Reborn Daqin, I am the emperor

Chapter 578 Calling Zhang Daqin's Bloodliness

Chapter 578 Recalling Daqin's Bloodliness

"Hey, forget it, it's too late to settle this matter after autumn!"

"Now, my heart is in a mess. It can be seen that all my loves can't accept this reality for a while. Your hearts are also in a mess, just like mine."

"Let's disperse the court. The humiliation and abuse suffered by our Great Qin envoys must be spread throughout the world. I want the people in this world to know what is not my race, and their hearts must be different!"

"In addition, inform the families of all the people in the mission. Whether it's a businessman or a soldier, I'll let you know all the family members and let them come to Xianyang to welcome our Great Qin Mission back to the court!"

"My Daqin Mission was bullied and chilled outside. When I got home, I wanted to make them feel the warmth of home. My people shouldn't suffer like this. Do you understand? "

Ying Shou shook his head and stroked his forehead with his hand, his expression of grief was heartbreaking.

"The minister understands!"

The ministers responded and said quickly.

"Understood, then what are you waiting for, do it quickly. Remember, when the mission returns to Xianyang, you and others have made preparations for me and will go out with me."

"I want my people to know that in the eyes of the Huns, they are dogs that can be humiliated at will, but in Daqin, they are my people. I will never let their hearts be chilled."

"In addition, in this mission, all businessmen's losses will be allocated from the national treasury. I can't let the people of Daqin lose their money. If they want to lose money, let me lose money, let this Daqin lose money, understand Yet?"

Ying Shou scolded and said coldly.

"No, I understand, I will leave!"

At this moment, this temple is like a sea of ​​swords and flames to everyone, and they wish to leave immediately.

Immediately, one by one said quickly.


Ying Shou waved his sleeves and left angrily.

"Congratulations to His Majesty the Emperor, Long live Your Majesty, Long live, Long live!"

The officials kowtowed quickly, and only after the emperor left did they breathe a sigh of relief.

Immediately afterwards, the officials whispered to each other, all talking about this matter.While talking, leave.

From this moment on, the whole of Daqin became tense.

However, unlike everyone's nervousness, after Ying Shou left the hall, a smile appeared on his face.

At this moment, even he had to admire his own acting skills, it was so good.

Thinking back to just now, he felt guilty about the civil and military affairs of the court, and he wished to find himself a best actor award.

"Now, should these people see the reality clearly?"

Ying Shou thought to himself while walking towards Jingquan Palace.

He played this show today, not because he was full and had nothing to do.

For the descendants of Yanhuang, this country, this nation, he is very satisfied in every place.

But there is only one thing that makes his teeth itch with anger, that is, this country is too complacent with the status quo.

In other words, this is not a problem of this nation, but a problem of the cultural beliefs of this country.

Since the beginning of the Zhou Dynasty, since the beginning of the Zhou Rites, the blood of this nation has almost been obliterated.

Why during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, many famous officials chose to retire, but they were unwilling to join various camps and fight for world hegemony?
It's not that these hermits have nothing but fame, but that their blood has been obliterated by the so-called Zhou rituals. In the face of great controversy, for example, Zhuang Zhou, who was once a famous official who could even be called a famous official in history, was called Zhuangzi.

He is one of the most famous hermits in history.

Standing shoulder to shoulder with him are Laozi, Confucius, Mencius and others.

But these people are not yet hermits, but they also did not join the world of great controversy.

In Zhuang Zhou's book Happy Journey, he traveled the world all his life, satirizing that the world is full of fame and fortune, who come for fame and fortune, and fight to the death.

When he lamented those countries that were hurt by others and eventually perished, he forgot that these countries were destroyed because they did not fight.

Another example is Confucius, who was born in the age of struggle for hegemony in the Spring and Autumn Period. At that time, a situation of competition for hegemony among various countries had already been faintly formed.

As a result, Confucius was wishful thinking to use the rituals of Zhou to influence the world, but he forgot that he could influence one country but not another.

And whoever accepts his Zhou Ritual can only wait to be destroyed in the end.

Therefore, Confucius has never been reused by any country in his life.No matter how famous he is, no one dares to use it.If others want to use it, they only use his apprentice.

The last one is Mencius. Mencius lived in a more cruel era than Confucius, but he still taught the world according to the way of control.

It's a pity that the Seven Kingdoms are competing for the hegemony, and the etiquette has already collapsed, and this method is even more unfeasible.

Of course, Ying Shou's judgment doesn't mean that he doesn't like these famous people in history.

These people have their own achievements. Similarly, Zhou Li and Ying Shou are also highly respected.

But what he admired was the enlightenment and rules of Zhouli, not Zhouli's set of obliterating and bloody things.

If this country wants to be stable, it will always be bound by the rules of Zhou etiquette.But if it is too stable, it will make people lose blood, and finally die in peace.

This is why, in history, often after a dynasty is strong to a certain extent, it will decline rapidly, and the reason why all the officials are useless.

Because, in this dynasty, everyone lives in peace and happiness, without fighting spirit.Naturally, the minister is not good, and the king is not clear.

And whenever a dynasty declines to the extreme and the world is in chaos, it is often the era when heroes emerge in large numbers.

Some people say that heroes make the times, and times make heroes.In fact, this country has never lacked heroes.

It's just that the hero was not forced out.Only when peace is gone and danger is seen, will enough heroes jump out to save this world.

In today's Daqin, everyone is at ease and forgets about the danger.

Therefore, Ying Shou must remind everyone that the war has begun.

Therefore, there will be performances above the court today.

Thinking about it, Ying Shou had already arrived at Jingquan Palace before he knew it, and he heard a burst of laughter from afar.

"Xiang'er, come on, quickly call Aunt Huang... Your mother and I are both Princess Daqin, and I will be your aunt from now on!"

Ying Shou looked up, and saw Zhao Qian lovingly pinching the little face of Shanying, the little prince of Yelang Kingdom, and said happily.

It looks like this is her son.

"There is also me, quickly call Aunt Huang!"

On the side, Xue Ning also smiled and said, also full of love.

"Ahem, the three imperial aunts, and the imperial aunt, the mountain eagle has already barked many times, there is no need to bark again, right?"

Shanying wrinkled his face bitterly, these women were too enthusiastic, so enthusiastic that he couldn't accept it.

When he said these words, all the girls immediately laughed coquettishly, and all of them laughed so hard that they couldn't stop trembling.

(End of this chapter)

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