Chapter 576

"Promise, the ministers will definitely teach the little prince everything!"

The ministers bowed to Ying Shou and said in response.

"Son, have you seen it clearly? Your mother asked you to come to Daqin to study. From now on, everyone in Daqin will be your teacher."

"I believe that as long as you put your heart into it, you will become a usable talent in the future. To be a usable talent, you must learn from everything in the world. Everyone can be a teacher, and everything can be imitated. Do you understand?"

Ying Shou nodded, looked at Shan Ying, and said with a smile.

"Thank you Uncle Huang, Shan Ying understands!"

Shan Ying nodded, bowed his hands and said.

"Since that's the case, don't you hurry up and meet your masters?"

Ying Shou smiled, blinked and said.


Shan Ying quickly responded, and knelt down in front of everyone on the spot, saying: "Shan Ying pays homage to all the teachers. My mother once said that the gift of worshiping a teacher is to bow down and bow to thank the teacher. Here, Shan Ying kowtows to all the teachers!"

While speaking, Shan Ying kowtowed three times to the left and right sides, and the small heads were all red.

"Okay, there is success in apprenticeship, but child, you have to remember that the master leads the door, and the cultivation depends on the individual. In the future, if you want to achieve something, you have to comprehend it yourself."

"It just so happens that your aunt heard that you came to Qin, and she missed you very much. Later, you will go to the harem to visit your aunt!"

Seeing the success of the ceremony, Ying Shou sat on the dragon seat and said.

"Shanying knows. But uncle, Shanying still has some gifts from the father to the emperor. The gifts are already outside the main hall. The father said that these are not good things, they are some from the Yelang Kingdom. Special product, I hope the emperor will not dislike it!"

Shanying nodded, changed the subject, and said what his father had told him.

"Don't worry, child, I know about your gifts, I like them very much, there is no reason to dislike them!"

Ying Shou waved his hands.

"Also, uncle, this is a letter from my father who sent Shan Ying to my uncle. My father said that I must hand it to my uncle myself!"

As soon as Ying Shou finished speaking, Shan Ying spoke again.

"Oh, present it!"

Ying Shou was surprised, he didn't expect King Yelang to deliver a letter to himself, and someone sent the letter up immediately.

When he opened it, Ying Shou's eyes lit up with the contents of the letter.Rao is in a strong state of mind, and at this moment, he couldn't help being a little excited.

"Okay, okay... Son, I have received your father's letter, and I am very satisfied. You should step back first and go to the harem to meet your imperial aunt!"

Ying Shou laughed and said to Shan Ying.

"Shan Ying resigns!"

Shanying saluted again, turned and left, and went to the harem under the leadership of the guards.

As soon as Shan Ying left, Ying Shou immediately looked at the officials and said with a smile, "Dear dear friends, do you know what was said in the letter that King Yelang presented to me?"

The officials frowned, wondering why the emperor attached so much importance to a letter.

But without reading it, who would know what was written in the letter?
"May I ask His Majesty the Emperor, what is the content of this heart?"

Di Renjie said respectfully.

"Come on, read it to everyone!"

Ying Shou waved to the eunuch beside him and said with a smile.


The eunuch responded, stepped forward to take the letter, opened it, stood aside, and muttered loudly: "Little Wang Mu Nanyao pays homage to His Majesty the Emperor of Qin, His Majesty is wise and powerful, and cannot be compared with Xiaowang."

"Once upon a time, Xiao Wang hated His Majesty the Emperor to the bone, but now that I think about it, it is sad and ridiculous. The disaster of the Yelang Kingdom does not lie with Da Qin, but with Xiao Wang!"

"It was Xiao Wang who led the wolf into the house, and he was finally punished as he should. Now, the thief is fighting back, and Xiao Wang is deeply saddened and powerless. Xiao Wang knows that if the current Yelang is handed over to His Majesty the Emperor, it will be just a snap of his fingers."

"On this point, Xiao Wang is far from His Majesty the Emperor. Now, I only hope that we can succeed in destroying the thieves. When it is successful, Xiao Wang will go to Daqin in person, and exchange the mountains and rivers of the Southwest for Xiao Wang's beloved son!"

"Of course, if Xiao Wang fails, please ask His Majesty the Emperor to help Xiao Wang protect the child for the sake of the blood of Daqin on the child, so as not to be hurt by that thief. Here, Xiao Wang bows down again and again. Queen Lang, Li Jiangbi!"

After reading these words, the civil and martial arts of the Manchu Dynasty were astonished, and it was inconceivable.

"What do you mean? Is this a plan to offer up the country to Daqin?"

The ministers were shocked and thought to themselves.

"Your Majesty, do you think the content of this letter is true?"

Grand Tutor Shusun Tong walked out and asked with a frown.

"Don't worry, the contents of this letter cannot be faked, and likewise, it dare not be faked!"

"With the ability of King Yelang, even if he defeats Han Xin, he will be powerless to rule the country."

"This country, he has no choice but to hand it over to me. On this point, King Yelang has become smarter and has seen it thoroughly, so he sent this letter to me!"

"One more thing, this King Yelang can't beat Han Xin. At the beginning, Han Xin asked me to see you again and again, and wanted to work for me, Daqin."

"At that time, I have already seen that this person is born rebellious, if entrusted with important tasks, there will be endless troubles."

"So, I didn't use him after all. With his ability, the current King Yelang is no longer his opponent!"

"King Yelang's failure has long been doomed, so I don't need a gift from King Yelang for this country. In the future, with this child in my hands, this country will also belong to me!"

Ying Shou waved his hand and said with a confident smile.

Ying Shou knew too well the abilities of Han Xin and King Yelang.Although King Yelang is now smart and sees through, he cannot be Han Xin's opponent after all.

"Oh I got it!"

"Congratulations to His Majesty the Emperor, congratulations to His Majesty the Emperor, soon, this southwestern country will be completely owned by my Daqin, this is a great auspiciousness for the world!"

"That's right, Great Qin Wannian, His Majesty the Emperor, Wannian!"

The ministers nodded, and as they spoke, smiles of surprise appeared on their faces.

"Of course, dear friends, don't be too happy. As a country of etiquette, Daqin is a country of etiquette. As the saying goes, people respect me a foot, and I respect others. It is undeniable that there was a big relationship between me and King Yelang in the past. festival."

"But I had a grudge, so I reported it on the spot. Now, I don't have any grievances with that Yelang King. Since he gave me such a big gift, I should repay it!"

"As I said, he can't beat Han Xin. If I let him go, he will surely die. Therefore, for the sake of this generous gift, I have decided that King Yelang must not die."

"I, I remember that there is a top swordsman named Ji Tianhou in this Jixia Academy, who is the descendant of Guigumen! It is said that this person's swordsmanship is superb. I am going to send this person to the southwest to personally protect King Yelang at any time. Safety."

"If King Yelang is defeated, bring him to Daqin immediately, what do you guys think?"

When everyone was happy, Ying Shou changed the subject and said suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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