yan drew out the sword in her hand, only felt the brilliance was dazzling, she stared at the sword and said: "Your Majesty is a man of courtesy and love for the people."

"Because of this, many people often refer to His Majesty as the Eternal Renjun, but some people forget that His Majesty's mountains and rivers are painted with blood and paved with bones. The so-called picturesque and magnificent mountains and rivers are just like that. !"

"In Your Majesty's words, my Great Qin values ​​etiquette, which is to educate people's hearts and give people enough face. But when rituals are not enough to maintain the world, and someone causes rituals to collapse, my Great Qin will wash the world again with blood !"

"It's just like the sound of the qin, the high mountains and flowing water, clear and elegant, this is the ritual. But when the ritual is not good, it is the gold and iron horse, recasting the golden song!"

"It's like the qin and the sword. The qin is the ritual, and the ritual lies in the communication between the heart and the heart. The heart and the heart cannot be connected, and there can only be the sword!"

As soon as the words fell, Nan Yan even jumped up suddenly, and swung the long sword in her hand, very sharply, but turned around, and was extremely soft.

A sword is waving in her hand, like a dance, and like a sword that kills the enemy. It is dazzling, sometimes admiring, sometimes chilling.

Ying Shou stood in the distance, watched quietly, and couldn't help nodding in satisfaction.

There are hundreds of schools of thought, each with its own martial arts.

Nan Yan is like a little princess in a doctor's family. Although she hangs a pot to help the world, there are often accidents in the mountains when picking medicine.

Therefore, under the inheritance of the ancestors and after so many years of honing, it can be regarded as having a martial arts that is neither high nor low.

Physicians value benevolence, so most of their swordsmanship restrains and does not attack, full of compassion, but sometimes, in order to clear obstacles, they will be desperate and full of murderous intent.

As the saying goes, good and evil are all in one body, a disciple of a doctor can not only save people, but also kill people.

But now, Nan Yan puts this set above the Great Qin's will, which just goes along with the Great Qin's regulations in Ying Shou's mind.

After the set of sword dances is over, Nan Yan withdraws her sword and leaves you. At this time, Xue Ning not far away is lost in thought.

She knew that Nanyan was teaching her how to serve Qin again, but these words and gestures made her think deeply.

"Sister Xue Ning, do you understand? Courteousness does not mean waste of martial arts. Daqin is courteous first and then soldiers. That's exactly the case."

"The one who abides by etiquette and rules is my friend of Daqin. He is not the enemy of my Daqin, but the soul of my Daqin's sword."

"Sister Xue Ning will stay in the palace forever to serve His Majesty in the future. Remember, etiquette cannot be broken, let alone break Daqin's rules!"

Nan Yan walked slowly towards Xue Ning, smiling slightly.

"Thank you Queen for teaching, Xue Ning will remember it in my heart!"

Xue Ning quickly saluted and said softly.

"Hey, what is sister Xue Ning doing? I've said it all, when we sisters are alone, don't be so polite, it seems too dignified!"

Nan Yan quickly helped Xue Ning up, her words did not intend to give Xue Ning a bad impression, but just to popularize the emperor's behavior to her so as to avoid making mistakes in the future.

As a woman, although no one is willing to share the same man with others, as a queen, Nan Yan understands her responsibilities very well.

Therefore, she doesn't want to care about so much, and she doesn't want to add trouble to the emperor who is busy all day long!

Furthermore, as the lord of the harem, she doesn't want to fight to the death in the court, so she might as well let go of her airs first.

The family and everything are prosperous, the harem is well managed, and the emperor can rest assured that the world can prosper.That's what the so-called act of one's own will is.

"Hahaha, what the queen said is right, etiquette cannot be broken. Those who abide by the rules of my Great Qin are my friends of Great Qin and my brothers. Those who break the rules of my Great Qin will surely become the souls of my sword!"

At this moment, Ying Shou laughed loudly.

The girls hurriedly turned their heads to look, and saw Ying Shou coming towards him, and quickly kowtowed.

"Okay, let's get back together!"

Ying Shou came to sit in the pavilion and said with a smile.

"Xue'er, I know that you can't let go of many things. Now, the queen is like this, and there is no malice. In the future, in this court, the queen should be the main one."

"If you have any concerns, you can also tell the empress. I believe that the empress will do her best to help you!"

After the girls stood up, Ying Shou looked at Xue Ning and smiled.

"The concubine wrote to His Majesty the Emperor and thanked the empress, the concubine understands!"

Xue Ning nodded and said softly.

On the side, Yinyue stared at Ying Shou quietly, with a pensive look on her face, as if she was remembering something, and looked very serious.

"Yue'er, why are you looking at me like this?"

Ying Shou turned his head and faced Yinyue's eyes, he couldn't help being a little stunned, touched his face and asked.

"It's nothing, I just feel that the more I look at His Majesty, the more familiar I feel, and I seem to think of something, but I can't remember it!"

Yinyue shook her head lightly, and said with a confused face.

"Oh, this is a good thing. Since looking at me can arouse your memories, then you can follow me from now on, and stay by my side anytime, anywhere until you remember!"

Ying Shou's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile.

"'s not good..."

When Yinyue heard this, she couldn't help resisting.

Although Ying Shou gave her a very different feeling, he was still a stranger after all, and she didn't want to follow behind a strange man.

"Sister Yinyue, since His Majesty has ordered, you can follow His Majesty from now on. It just so happens that Your Majesty likes elder sisters to serve you the most. His Majesty will feel more comfortable with her."

"And it's so helpful for my sister to recover her memory, so why not do it!"

On the side, Nan Yan persuaded in a low voice.

"Well, Sister Yinyue, I also think it's feasible!"

Xue Ning also followed suit.

"do not want!"

Faced with the persuasion of the two, Yinyue shook her head. Although she had accepted her status as the Great Qin Concubine under Nan Yan's indoctrination over the past few months, it was still difficult to accept the feeling of being alone with a strange man .

She didn't quite know what happened between herself and the man in front of her, but she would never be alone with this man until she recovered her memory.

"Hey, forget it, since Yue'er is not willing, I will trouble the Queen and Concubine Xue to take care of it in the future, it doesn't matter!"

Seeing Yin Yue's vigilance, Ying Shou couldn't bear it, and interrupted without waiting for Nan Yan and Xue Ning to persuade her again.

"All right!"

The two women were speechless and could only respond.

"See Your Majesty the Emperor, see Empress Empress, Empress Concubine Xue, Empress Yinyue!"

At this moment, Ning'er, Nanyan's maidservant, trotted over, and when she saw the emperor, she hurriedly saluted.

"what happened?"

Nan Yan turned her head and said.

"Report to your mother, and Princess An are here!"

Ning'er said hastily.

"Then what are you doing in a daze, the princess must be missing Sister Yinyue when she comes here, please hurry up!"

Nan Yan's eyes lit up, and she said hastily.

(End of this chapter)

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