Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 572 Two soldiers and two generals

Chapter 572 Two soldiers and two generals

After a rain of arrows, General Huben Zhonglang and Shi Potian held spears and roared loudly.

The [-] soldiers raised their halberds and galloped on their horses. The halberds moved forward, aiming at the enemy as if they were stabbing into the sky, and the two sides collided in an instant.

At the same time, the armies on the left and right flanks had formed an encirclement, and countless arrows shot out from the left and right sides of the Huns, drowning the Huns army in an instant.

At the moment when the crossbow arrows were fired, the armies on the left and right flanks also swung their halberds, and charged forward with their horses.


A roar sounded, as the saying goes, an inch is long and an inch is strong.

The Xiongnu scimitar is light and easy, and the Great Qin halberd does not change.

The two armies were fighting, and the halberds were in front of them. As soon as they collided, the Huns cavalry had not yet reached the front. They were still more than ten feet away, and were instantly stabbed in the body by countless halberds. Countless Huns cavalry horses were still galloping. People have been picked out, and the dead cannot die again.

The first wave of Huben soldiers, the first row of enemy troops, immediately made their subordinates, attached themselves to the horses, and directly broke into the chaotic army.

The next sip, the second row of troops, continued to sprint and kill again.

It has to be said that the speed of the Huben army is too fast, and the set style of play is really like flowing water.

Ordinary armor, in such a short period of time, I am afraid that it is too late to even prepare, let alone the replacement of soldiers, and it is used so smoothly.

At this moment, what the Huben army is fighting is not war, but art.

After a series of sprints, the Xiongnu army was directly killed by the three armies with more than [-] people without shields in front of the crossbow arrows.

Then, the long halberd sprinted and killed nearly [-] enemy troops.

For a time, the original [-] army, three times the number of the redundant Huben army, dropped by one-third in an instant, leaving only [-] troops.


Shouts, roars, and screams swept the entire battlefield.

The Huben army rushed into the chaotic army, wielding their long halberds, and beat fiercely.

Those who broke the halberd, unable to swing it, abandoned the halberd instantly, drew out the long sword, and clashed with the enemy's sword.

Every soldier of the Huben Army seems to have endless power.

Be it arrows, crossbows, long halberds, or long swords, in their hands, they can be described as smooth and smooth.

A set of sword formations were laid down, coordinated with each other, and a group of three made it impossible for the enemy to get closer than three feet away.

In the battlefield, the smell of blood rises to the sky, the yellow sand is long, the horses neigh, the voices of people, the sound of screams, and the sound of roaring form a sofa symphony.

" drive..."

" drive..."

Huben Zhonglang General and Xiongnu General, and the two of them were on the battlefield, galloping on their horses and killing each other.


The general of the Xiongnu, Gordan, brandished a machete in his hand, and slashed at the great Qin Huben Zhonglang in the middle.


Da Qin Hu Ben Zhong Lang, Shi Potian smashed out the iron spear in his hand, and smashed it far away on Gordan's machete, picking up a spark.

The two horses passed by each other, then turned their horses' heads at the same time, and rushed towards each other.

For a while, the spears and machetes kept waving, and the confrontation continued.

While the war horses neighed, the two rare BMWs roared to the sky and kicked their hooves.

People are fighting, and horses don't stop.

A big battle was raging like a raging fire, going on continuously amidst the sweeping yellow sand.


Suddenly, there was a clear sound, and Gordan's machete slashed out from bottom to top, directly picking up the spear from Shi Potian's hand.

Shi Potian felt his hand lighten, and the spear disappeared.

At the same time, Gordan swung the machete in his hand again, directly killing him.

Shi Potian raised his body, and the machete almost touched his face and cut between his chest and abdomen.

The two horses staggered, and after five hundred rounds, Shi Potian finally lost his weapon and seemed to have fallen below.

"What General Huben, that's all!"

Gordan reined in his horse and stopped, pointing the machete in his hand at Shi Potian, with a sarcastic expression on his face, and said disdainfully.

"Hahaha, that's right, they are indeed the four fierce generals of the Xiongnu. They have some abilities, and they are indeed worthy of my general's action."

"Unfortunately, with your skills, you are not qualified to be treated seriously by this general. Just look at your [-] troops!"

Shi Potian didn't feel ashamed in the slightest, he let out a big laugh, but said sarcastically.

Gordan turned his head to look instinctively, and suddenly found that his [-] army had been disrupted and scattered in all directions.

On the contrary, the Hu Ben army, which is full of inferior numbers, has almost negligible casualties. At this moment, it is in the rear, frantically encircling and killing the collapsed army under its own.


Gordan's complexion suddenly changed. He never expected that in this short period of time, although he had defeated Shi Potian, his army was defeated so thoroughly.

Could it be that this is really Daqin's Huben Army?
At this moment, he no longer dared to deny the strength of this army.

Just now when he fought with Shi Potian, he had to concentrate his attention all the time, so he didn't notice that his army was defeated so completely, and it was too late to react at this moment.

"It's a pity, it's a pity. You are indeed a fierce general on the battlefield, but that's all."

"You are only qualified to charge, not to dispatch troops. To fight with you is really an insult to this general."

"Of course, for the sake of your brute force, today, this general will also teach you, what is there to be beyond human beings, and beyond the sky!"

At this moment, Shi Potian sighed. He shook his head and looked at Gordan ironically.

"Okay, I admit that your army is very powerful, but unfortunately, your strength cannot match this army."

"Today, even if I lose, as long as I can take your head, that's enough!"

Gordan looked gloomy, looked at Shi Potian, and said coldly.

"Hahaha, Gordan, do you really think that if you take away the general's spear, you will win?"

"It's ridiculous. Has no one told you what the meaning of the Great Qin Shuangbing Shuangjiang is?"

"Today, this general will let you see and see, the second weapon in my general's dual soldiers!"

Shi Potian laughed loudly, grabbed on the horse's back, and directly pulled out a chain. Immediately afterwards, two hammers full of iron thorns flew out, which turned out to be a pair of meteor hammers.

Few people have heard of the "Double Soldiers and Generals of the Great Qin Dynasty", because this is the nickname given to Tu Sui and Shi Potian by the generals in the previous dynasty.

The friendship between Shi Potian and Tu Sui is very good in itself, like brothers and sisters, they are called the two generals of the Great Qin Dynasty.

And both of them have two weapons, so they are also called double soldiers.The so-called double soldiers and double generals come from this.

Tu Sui's two soldiers, one is a blood spear, and the other is a blood axe.

Among them, the blood ax is Tu Sui's strongest weapon. Once the blood ax is released, blood will wash the world, and the name of the butcher comes from this.

Shi Potian has two soldiers, one is an iron spear and the other is a sky hammer, also known as a meteor hammer.Among them, the Hammer is Shi Potian's strongest weapon.

(End of this chapter)

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